Please note that July’s meeting was cancelled

Councillors Present:

Dave Broadway (Chair), Marion Dodson, George Tricks, Jenny Speed, David Fry, Chris Pointon, Debbie Jackson (Clerk)


Tom Killen

Tom Killen

MDC Announcements:

  1. Changes to local planning procedures.
  2. 25% cuts in Central Government Grants to MDC expected.
  3. Reductions to be made in both senior and junior management.
  4. MDC looking at how to work more closely with local bodies
  5. Criticism of parking changes in Wells. Market Place parking to change from half hour to one-hour stay. No changes to three hour stay in Union Street car park. This is because it has successfully deterred long stay parking by employees working in the city, enabling more spaces available to shoppers and tourists.
  6. Waitrose granted permission to build in Wells and they are in talks with MDC to find a suitable new location for the EMI Club, which currently occupies the site. Morrisons has withdrawn interest in coming into Wells, but Sainsbury’s may appeal regarding Tinknells site.
  7. MDC to liase more with villages, supporting people and businesses out of towns.


Keith Shepherd. DB explained to councillors that he’d received an email from KS tendering his resignation from LPC. DB had accepted this and had thanked KS for his contribution. Copy of email to go on file.

Minutes Last Meeting

Approved and signed by DB (Chair)

Matters Arising

  1. SALC Standing Orders. Copy of DB’s edited version to be circulated for Councillors inspection ready for discussion at September’s meeting.
  2. Health & Safety. DB asked Clerk to resend email with power point presentation to all Councillors for their inspection and to discuss at September’s meeting.

Declaration of Interest



  1. The Stables, Greendown. Erection of porch on front SE elevation. Due to time scale Clerk emailed details to Councillors. No objections were found
  2. Litton House, Litton, ref no 2009/1964. Again details emailed to Councillors and no objections found. Both have been granted permission from MDC


  1. Clerks Salary and Expense Claim. DB read out amounts. Proposed by CP seconded by GT all in favour
  2. Aon Insurance. Reminder received by Clerk from Aon Ltd for payment of £300.00 for annual Parish Council insurance. DB to check what is included in the cover. Clerk to scan and send previous schedule to DB. Cheque raised and Clerk to hold onto until given go ahead by DB to post.
  3. LPC Accounts. Clerk provided a set o current accounts for Councillors inspection at the meeting. Clerk asked when 2011 budgets should be set. DB requested that Clerk emailed last tax years accounts to Councillors for their inspection so that budgets can be discussed at Septembers’ meeting.
  4. Litton Village Hall Committee. To be checked when next payment by LPC is due.


Poster giving contact details for Tessa Munt. To be pinned on notice board by Clerk

All other correspondence to be passed round Councillors.



Matters for Discussion

  1. Disabled ramp outside village hall. JS asked what is to happen to ramp, which was installed for polling day. CP understood it was a gift and to be kept by VHC. GT said it was for VHC to store.
  2. Trimming of laurels by church. Dave Speed has not yet done these. Clerk to contact him and ask for grass cutting invoice.
  3. Emails. GT asked Clerk about number of emails sent by various bodies. Clerk said it was a good idea to continue forwarding emails to Councillors from various Council departments etc so that nothing of importance could be missed.
  4. Clerks Course Part 2 – Finance. Clerk informed the PC that they are able to claim back VAT from expenditure for the last three years. PC agreed this was worth looking into. Clerk to obtain form from tax office. Chair to receive bank statements and check against bank reqs. DB agreed to this. Clerk to talk to bank.
  5. Bank Mandate. Last required signatures obtained on form. Clerk to hand into bank.
  6. Kings Arms, Litton, pub sign. Clerk received details from a village resident who was concerned that due to there being no pub sign on the B3114, traffic was coming into the centre of the village to park, causing congestion, danger to playing children and the inability for emergency vehicles to pass through. CP agreed to have an informal chat with the landlords after this meeting.
  7. Winter Management Form. This form has been sent from MDC for local Parish Councils to fill in. There will also be 2 open forums held by MDC. DB asked if anyone would like to attend an open forum. Response – unanimous no.
  8. NHS Pharmacy Questionnaire. CP told the PC how West Harptree pharmacy had been saved. CP to complete questionnaire on behalf of LPC
  9. Notice board. CP discussed with DF the second notice board, which is to be erected previously agreed position in the village. CP to refurbish it and DF to provide new post.
  10. Letter of thanks to auditor. DB to send thank you letter to Paul Jelley for kindly carrying out independent audit of PC’s accounts.
  11. Clerk to arrange advertisement in the next issue of the Parish Magazine and village notice board for new Councillor.
  12. Apologies for next meetings. JS for September and DB October.

Meeting closed at 8.30 pm

Next meeting, Wednesday 1st September 2010 at Litton Village Hall