Kapurthala Local Planning Area as notified by the Punjab Govt. comprises of 11,098 ha area with 1,35,480 population as on 2001. The LPA is constituted by 43 settlements, 41 among which are villages, while the rest 2 urban settlements are namely Kapurthala Municipal Council (M. Cl.) and Hussainpur Census Town. A population of 3,26,605 persons has been projected for the whole LPA by 2031 with Kapurthala town having 1,88,334 population (58%).
The Urbanisable Area of Kapurthala LPA is majorly defined by the Ring Road, which encircles the municipal area and the surroundings. Apart from this, development is also proposed along Sultanpur Lodhi and Subhanpur Roads. Thus the urbanisable area of the LPA is stretched from the northern most point to the southern one, and from the western boundary to the eastern one.For the detailed study and analysis of the urbanisable area, it is divided into 9 zones. While Zones 2 to 7 are within the Ring Road, Zones 1, 8 and 9 are outside it. The municipal area of Kapurthala Municipal Council has been excluded from this division, as already development has come within it, and there is no scope of any new proposals of road construction, etc.The criteria for dividing these zones are:
1)The existing development scenario.
2)The future development scenario and allocation of landuses.
3)The existing physical features like major roads, railway lines, rivers or distributaries, etc. which are permanent ones and curtail the type of landuse or development coming up.
4)The proposed physical features like Ring Road and other major roads.
5)The revenue boundaries like Municipal Council and Village boundaries.
6)The development of govt. projects like construction of Modern Jail, development of Industrial Focal Point and IT Park towards Subhanpur Road and identification of District Administrative Complex (DAC) adjoining Urban Estate.
The zones have been summarized below:
1)Zone 1–This zone is located in the northern most part of the LPA and is enclosed by the LPA boundary in the west and north, Kali Bein in the east, Ring Road, Industrial Focal Point and Jail site in the south. The total area of zone is 713 ha and it covers the areas of villages of Jhal Thikriwala, Theh Kanjla, Dham and Bhila.It presently contains the agricultural area and under construction Modern Jail. As Punjab Govt. has already identified Industrial Focal Point near Jail site, so for future development of industries and expansion of IT Park, it has been extended to the existing agricultural area. Apart from the industrial use, mixed Landuse is proposed along the Subhanpur Road and the village road of Jhal Thikriwala. A tributary of Kali Bein flows through it. The zone is the largest among all and has immense growth potential because of its direct link with GT Road.
2)Zone 2 –It is located south of the Zone 1 and has 652 ha area. It is bounded by Ring Road from northern side and Kali Bein and limit of Recreational area from the southern side.The existing landuse within it has agricultural fields prominently visible within it with village abadies located here and there, while in the proposed landuse, residential use replaces the agricultural area. As the zone has good accessibility to GT Road through Subhanpur Road and near to Ring Road and the proposed industrial area in the north, it provides ample opportunities of residential development. The tributary of Kali Bein continues here.
3)Zone 3–The planning zone falls within the Subhanpur and Kartarpur Roads, and is limited by Recreational landuse limit in the west, municipal limit in the south, Kartarpur Road in the east and LPA boundary in the north. It is spread over an area of 505 ha.In the Existing Landuse Plan, it covers mostly agricultural, government and forest areas, while the Proposed Landuse Plan has Recreational, Forest, Government and Residential landuses. The zone has the internationally famed Kanjli Wetlands within it on the Kali Bein, and so is important from the natural heritage and tourism promotion point of view.
4)Zone 4–It is enclosed by Ring Road, municipal boundary and Kali Bein, and encompasses 321 ha area (smallest of the 9 zones), which is exclusively reserved as Recreational area in the Proposed Landuse Plan. On the other hand, the existing use is under agricultural practices. The zone along with Zone 3, provides many avenues for tourism development in the LPA through its proposed recreational landuse zoning.
5)Zone 5–Bounded by Kartarpur Road and Jalandhar Road, the zone has 516 ha under it. The existing plan shows residential as well as agricultural use, while the proposed landuse is prominently residential. It also has some other important proposed landuses like District Administrative Complex, Commercial Complex and Bus Stand. It also covers a portion of Wadala Drain, the existing road along which has been proposed to be widened.
6)Zone 6–It is situated between Jalandhar Road and Sultanpur Lodhi Road, and is enclosed by municipal limit and Ring Road, apart from these two roads. It has 634 ha of area under it, which is presently used for agriculture. The proposals for this zone cover mostly residential development. It has many major existing and proposed roads, i.e. Nakodar Road, and some other existing roads proposed to be widened to ROW of 25 or 30 m.
7)Zone 7–The zone is enclosed by Kali Bein, Ring Road and municipal limit, and covers an area of 380 ha, i.e. the second smallest zone. The prominent landuse under it is agricultural in the existing plan, while the proposed landuse is residential, with Extension of Grain Market as an important landmark.
8)Zone 8–It is one of the three zones located outside Ring Road with 401 ha area under it. The zone is primarily proposed as industrial, with provision for Logistic Park too. It also covers a portion of mixed landuse proposed on the outer side of Ring Road. Thus it is enclosed by Ring Road, Sultanpur Lodhi Road, the road linking Logistic Park with Ring Road and the limit of industrial area. The existing landuse for the zone shows agricultural use.
9)Zone 9 – With 671 ha area, the zone is the second largest one with Rail Coach Factory (RCF) as the prominent landmark and the base for chalking out this zone. The proposed landuse will have the extension of RCF as an additional feature. It is enclosed by Sultanpur Lodhi Road, the road linking Logistic Park with Ring Road, the limit of industrial area and LPA boundary.