Present: Sri M. Subramanyam, I.A.S.

Rc.No. 6/C25-4/IPASE May 2012. Date: 17-05-2012.

Sub:-B.I.E-IPASE May 2012-Revision of rates of remuneration to the personnel connected with the conduct of Examinations (Theory & Practical) and Spot Valuation Camps-Communicated-Reg.

Ref:-Procdgs. Rc. No. 6/C25-4/IPE March/2010 dt: 11-03-2010. ***


The rates of remuneration to the following categories of personnel drafted for the conduct of Intermediate Public Examinations (Theory & Practical) and Spot Valuation Camps are enhanced as interim relief for IPASE May, 2012 as indicated below:

Sl.No. / Category / Enhanced Rates of Remuneration Rs.
1.  / H.P.C. Member / 340.00
2.  / Camp Officer / 340.00
3.  / Asst. Camp Officer / 340.00
4.  / Chief Examiner/ Subject Expert / 340.00
5.  / Asst. Examiner / 10.10 per Script
6.  / Chief Coding Officer / 340.00
7.  / Scheme of Valuation Member / 340.00
8.  / RV & RC- Board Member / 340.00
9.  / DEC Member / 340.00
10.  / Convener DEC (other than RIO) / 340.00
11.  / DRDC Member / 340.00
12.  / Malpractice Scrutiny Committee Member / 340.00
13.  / Scrutinizer-I / 1.95 Ps. per Script
14.  / Scrutinizer-II / 0.97 Ps. per Script
15.  / R.V/R.C Cases / 163.00 per 25 Scripts
16.  / Vocational Lecturer to assist DEC / 255.00
17.  / Chief Superintendent / 125.00 per session
18.  / D.O/Squad /Custodian / 110.00 per session
19.  / Asst. Supdt., (Invigilators) / 65.00 per session
20.  / Skilled Assistant / 65.00 per session
21.  / Clerk / 55.00 per session
22.  / Lab Attender / 45.00 per session
23.  / Water Man / 45.00 per session
24.  / Sweeper / 45.00 per session
25.  / Control Room In charge / 110.00
26.  / Route Officer / 255.00
27.  / District Strong Room Personnel / 255.00
28.  / Out Station Allowance for Hyd. / 340.00
29.  / Out Station Allowance for other places placesplaplaces placesplaces. / 300.00
30.  / Conveyance Allowance for Hyd. / 105.00
31.  / Conveyance Allowance for other Places Places places. / 80.00

Sd/- M. Subramanyam, IAS.



All the Camp Officers/RIOs, BIE, in the state.

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