Draft Minutes
KRA Committee Meeting
03rd March 2015 – Stef’s Cafe
Attendees: - John Butler (chairman), Yana Petrosyan, Susan Stocker, Linda Parsons, Rachel Carney, Kathrine Thomas, Anthony Polak, Tony Hayes-Allen, Neil Thomas Phil Stubbs.
Observers: Cllr. Melanie Whitehand, Cllr Debbie Harlow, Kate Wilson
1. Apologies: - Ann Mason, Cllr. Saj Hussain,
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 03rd February 2015 were approved and agreed for publication.
3. Matters Arising
Matters arising will be covered under the other agenda items.
4. Projects
4.1 Village sign
Phil reported that the sign had now been removed from its plinth and take to Hoebridge School to be repainted. The sign was in a poor state of repair and it will take time to get it to a good standard.
4.2 Village street scene
Kate Wilson reported that SERCO had plants on order and that these should be delivered in late March.
Phil asked Kate Wilson to add tree pruning to her list of jobs for SERCO. The trees in the centre of the village have not been pruned for some years and it is a distraction for thr shop keepers and people living above the shops.
thSusan reported that SERCO were scheduled to replace plants in the formal flowerbeds that are in the centre of the village by the end of February. The KRA are working with Cllr Hussain on a project to have hanging baskets in the centre of the village and asked for the trees in and around the shopping area to be pruned.
Susan raised a point on the state of the rubbish bins in and around the centre of the village, they were old and had become an eyesore. Cllr Hussain agreed to look into the possibility of getting them replaced.
Returning to the question of floral work it was suggested that the roundabout where Lockfield Drive meets Littlewick Road could be brightened up with some floral work pending the roundabout being revamped or grassed over. Cllr. Hussain would also look into what happens to the money paid by the advertisers on this roundabout.
Action points: Phil to give Cllr Hussain details for hanging baskets. Cllr Hussain to investigate the pruning of local trees. Cllr Hussain to look into replacing the litter bins in and around the centre of the village. Cllr Hussain agreed to investigate where the sponsors money from the sponsor of a local roundabout is spent.
5. Vyne Bollards
Phil reported that he had submitted a written to question to Woking’s Joint Committee suggesting that SCC build a pedestrian crossing on Redding Way close to the doctor’s surgery.
6. Village Show
John reported that they had had a good meeting with a number of suggestions being put forward to make the show bigger. John suggested that they need to firm up on the entertainment for the show.
The next show meeting is scheduled for 10 March at the Garibaldi.
7. AGM
Phil reported that the Methodist Church hall had been booked for Wednesday 22nd April from 7.00pm. On the question of a guest speaker members preferred the suggestion of a talk on Basingstoke Canal. This would be appropriate given its links to King John as we celebrate the anniversary of the Magna Carta.
Action point: Neil to make contact with the rangers at Basingstoke Canal.
8. Pubs as assets of community value
Neil introduced a scheme devised by CAMRA to register the community value of local pubs.
Committee agreed to progress this with pub landlords in Knaphill.
Action point: Neil and Phil to meet and progress this item.
9. Membership Secretary’s report
John reported that Ann had started work on the membership renewal letters.
10. Web site update
We all agreed that we are not putting social media to our best advantage. Knaphill issues get a good airing in local press but our web site and use of Twitter could be better.
John, Neil and Susan to meet with Andy to see how best we can use social media.
Neil agreed to take on responsibility for Twitter.
Action point: Susan, John and Neil to meet with Andy Hills for training on the use of our website and Twitter account.
11. Chairman’s Report
Susan had attended a meeting of representatives from local Residents’ Association on John’s behalf and he asked Susan for a report.
Susan reported that the meeting called by WAVS had a fair number of Residents’ Associations represented. It appeared that the driving force behind the meeting was a Tony Kremer from Horsell. One of the main topics discussed was neighbourhood watch. Looking at Knaphil the only known active neighbourhood watch was the one formed by residents in Victoria Road.
John reported that Yana was busy preparing the accounts for the AGM.
12. Secretary’s Report
Phil raised the issue of GP coverage for Knaphill and surrounding areas. Phil had raised this this subject because of reports from local residents about problems in getting an appointment within an acceptable time frame. One member of the Committee stated that they had visited the GP surgery in Knaphill on 2nd February, asked for a non-urgent appointment to see a doctor and was given an appointment on 25th of February.
Phil also pointed out that given the large amount of development in the area, over 600 new dwellings between Brookwood crossroads and Gordon school roundabout, the situation is going to get worse unless the NHS takes positive action.
Phil reported that he had been in touch with Johnathan Lord, our MP, the Clinical Commissioning Group; who represent GP’s and Healthwatch.
To move forward there is a requirement for hard evidence and therefore Phil suggested that we use our website and magazine to urge residents to contact us when they encounter problems. All information would be used without the inclusion of resident’s names or addresses.
13. Any Other Business
13.1: There continues to be a problem with the Council’s ability to empty the litter bin that sits at the entrance to the car park in Englefield Road. Cllr Hussain noted the problem.
13.2: Staying with rubbish Susan reported that yet again there is build-up of litter behind Anchor Crescent. Cllr Hussain reported that the retailers do pay for this to be cleaned, but it does not appear to be happening. Cllr Hussain agreed to investigate why this rubbish was not being regularly removed.
14. .Dates for the diary
03 March KRA Committee meeting, Stef’s 7.30pm
10 March Village show meeting, Garibaldi 7.30pm
07 April KRA Committee meeting, Garibaldi 7.30pm
22 April KRA AGM, Methodist Church Hall 7.30pm
Meeting closed