October 10, 2014
Dear Parent or Guardian,
On October 15th, 2014, all eighth graders in Sudbrook Magnet Middle School will be taking the ReadiStep assessment, a test that measures reading, writing and math skills students learn in school. Your child does not need to do any special preparation for ReadiStep. However, it is important to eat a good breakfast and come to school focused on test day.
ReadiStep will help your child gain early insight into the skills he or she will need for success in high school and college. ReadiStep measures the same types of skills that are measured by the PSAT/NMSQT® and SAT®, tests students take in high school as they progress toward college.
Students participating in ReadiStep will receive a score report that shows how they performed on each test section and each question. Additionally, they’ll be able to see how their scores compared to those of other students across the country.
Your child’s ReadiStep results will be shared with teachers and administrators in our school district, but they will not be shared with colleges or other organizations. The results will be used to help us better understand students’ strengths and weaknesses so we can help them improve areas that need additional work as they make the transition to high school.
In addition to receiving score reports, all students who take ReadiStep will receive free access to MyRoad™, an online college and career exploration tool that lets students:
· Take a short, fun quiz to understand their personality types
· Learn about careers and college majors that fit their personality types
· Explore colleges by location, college major, cost, and much more
· Find out what people have to say about their college and career choices
· Track what they will need to do in high school to prepare for college
MyRoad and other free resources can help students start thinking about the future and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead in high school, college, and beyond.
If you have questions about your school’s ReadiStep administration, please contact your child’s school counselor. Additional information is available online at readistep.collegeboard.org/student.