Draft Minutes of Dunwich Parish Meeting held on 27thJanuary 2017

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence:
    Present: Electors: S. Strickland (Chairman), D. Boechler (Treasurer),J. Zarins (Vice-Chairman),

A. Abell, G. Abell, J. Cary, J. Godfrey, J. Hamilton, K. Maunder, R. Oldham, M. Palmer, K. Riches, J & J. Salusbury, M. Whitby, B & M. White.

Visitors:L. Barrick, R. Curtis, H. Curtis, Cllr. M. Gower, N. Mayo.

ApologiesC. Barnett, C. & J. Clay, E. Lewis Cracknell, E. McCormick, J. Sharp, R. Smith, R. Walter, J. Whitby

  1. Minutes of the Parish Meeting of28thOctober 2016

Minutes of 28hOctoberwere proposed (J. Cary), seconded (A. Abell),and approved nem. con.

  1. Matters arising from the Minutes not otherwise on the agenda:

1.The Chairman reported that Suffolk Coastal District Councilhad issued an Order under the Local Government Act 1972,Part VI section 109(1), conferring on DPM the section 137 power to incur expenditure for certain purposes not otherwise authorised. This was a statutory function enjoyed by Parish Councils. The Meeting expressed grateful thanks to SCDC for their cooperation in this matter.

2.Voter registration. The Chairman had written again to Thérèse Coffey MP seeking a progress report on efforts to make the electoral register available to the Chairman of DPM. Dr Coffey’sletter to Chris Skidmore MP, Minister for the Constitution, elicited a reply noting that without legislation the electoral register could not be made available and that the government had no plans to amend the legislation. Cllr Gower kindly agreed to take up the issue on behalf of DPM.

3. Further to the screening of the film about the Battle of the Somme, the Imperial War Museum had supplied a questionnaire to be completed by those who had attended. This was available from the Chairman. Thanks were extended to those who had already done so.

  1. Dunwich Town Trust (DTT):

1. Election of a Representative Trustee to the Dunwich Town Trust. Keith Maunder, wasproposed (D. Cox), seconded (M. Whitby) and duly elected unopposed as a Trustee.

2. A Dunwich Town Trust house, 1 Barne Cottage, would shortly become available to rent. Applicants were invited to contact the DTT Clerk, John Lavery, for further information on 07779 585316 or by e-mail: .

3. Fruit trees were to be planted the following day on land next to Dunwich Town Trust properties on the Westleton Road.

4. The annual DTT open session would be on 28th April, before and after the DPM AGM, when recent metal finds from Gallows Field would be displayed.

  1. Treasurer’s Report:
    The current balance was £2,827.57.

A move to replace the dog glove dispenser opposite The Ship at a cost of approximately £95 was proposed (J. Cary), seconded (A. Abell), and adopted nem. con.

Under LGA 1972 section 137, a donation to Leiston Citizens Advice Bureau of £150 was proposed (G. Abell), seconded (J. Godfrey), and approved nem. con.

A draft budget for 2017-18 was circulated. The Treasurer recommended a precept of £1,000 for the next year. This was proposed (M. White), seconded (M. Palmer) and approved nem. con.

A risk assessment outlining the nature and potential impact of minor to medium range risks and their mitigation was circulated and approved without a vote.

  1. Amenity Report & related Environmental Issues:

1.Verge on the North side of St James Street: The Chairman thanked Dunwich Town Trust for their generosity in providing fundsfor a 20-metre stretch of mesh covered with turf for an experimental period. The Chairman wasin contact with SCC to discuss the work required and how best to proceed.

2. Church Kerb:Amenity Warden, R. Smith,had contacted SCC regarding the idea of a kerb to protect the church wall on the junction of St James Street and Leet Hill. SCC had offered to install a post with reflector. DPM and St James Church PCC expressed support for this option.

  1. Coastal Defence & Flood Committee Report:

Further to the Committee meeting held on Friday 2nd December, Paul Patterson, of East Suffolk Coastal Partnership,had advised that the experimental beach defence would remain under the same maintenance arrangement as at present. Mr Patterson was compiling a draft report with analysis of monitoring data.Thiswould be availablein due course for further discussion by the DPM’s Committee.It was reaffirmed that, as a stakeholder, Dunwich Town Trustwas a member of the DPM Committee.

  1. Planning issues:
  1. Black Pig Cottage, Monastery Hill:Proposed replacing of shed with studio and workshop; rear garden room extension, new chimney and internal alterations. The application was still pending.

2. Middlegate Barn, High Street: Construction of linked annexe. This had been approved.

  1. Presentation by Tom McGarry, EDF, on Sizewell C:

Mr McGarry gave an overview of proposals following Stage 1 of the consultation for Sizewell C. Referring to the Consultation Summary Document (Stage 2 Pre-Application Consultation) he detailed the preferred options on accommodation of the workforce, transport of materials and labour, and the environmental management. In open discussion, Mr McGarry encouraged residents to participate in the consultation process and to complete the questionnaire by the Friday 3rd February deadline. This could also be done on-line at responding were advised to copy their response t responsespublished by SCC and SCDC, by the AONB, and by other stakeholders offered useful context.The Meeting expressed its thanks to Mr McGarry for his presentation and willingness to answer questions.

  1. Other business:

1. Cllr Gower suggested that,while Dunwich residents might complete the questionnaire provided by EDF, it would also be appropriate to write directly to EDF expressing personal views. The work planned would have a significant impact on the local area. EDF would interpret alack of response as a lack of interest by the local community.

2. It was noted that the notice board at the end of Long Row required attention to the lock.

Next DPM:Annual General Meeting: Friday 28thApril 2017 at 7.30 pm.

The meeting closed at 9:20 pm.

Signed as a correct recordChairman. Date

CHAIRMAN: S Strickland, Marshside, St James Street, Dunwich, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 3DT. Tel: 01728 648792. VICE-CHAIRMAN: J. Zarins. TREASURER: D. Boechler.