Matfen Parish Council

Ward 1 – Fenwick, Ingoe, Ryal. Ward 2 – Matfen


Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held in Matfen Village Hall on Monday 24thNovember 2014 at 7.00pm

Present: Mr Robin Douglass, Chairman of the Council together with Mr Frank Robson, Mr John Telford, Mrs A Gregory Smith and Mr Stuart Mills.

In Attendance: Mr Richard Powell, Locality Development Officer, Northumberland County Council

Mrs Mandy Senior (Clerk)



0579.MINUTESOF THE MEETING HELD ON 29thSEPTEMBER 2014. It was proposed by Mrs Ann Gregory Smith, seconded by Mr John Telford and AGREED to accept the minutes as an accurate record.


a)BROADBAND. Minute 566a refers. NCC had arranged for the letters to be sent to all residents and there were now copies on the notice boards and in the Village Shop.

b)RYAL VILLAGE GREEN. A meeting had been held between Helen Lancaster, Principal Solicitor, NCC and Matfen Estates to discuss the re-instatement of the track across Ryal Village Green. NCC, Highways are to provide a plan to create a track alongside the cottages before the track across the green is re-instated. The diagonal track across the green is part of the village green. Richard Powell to clarify with NCC if this is highway. Any work carried out on village greens requires permission from the Secretary of State. Richard Powell to request a timeframe for the plans to be submitted. Charles Kelly had written to the Parish Council laying out the issues in Ryal. A copy of this letter had been circulated to all Parish Councillors and a copy given to Richard Powell.

c)BURNSIDE ROAD. Minute 0566b refers. NCC had surveyed the area and their findings are below. The drains that are under the road that should drain the field rather than flooding the road are all blocked approximately 1.5m – 2.00m from the outlet. A camera had been put into the drain and it appears that all drains have been damaged when the contractors installed their water main. A Site visit is to be carried out within the next few weeks.

d)RYAL UNAUTHORISED LAYBY. Glen Harrison, Highway Inspector is pursuing this with the highways legal advisors.

e)VALLUM FARM ENTRANCE. Minute 0573 refers. Concerns have been expressed over the safety surrounding the entrance at Vallum Farm. This had been reported to Highways however no response had been received.

f)CHANGE OF USE OF FIELD. Land ownership is being challenged at the moment and the current user is claiming adverse possession. Vicky Crofton, Enforcement Officer, NCC is to write to Les Morrison regarding breech of activities on this letter. The Parish Council requested a copy of this letter. Richard Powell to action and request a timeframe for this issue.

g)PLANNING APPLICATIONS LISTED IN THE HEXHAM COURANT. Minute 571b refers. Planning applications for Fenwick and South Fens are still being listed under Stamfordham. Richard Powell to clarify with NCC. Mrs Senior to provide Richard with an example of a recent listing.

h)FENWICK. Minute 572 refers. It was noted that two tractors and a trailer were parked on the pavement and the parking area opposite Caroline Cottages in Fenwick. It was unknown if these tractors were taxed. Richard Powell to arrange for the Highway Inspector to look into this to see if there are any restrictions in this area.

i)PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. It was noted that the diversion of the public right of way north of Low Hall Farm and north west of the Old Vicarage was overgrown. This will be reported to NCC.


  1. Matfen Village Green. John Alderson, Tree Officer, NCC had inspected the sycamore tree at the north west corner of Matfen Village Green and advised that it should be felled. While the tree does not appear to be an imminent danger, John Alderson advised the Parish Council make arrangements for its removal. As the tree is on the village green it was thought that this should be the responsibility of NCC. Richard Powell to pursue.
  2. Ingoe. Residents had expressed concerns about the proposed removal of a line of trees lining the Lonnen, the lane from Ingoe to Moralees Farm. Richard Powell to contact John Alderson for clarification and to request that no work is carried out before consultation with the Parish Council.


a)Accounts for payment. It was proposed by MrJohn Telford, seconded by Mr Robin Douglassand AGREED accounts on the list attached be paid.

b)ANNUAL RETURN FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014. The annual audit had been completed by BDO LLP and there were no matters to be brought to the Council’s attention. It was proposed by Mr Frank Robson, seconded by Mrs Ann Gregory-Smith and AGREED to accept and approve the Annual Return for the Year Ended 31 March 2014.

c)TO AGREE THE PRECEPT FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016. After discussion, it was proposed by Cllr R B Douglass, seconded by Cllr S Mills and AGREED to levy a precept of £10500 for the year 2015-16. As the Parish Council had a large reserve, it was agreed to look into adding a further piece of play equipment in Ingoe. Mrs Senior will look into the S106 Housing Developer Fund to establish if there are any funds that the Parish Council may be able to apply for.

Payee / Detail / Cheque Issued / VAT / Net of VAT / Cheque Number
Mrs A Senior / Clerical Services / 275.75 / 275.75 / 100789
HMRC / PAYE / 69.00 / 69.00 / 100790
Matfen Village Hall / Rental / 20.00 / 20.00 / 100791
Mel’s Cleaning Co / Public Toilets / 64.00 / 64.00 / 100792
Mrs A Senior / Expenses / 132.45 / 132.45 / 100793
RBL Poppy Appeal / Wreath / 30.00 / 30.00 / 100794
Northumberland CC / Grass cutting / 325.14 / 54.19 / 270.95 / 100795
Engraving Shop / Memorial plaque / 32.69 / 32.69 / 100796

0582.CORRESPONDENCE. All correspondence received since the Septembermeeting had been listed on the agenda and circulated to all councillors.

0583.ACCIDENT IN RYAL. A letter had been received from Mr E Crabtree to advise that his wife had sustained a serious injury by walking into a road sign in Ryal. Mr Crabtree requested that the offending sign be lifted to a safe height to avoid this happening again. This had been reported to NCC however no response received. Richard Powell to pursue this.

0584.NORTHUMBERLAND LOCAL HEROES. Northumberland County Council has launched a new recognition scheme for people who contribute exceptionally to their community. Northumberland Local Heroes is intended to recognise those who make a positive contribution to life in Northumberland.


a)All outstanding planning applications are listed on each agenda.

b)It was noted that before comments were submitted by the Parish Council, the NCC website would be checked for any objections by residents.

14/02751/FUL / Percy House, Ingoe / First floor bathroom extension / GRANTED
14/02736/FUL / Land east of Fenwick Cottages, Fenwick / Subdivision of existing residential curtilage and erection of single dwelling / No objection sent.
14/03698/FUL / Fenwick Shield Fenwick / Demolition of conservatory, erection of 2 storey extension to South, removal of chimney & erection of flue, installation of 2 dormer windows to south elevation & 1 to west elevation and installation of 3 rooflights to front / P/Cllrs to arrange a site visit
14/02944/FUL / 1 The Green, Matfen / Erection of agricultural fence and new timber entrance gates to gable of property / Objection sent
14/03341/VARYCO / Land east of West Fenwick Farm Buildings, Fenwick / Variation of condition 2 of approved planning application 13/03515/FUL / No objection sent


a)FLOODING. Flooding was occurring at the entrance to The Green. Mrs Ann Gregory Smith had reported this problem as had one of the residents.

b)MEMORIAL SEAT. The memorial plaque had been ordered and the seat would be installed in due course.

a)WEBSITE. Mr Stuart Mills had spoken to Ollie Stevens who is arranging for the Parish Council to have access to the website.

b)PARKING ON THE PAVEMENT. It was noted that vehicles are parking on the pavement outside the Black Bull and continue to park on the pavement on the Ryal road.

c)COMMUNITY ASSET. It was noted that the Black Bull had changed tenant and how this would effect the legalities of its status as a community asset was question. Clarification will be requested from NCC.

0587.PROGRESS MEETING. The date of the next meeting is to be held on Monday 15th December at 10.30am in the Village Hall.

0588.DATE OF NEXT MEETING. The next meeting is to be held on Monday26th January 2015 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall (To be confirmed). The provisional dates for 2015 are as follows: 26 January, 30 March; 1 June, 27 July, 28 September and 30 November.

Signed as an accurate record______Chairman