This agreement is entered into between Western University of Health Scienceson behalf of the Summer Research Fellowship Program, hereinafter called "WesternU," and, hereinafter referred to as “Fellow," on May 7, 2013in Pomona, California.

WesternU and the Fellow agree as follows:

I.STATEMENT OF WORK. Fellow agrees to serve as a Summer Research Fellow in accordance with the terms of this agreement and perform the research as outlined in the Summer Student Research Grant Application.

II.PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE. The period of performance shall be from May7, 2013 to August 10, 2013unless extended by mutual written agreement or terminated in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

III.STIPEND. Total amount of award not to exceed $2,000 for performance of tasks as set forth in the Summer Student Research Grant Applicationin accordance with the terms of this agreement.

The student agrees to repay intramural grant money received from the Research Committee if the student receives an external grant award.

IV.REPORTING. The student’s mentor is required to submit a Letteron his/her letterhead stating the student’s work during the fellowship has been satisfactoryno later than September 1, 2013.

The Fellow agrees to submit a report of summer research related activities to the Research Committee no later than September 1, 2013.

V.METHOD OF PAYMENT. The Fellow is to receive the stipend in two installments. The first installment upon the signing of this agreement and receipt of IRB/IACUC protocol approval if application. The second installment upon receipt of the student’s completion report and the submission of a signed Letter of Completion from Fellow’s mentor.

VI.PRESENTATION. Fellow agrees to present a paper on some aspect of their work at a forum on campus. Fellow is strongly encouraged to present at an off-campus, professional meeting approved by the fellow’s mentor.

VIIACKNOWLEGEMENT. Fellow agrees to acknowledge that funding was received by the WesternU Research Committee in the acknowledgment section of their presentation, abstract, or full manuscript.

VIII.TERMINATION. This contract may be terminated at any time by thirty (30) days written notice from one party to another and with mutual consent. If the Fellow fails to perform satisfactorily any obligation under this contract, WesternU may terminate the contract immediately and without prior notice. All disputes over the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be arbitrated by the Faculty Research Committee, whose decision in the matter shall be final.

IX.GENERAL PROVISIONS. Fellow agrees to perform all duties assigned to the best of his/her ability, to maintain standards of professional competence at all times, to observe all rules and regulations of WesternU during the entire fellowship period. Fellow also agrees to work between May 7, 2013 and August10, 2013 for a total of 240 hours in the development of their research initiative.

The mentor agrees to provide direct oversight and stewardship of the fellow during the period of the fellowship.

In witness thereof, this Agreement has been executed by the parties hereto, to be effective May 7, 2013.


Steven Henriksen, Ph.D.

VP for Research and Biotechnology



SS No.



Mentor’s Signature

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