LANGSAMER WALZER - Niederdeutschland


(1 July 2004)


LANGSAMER WALZER - Niederdeutschland


Suggested music:“Langsamer Walzer”, Bande 16, von Niederdeutsche

Volkstänze ...Karoline!, Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Tanz Schleswig-Holstein e. V.



Formation:Couples in circle facing LOD


Open Waltz

Turn the Lady Under

Open Waltz

Turn the Lady Under

Closed Waltz



1 – 4Acknowledge partner on 4. Bring hands slightly back.

Open Waltz

1 – 2M starting L foot, W starting R foot, waltz forward swinging joined hands

forward on 1, and back on 2. On 2, the partners make a ½ turn (M CW,

W CCW) towards each to face RLOD joining inside hands (M’s L, W’s R)

3 – 4Couple now dances backward in LOD, swinging joined hands in front of

them on 1, and back on 2. On 2, the partners make a ¼ turn (M CCW, W

CW) to face each other (M are facing out, W are facing in).

Turn the Lady Under

1 – 2M changes hands (to M’s R, W’s L) by joining both hands momentarily

then releasing his L hand (W’s right) as the couple waltzes towards each

other changing places, as the W turns CCW to his place and the M waltzes

to her place. The M ends up facing in, the W facing out

3 – 4The couple waltzes towards each other changing places, as the W turns

CCW to his place and the M waltzes to her place. The M ends up facing

out, the W facing in

Open Waltz (Same as above)

1 – 2M starting L foot, W starting R foot, waltz forward swinging joined hands

forward on 1, and back on 2. On 2, the partners make a ½ turn (M CW,

W CCW) towards each to face RLOD joining inside hands (M’s L, W’s R)

3 – 4Couple now dances backward in LOD, swinging joined hands in front of

them on 1, and back on 2. On 2, the partners make a ¼ turn (M CCW, W

CW) to face each other (M are facing out, W are facing in).

Turn the Lady Under (Same as above)

1 – 2M changes hands (to M’s R, W’s L) by joining both hands momentarily

then releasing his L hand (W’s right) as the couple waltzes towards each

other changing places, as the W turns CCW to his place and the M waltzes

to her place. The M ends up facing in, the W facing out

3 – 4The couple waltzes towards each other changing places, as the W turns

CCW to his place and the M waltzes to her place. The M ends up facing

out, the W facing in

Closed Waltz

1 – 8In closed ballroom position, the couples dance a stepped waltz (each

step is equal in length – think Ländler) in LOD, turning CW

9 – 16Same as 1 – 8 but the couples turns CCW (M back up, W follow)

Dance is repeated as music allows.

For similar forms of this type of waltz see:

‘Eiswalzer’Österreichische Tänze, Herbert Lager

Spinnradl – Unser Tanzbuch, E. Schützenberger and

H. Derschmidt

Tänze aus Oberösterreich, H. Derschmidt

Volkstänze für Anfänger, Fritz Heftner

Salzburger Tänze, Ilka Peters

“Hausschlüßelwalzer”Deutsche Volkstänze, R. Hinz and K. Horak

Gemeinschaftstänze, H. J. Brenner

Heit is Kerb in unserm Dorf, H. von der Au

Presented by Dr. Wolfgang Schlütter of the LAG Tanz in Schleswig-Holstein at the 11th North American Federation of German Folk Dance Groups Tanzfest Lehrgang, hosted by the German-American Society of Tulsa (G.A.S.T.), Tulsa, OK, 18-20 June 2004. Original translation by Karin Gottier. Modifications for performance by Dr. Douglas Lee Hall, Der Deutsche Volkstanzverein von San Antonio. ©2004. May be used for non-commercial purposes without written permission of the authors.