AUGUST 14, 2017
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Reidsville City Council was held on Monday,
August 14, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Members of Council present:
Curtis Colwell
Carolyn Crume-Blackshear
Lindsay Bennett
Doug Williams
ABSENT: Virgil Duckworth
City Attorney, Mr. Scott Brannen was also present at this meeting.
This meeting was brought to order by Mayor Sydney Clifton at 5:00 p.m., prayer was given by Councilman Curtis Colwell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The meeting was opened to public comment. There were no comments made at this time by those in attendance.
Mayor advised the meeting minutes from last month’s meeting were provided to Council for review. If there are no questions and/or corrections recommended, a motion is needed to accept as written. A motion was made to accept as written.
Motion made by:Doug Williams
2nd by:Carolyn Crume-Blackshear
Vote:Approved – Unanimous
The Department supervisors were asked to present their monthly activities to Council.
Police Chief Dianne Sapp presented the Police Department monthly statistics to Council. Chief Sapp advised Mayor and Council, Officer Ricky Baatz has given his two-week notice after accepting other employment. His last day will be Friday, August 25th. Chief Sapp stated there are two applications provided to Council for candidates for Police Officer. Both candidates are present in the audience. The candidates are Allan Malone and Hadrian Wolf. Chief Sapp also advised the loaned vehicle has been returned to the Police Department. Mrs. Murray asked if this was the vehicle loaned to Ogeechee Tech and she advised it is. There were no further questions or comments for Chief Sapp.
Public Works Director Rodney DeLoach presented his monthly statistics to Council for the Water/Sewage Department as well as Streets and Lane Department. Mr. DeLoach advised GA Rural Water Association was contacted about the duckweed in the treatment plant pond and he was advised they have just obtained a machine, a skimmer, which eliminates the duckweed. It is a new machine that has not been tried out yet and they have offered to try it out in our pond. The only cost to the City will be a container to place the weeds in.
Assistant Fire Chief Walt Rogers presented the Fire Department statistics to the Council. There were no questions or comments for the Fire Department.
The Wiregrass Festival Street Dance is the next agenda item. Mayor asked Dan Bennett if there were any further comments to be made at this time. He advised there were not. Mayor stated if no further discussion is needed, a motion is needed on this item. A motion was made to approve the request by the Chamber of Commerce to hold a street dance following the Wiregrass Festival on September 30, 2017.
Motion made by:Doug Williams
2nd by:Curtis Colwell
Vote:Approved – Unanimous
Mayor advised the inmate work detail has not shown up since Tuesday. Mr. DeLoach advised the institution has been contacted and they have been advised the contract was terminated. Councilman Doug Williams stated he will contact the contract administration department with Dept. of Corrections. They are currently amending the contract so we will receive female detainees from the Probation Detention Center in Claxton. This should begin within the next few weeks.
The Sunday sale alcohol referendum has been provided to each Council Member for review. This is the referendum that was previously approved by Council to be placed on the ballot from the request of Mr. Patel. This referendum will be signed and submitted to the County Election Office.
Mayor Clifton advised the qualifying dates for the upcoming November election have been published and are provided to each Council Member. Mrs. Murray stated qualifying will begin next Monday, August 21st and will continue each day through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. -4:30 p.m. On Friday, August 25th, qualifying will be from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. There is a packet of information on qualifying for election; however, all required documents will be provided at time of qualifying.
The 5-year tax levy has been published for the City of Reidsville. The City millage rate will be voted on during the next scheduled meeting of the City Council in September. Mayor Clifton advised since we are talking about the September meeting, Monday, September 4th is a holiday, so he advised all in attendance and Council, the next Planning Session will be conducted on Tuesday, September 5, 2017.
The Council Members were notified of and invited to the next scheduled Rotary Meeting on Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 12:00 p.m. at the Adult Literacy Center. Congressman Rick Allen will be the guest speaker for this meeting and we would like a large turnout to support the Rotary Club. A number of those attending is needed tonight to be turned in to the Rotary Club tomorrow. Councilman Curtis Colwell advised he would be attending along with the Mayor.
The bids for the Ford Explorer to be purchased for the Police Department are the next agenda item. Councilman Curtis Colwell expressed his concern over the recall issues with this vehicle. Councilwoman Lindsay Bennett advised Investigator Stacy Wilds has talked to representatives from Ford who have stated they believe the issue is with vendors installing equipment in these vehicles and drilling holes for wire and not sealing properly. They advised any vehicle will be checked after all installations have been made. Officer Brandon Jones stated there is an issue with sealing correctly where wires are being pulled in to the cars. The question of having only bid for equipment arose and the cost of over $14,000. Officer Jones explained all new equipment has to be purchased due to the equipment currently in his truck not compatible to the new vehicle. Also, a new camera and new radar must be purchased and these items alone are approximately $8,000.00 West Chatham was the only vendor submitted; however, Councilwoman Bennett advised there are other companies that can be contacted. The preference is to use West Chatham based on previous dealings with this vendor and quality of work along with guarantee of work. A motion was made to purchase 2017 Ford Explorer from OC Welch Ford Lincoln, Inc. for a purchase price of $24,900.00.
Motion made by:Doug Williams
2nd by:Lindsay Bennett
Vote:Approved – Unanimous
Mayor stated there were a couple of other items he would like to address since the agenda items have been taken care of. He stated Halloween is on a Tuesday night, October 31st. Several surrounding communities are having their trick or treat activities on this night and he made the recommendation the City of Reidsville also have their activities on this night from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. A motion was made for the City of Reidsville to conduct their Halloween activities on Tuesday, October 31st from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Motion made by:Carolyn Crume-Blackshear
2nd by:Doug Williams
Vote:Approved – Unanimous
Mayor Clifton stated during previous administrations, City employees were allowed to leave work at 3:00 p.m. for the sole purpose of giving blood at local blood drives. He requested this practice to continue. A motion was made to allow City of Reidsville employees to leave work at 3:00 p.m. for the purpose of giving blood at local blood drives.
Motion made by:Curtis Colwell
2nd by:Carolyn Crume-Blackshear
Vote:Approved – Unanimous
Mayor Clifton advised policy changes to Municode, as well as our Employee Handbook, need to be made and he has requested all recommended changes be completed and submitted by October, so a first reading of these changes can be made and a second reading can be conducted in November, prior to the January 1st deadline for Municode. He recommended a committee be implemented to review current ordinances in place for recommended changes. His nominations were Kellie Murray, Councilman Curtis Colwell, and himself. A motion was made to accept the committee nominations to review and recommend changes/amendments to current ordinances.
Motion made by:Doug Williams
2nd by:Carolyn Crume-Blackshear
Vote:Approved – Unanimous
At this time, Mayor Clifton asked Council if there were comments and/or issues they would like to discuss.
Mr. Scott Brannen advised he did have the alcohol referendum ready. He apologized for being absent for a time period. It was due to back surgery. He also advised he continues to research the issue of the abandoned property on Alexander Avenue, and he is still researching the information on the Enrichment Center and will respond when research completed.
Mayor Clifton advised Brenda Smith has requested participants for the upcoming Tattnall Leadership program to begin in October. He advised Kellie Murray has agreed to attend and asked if any other Council Members have attended, and if not, would like to attend. Councilwoman Lindsay Bennett stated she has considered going and would be willing to attend from the City.
There were no questions, comments, and/or issues to address from Council.
Kellie Murray advised the city website is operational now. There is minimal information at this time, but we learning how to use and post to the website so additional information is and will continue to be added. The website address is
At this time, a motion was to adjourn in to Executive Session. Motion was made at 5:35 p.m.
Motion made by:Doug Williams
2nd by:Lindsay Bennett
Vote:Approved – Unanimous
Upon returning to Council Chambers, a motion was made to return to regular session. Motion made at 5:45 p.m.
Motion made by:Curtis Colwell
2nd by:Carolyn Crume-Blackshear
Vote:Approved – Unanimous
Upon returning to regular session, Mayor Clifton advised two candidates for the position of Police Officer were present and recommended for hire by Chief Dianne Sapp. Mayor advised only concern was length of commute to work. We have never had anyone drive so far with the city vehicle provided. A decision concerning the use of the vehicles will be made at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The candidates agreed. A motion was made to hire Allan Malone and Hadrian Wolff to the positions of Police Officer in the Reidsville Police Department.
Motion made by:Lindsay Bennett
2nd by:Curtis Colwell
Vote:Approved – Unanimous
The Oath of Office for a Police Officer was administered by Mayor Clifton to Officers Allan Malone and Hadrian Wolff.
There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn this regularly scheduled meeting of the Reidsville City Council.
Motion made by:Doug Williams
2nd by:Curtis Colwell
Vote:Approved – Unanimous
This meeting of the Reidsville City Council was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.