Draft WA Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2017-2021
Public Consultation
You are invited to review and provide feedback on the DraftWA Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2017–2021(WA HPSF). The WA HPSF sets out a plan for reducing the prevalence of chronic disease and injury over the next five years. It builds on the achievements of the previous versions (2007-11 and 2012–16) and takes into account new evidence, policy changes, and relevant state, national and international developments.
The WA HPSF focuses on the main lifestyle risk factors which contribute most to the burden of chronic disease– including overweight and obesity; poor diet; insufficient physical activity; smoking; and harmful levels of drinking. It also includes a section on preventing injury and promoting safer communities. It articulates related priorities and a framework for action to improve the health of the Western Australian population.
While the WA HPSF outlines WA Health’s strategic direction and priorities, influencing the wider determinants of health to achieve a healthier WA will require the involvement of many partners. As such, it is anticipated that the WA HPSF will be useful for agencies and organisations across a diverse range of sectors with a shared interest in promoting better health in WA.
Why we are consulting
To obtain feedback on the WA HPSF to further strengthen the document and ensure it is a robust policy framework that can be used by WA Health, its partners and stakeholders.
Related documents
A link to the DraftWA Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2017-2021is included at the bottom of this page. You will be guided to relevant pages within the document throughout this consultation.
Completing the survey
The survey consists of 29 questions. Questions 1 to 5 require a response. Providing a response to all other questions is optional.
The survey may be completed over more than one session. Please retain your login details if you wish to complete the survey at a later time.
The survey will close at 11.59pm on Monday 17 October 2016.
What happens next
Your response will feed into the formal consultation process. We are not setting a fixed release date for the final WA HPSF. This will largely depend on feedback provided through the consultation process.
- What is your name?
Name (Required)
- What is your position?
Position (Required)
- What organisation do you work for?
Organisation (Required)
- What is your email address?
By entering your email address, you will be able to return to edit your consultation at any time until you submit it. You will also receive an acknowledgement email when you complete the consultation.
Email address (Required)
- Are you providing a response on behalf of your group/organisation or as an individual?
Please select only one item
Consultation questions
Part 1: Introduction (pp. 12-20)
The Introduction provides summary information about the WA HPSF and how it is intended to be used. It also defines key terms and outlines complementary strategies and policies.
- Do you think Part 1: Introduction provides adequate context and background for the WA HPSF and its intended use?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If no, please outline how you think it should change and why (200 word limit)
- In relation to complementary policies and strategies, (p.18 and atAppendix 1), do you think there are any critical policies/strategies missing?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If yes, please outline and state the relevance(100 word limit)
Part 2: Our State of Health (pp. 21-25)
This section provides and overview of key over-arching issues in chronic disease and injury in WA.
- Do you think Part 2: Our state of health provides a satisfactory overview of the key overarching issues in chronic disease and injury in WA?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If no, please outline how you think it should change and why (100 word limit)
Part 3: A Framework for Action (pp. 26-34)
This section outlines the WA HPSF’s overarching goal, priorities, target groups and guiding principles. It also provides a framework for addressing the modifiable causes of chronic disease and injury.
- Do you think the goal of the WA HPSF (p.26) is clear and appropriate?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If no, please outline how you think it should change and why (100 word limit)
- Do you think the target groups outlined in this section (p.26) are clear and appropriate?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If no, please outline how you think it should change and why (100 word limit)
- Do you think the ‘guiding principles’ (p. 27) are clear and appropriate?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If no, please outline what you think should be changed and why (100 word limit)
- Do you think the ‘domains for action’ (p. 31) provide a comprehensive framework for addressing the modifiable risk factors for chronic disease and injury?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If no, please outline what you think should be changed and why (100 word limit)
Part 4:The Five Year Plan (pp. 35-70)
This section outlines the five year plan for the following priority areas:
- Eating for better health
- A more active WA
- Curbing the rise in overweight and obesity
- Making smoking history
- Reducing harmful alcohol use
- Preventing injury and creating safer communities
Healthy eating (pp. 35-41)
- Do you think the identified priorities for healthier eating (p. 36) address the key issues relating to this area?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
Would you vary or add any priorities? If yes, please outline what you think should be added or changed and why (300 word limit)
- With regard to the strategic directions for healthier eating (p. 40), do you think there are any major gaps or changes needed?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If yes, please outline what you think should be added or changed and why (300 word limit)
A more active WA (pp. 42-47)
- Do you think the identified priorities (p. 43) for a more active WA address the key issues relating to this area?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
Would you vary or add any priorities? If yes, please outline what you think should be added or changed and why (300 word limit)
- With regard to the strategic directions (p. 46) for a more active WA, do you think there are any major gaps or changes needed?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If yes, please outline what you think should be added or changed and why (300 word limit)
Curbing the rise in overweight and obesity (pp. 48-53)
- Do you think the identified priorities for preventing overweight and obesity
(p. 49) address the key issues relating to this area?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
Would you vary or add any priorities? If yes, please outline what you think should be added or changed and why (200 word limit)
- With regard to the strategic directions for preventing overweight and obesity (p. 52), do you think there are any major gaps or changes needed?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If yes, please outline what you think should be added or changed and why (200 word limit)
Making smoking history (pp. 54-59)
- Do you think the identified priorities for tobacco control (p. 55) address the key issues relating to this area?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
Would you vary or add any priorities? If yes, please outline what you think should be added or changed and why (300 word limit)
- With regard to the strategic directions for tobacco control (p. 58), do you think there are any major gaps or changes needed?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If yes, please outline what you think should be added or changed and why (300 word limit)
Reducing harmful alcohol use (pp. 60-64)
- Do you think the identified priorities for reducing harmful alcohol use (p. 61) address the key issues relating to this area?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
Would you vary or add any priorities? If yes, please outline what you think should be changed and why (300 word limit)
- With regard to the strategic directions for reducing harmful alcohol use
(p. 63), do you think there are any major gaps or changes needed?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If yes, please outline what you think should be changed and why (300 word limit)
Preventing injury and promoting safer communities (pp. 65-70)
- Do you think the identified priorities for injury prevention and safer communities (p. 66) address the key issues relating to this area?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
Would you vary or add any priorities? If yes, please outline what you think should be added or changed and why (300 word limit)
- With regard to the strategic directions for injury prevention and safer communities (p. 69), do you think there are any major gaps or changes needed?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
If yes, please outline what you think should be added or changed and why (300 word limit)
Part 5: Monitoring Progress (pp. 71-73)
This section provides an outline of the current approaches for monitoring progress in the areas of chronic disease and injury. It also outlines where further work is needed to ensure we capture a more complete picture of progress.
- Do you think a suitable process is outlined for monitoring progress in the areas of chronic disease and injury?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
Are there any alternative or additional measures you think should be included? (200 word limit)
Overarching questions
These questions relate to the entire WA HPSF.
- Do you think the structure of the WAHPSF is appropriate and easy to follow?
Please select only one item
☐Yes☐No☐Unsure or N/A
Do you think any improvements can be made? If so, please outline (100 word limit)
- How you will use the WA HPSF in your work? (more than one box can be selected).
Please select all that apply
To guide my agency’sstrategic planning
☐As a tool when working with other stakeholders
☐To get a better understanding of new/emerging issues
☐I will not use the HPSF in my work
If you selected ‘other’ please outline(100 word limit)
- Are there any additional tools, resources and/or supporting documents you think would be useful to assist you or your agency to understand and use the HPSF?
Please outline (100 word limit)
- Are there any other comments you wish to make about the WA HPSF?
Please select only one item
If yes please outline (200 word limit)
Completion Message
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.