Minutes of October 1, 2009Meeting
Committee for Ethnic Affairs
Office of Community Partnerships
Members attending: Nadine Benton, Arthur Bezwada, Yen-Ju Chen, Charmaine Cruise, Walton Dawson, Enas Elhanafi, Lobna Ismail, Rayness Mayne, Hans Moore, Kennedy Odzafi, Kimberly Powell, Grace Spence, Lesley Moore Vossen and Johnny Yataco
Members absent:Tyson Bellamy, Emmanuel Edokobi, Michael Friedman, Tiffany Heath, Joshua Hedaya, Chau (Christy) Hoang, Abdul Karzai, Kimberly Powell, Mark Puryear, Jorge Restrepo, Chief Taku, and Anna Forbes-Towns
Staff members: Bruce Adams, Lisa Austin and Gabe Salgado.
Meeting Called by Chair
Introductions made by group by sharing what “we may not know about you.”
Discussion of Enas’ Proposal – Enas requested feedback and begin planning. We heard from Walton about what led up to Enas’ proposal.
Mark Puryear – The Ethnic Summary Report in Enas’ proposal should include the positive as well; not just the negative.
Harry Iceland – Look into Lecture speakers.
Kennedy Odzafi–CEA’s focus is educational. Organize lectures around events. Members of CEA could go to speak at other’s events. Get involved in the communities represented by the membership by going to events and sharing. Each member organize their communities around the Census 2010.
Luby Ismail – Requested that Leslie work on coming up with three questions those members could ask their communities, how to solve problems. Provide a report from the data gathered. Enas and Leslie come up with an outline and develop questions with Mark.
Arthur Bezwada – He feels new members need amplification of mission. CEA’s existence could be as simple as an announcement by CE at a Heritage month event. Need to know the events coming up and have at least two members attend.
Charmaine Cruise – Will speak to the college class about the CEA. Steer young people to a Facebook site to interact by posting questions/comments. County has a Facebook page – piggy back on that. Has to be managed to send traffic to it. Market through bulletin and emails.
Bruce Adams - Gabe Salgado of OCP will work with Walton to prepare the CEA page and will include CEA brochure on it.
Subcommittee Reports:
Cultural and Community Outreach
Enas and Leslie – Holocaust commemoration at the College
Political and Economic Empowerment
Rayness – Nothing to report
-Met with Richard of Gandhi’s Brigade
-Viewed video
Notes: Lisa Austin