The grant application process is different this year in that it is competitive. We were given a rubric to follow, which was very detailed and extensive. We also submitted a crosswalk of the pre-k curriculum as part of the grant application process. Lawmakers are strictly scrutinizing dollars spent. Our grant was submitted April 14 electronically. We will learn on May 26 the results of our grant application.

In the application the requirement that 90% of the class is to be income eligible is emphasized emphatically. Since we are an economically distressed county (with jobs moving out of county, sales tax down, unemployment, etc.) we made great attempt in our application to stress the great need our county has for the pre-k program. Also some areas of our county are under-served and some not served at all. In spite of this, our enrollment is down this year as is the enrollment of Headstart. We are hoping the interest will increase. There has been discussion of a plan to extend after school hours for pre-k, since we have wondered if our schedule needs to be expanded to meet needs of working parents. We have done everything possible to spread the word: Kid Fest, flyers, newspaper notices, in addition to our website. Parents of kindergarteners this year were surveyed as to why they did or did not take advantage of our pre-k program. The results were inconclusive.

However, our family survey scores are very good, which tells us that most of our parents are very pleased with job we are doing. 114 out of 117 parent surveys were returned.

In the fall pre-k teachers will begin implementing the portfolio model to evaluate and monitor progress of the class. They will use the program Educopia to download pictures and videos to document the children’s work. The portfolio will be 35% of the teacher evaluation. 15% will be Brigance test results.

Chester County teachers came and spoke to our teachers, presentingvaluable advice and information which they have learned through their piloting the portfolio model this year. They took time to explain carefully all that this is encompasses and what it means for our teachers and students. There is more training to come on May 22. Tracey Riddle from the state will come to train us.

There are changes which have been made in our Rules and Regulations—all teachers and assistants have to be finger printed every 5 years. Professional development has increased to 24 hours as compared to 12 in the past. Then it will go up to 30 hours. Child abuse training is now mandatory every year.