Draft Minutes of Churchstanton Parish Council Meeting

8th March 2017

Public participation: DG opened the meeting and invited the public to raise any queries they may have. No questions/queries were raised. DG confirmed that the meeting would move to the Agenda.
No confidential matters
2. / No apologies for absence
3. / Cllr R Hayward declared an interest in item 7
4. / DG asked if members of the Council agreed that the Minutes of the previous meeting held 08.02.2017 were a true record of the events of that meeting. All in agreement and Minutes were signed off.
5. / Planning Application – 10/17/0004: The Shippen, Burnworthy Mews, Churchstanton. RB and DM had been unable to contact the agent, but had been to look at the exterior of the property. The proposed extension to the rear of the property was of concern as it was to be timber clad and too modern to be attached to such an old building and would be in stark contrast to other neighbouring properties. DM commented that Taunton Deane Planning had imposed tight restrictions on the original development, and this seemed to be contrary to that. ANOB would probably object. RB and DM stated they had no objection to the proposed garage extension.
Agreed to respond as follows: ‘Given the strict rules imposed around the original conversion, the proposed single storey extension does not comply. No objection to the extension of the garage, which appears to be in keeping with the surrounding buildings.’
6. / Planning Application -10/17/0005: Cleve Farm –DM commented that the proposed extension to the rear would in fact tidy up existing roof heights. DM confirmed that the proposed extension would have no impact on the surrounding area. DM also confirmed that the only reason that planning had to be sought was due to the ANOB area status.
Response agreed as ‘No comment.’
7. / Planning Application 10/17/0007 – Willow Lodge - this is re-submission of 10/16/0010 (This was dealt with at the end of the meeting once Cllr Hayward had left)
DG outlined the background to this application which Taunton Deane refused previously as it contravened Core Strategy and did not form part of the economic development for rural areas. It has now been re-submitted with no additional information or data added. DG understood that ANOB had submitted their support for the original refusal. BS asked why Taunton Deane had refused it previously? Cllr. Henley answered that at the meeting in January the Planning Officer commented that the Holiday lets had been insufficiently marketed. DM commented that Taunton Deane had made it clear at the outset that if the holiday lets were not used then they must be pulled down.
Agreed response: ‘PC glad to see that T- Deane had previously refused this and the council support comments made by ANOB.’
8. / Planning Application 10/17/0008 – Kesel, Brimley Road Churchstanton – RH had been to see this and confirmed that the property in question was near Grants Farm. The land slopes steeply from the property and pat of this had been taken into the garden area and a summer house has been built. This is a retrospective application and he understood that the owners had not appreciated that planning permission needed to be sought. Whilst he had no problem with the summer house, and the amount of land concerned was small in light of the amount of agricultural land owned overall; the fact that agricultural land had been changed in use without permission was an issue. He felt that the decision should remain with ANOB.
Agreed response: ‘No comment regarding summer house,but would look to ANOB to make a formal comment regarding change of use of the land.’
9. / Planning Applciation 10/17/0009 –The Old Byre – BS had looked at this proposal. Large barn with agricultural machinery stored therein. The barn can be seen from the road but he could see no reason why the application should not be granted permission.
Agreed response : ‘No Comment’.
10. / Neighbourhood Plan – Council have arranged for an officer from T- Deane to come to the next meeting and the Annual Parish meeting to talk this through and provide some help.
11. / Annual Parish Meeting – DG stated that he proposed to place an article in the CBO news advertising the Parish Meeting. This was agreed unanimously. DG has also asked representatives from Ford Farm development to come to the meeting to discuss. Charities have been invited, and also to be included the public vote on bids for Grants from Community Fund. DG also reminded the council that the Agenda for the APM should be on noticeboards and web no later than 17th April 2017.
Agreed that agenda would be discussed at the next meeting.
12. / Council Risk Management schedule was agreed and signed off.
13. / Action review –(i) OSMG no update received
(ii) Resources Task Group - will be organising a meeting shortly
(iii) Highways –Ford Farm development - DG confirmed that following complaints received, the council had reported the mud on the road and illegal parking. He now had contact details for the developers and had spoken to them. A meeting had been arranged with the complainants and the site Manager, and following that work will not start before 7.30am, and there will be no use of Royston Road.
In addition, the Give Way line on Honiton Road no longer exists, and it is illegal to park within the solid centre line.
Also noted is to chase up logarithm lines and line at the bottom of Fairfield Green.
BS reported the bottom end of Red Lane where the properties hedges are now so big and the surface is getting mangled – ankle deep in sludge. / DG/KC
15. / Finance – accounts agreed. Cheques signed off and ready for issue. DM queried if cheque for Blackdown Hills Parish Network was renewal for website, which the Parish Council had access to previously. DG confirmed that this was purely for membership and nothing to do with the old website.
16. / For Next Agenda – arrange rep from Devon and Cornwall to talk about affordable housing.
Cllr. R Henley was delayed and so spoke outside of public participation. Cllr. Henley commented as follows:
-He was pleased to see that the Farmers Market was continuing to thrive
-Pot holes in Wellesley Way – some have been done but some still need to be addressed.
-Ford Farm development complaint e mails. He confirmed the comments made by DG
-Finger posts – Cllr Henley has obtained a quote of £600 to repair/renovate the sign at six ways cross.
-CIL – Cllr Henley and DG are concerned that no money had been received to date and DG had confirmed the number of developments that have been finished over last few years. Cllr Henley will take this up, particularly as CIL payments should be made at the beginning of building works.
-2 Stapley Cottages – since eviction notice property has remained unoccupied. Taunton Deane are saying they want to sell rather than spend money renovating and re-letting. Cllr. Henley feels it should be re let to a person with links to the Blackdown Hills area, who wishes to stay in the Parish. DM commented that the strategic surveryor came on Saturday to check the place over. DM was able to confirm boundaries for him. He estimated it would cost £20,000 to bring the property to a standard for re-letting.
-Cllr Henley is supporting the charity event run by the local Pub landlord
-Cllr. Henley continues to argue against the 3 week bin collection, which is not due to start in the Blackdownhills area until Spring 2018.
Meeting closed 8.45pm