Draft Minutes for May PAC Meeting
Date: May 17, 2016
Location: Ross Elementary Library, 9:15am
In Attendance: Steve Laird, Lynn Loewen, Lorea Horner, Meghan Domonkos, Heidi Derkson, Stephanie Dewing, Kim Anderson, Kimberley McFadyen, Steve Jokuthy, Susanna Choo, Melissa Newton, Sherri Anderson (DPAC chair), Tracey McClelland (DPAC Treasurer)
Rhonda was away so Lynn chaired the meeting. Lynn called the meeting to order. Kim motioned to approve the agenda, seconded by Stephanie.
Kim motioned to approve the April minutes, seconded by Stephanie.
Principal’s Report:
The new sidewalk is going in this week.
The Parent Appreciation Tea is this Thurs May 19 from 2-3pm. All parents were invited. If any parents did not receive the invite and would like to attend, please let Mrs. Deol know.
The second Scholastic Book Fair of the year will be running from Tues May 24 to Thurs May 26.
The three Nature Play areas will be put in on Fri May 27. A number of parents have come forward to donate items, etc. Volunteers will be needed on the day from 10-2pm. There will also be a spaghetti hot lunch that day for students. Volunteers will be given a free hot lunch as a thank you. Students will also be assisting with the install with their buddy classes.
The Artist in Residence with StephanieDieleman dates have changednow to Mon May 30 (from Fri May 27) and Mon June 6. There was too much happening on the previous date with the Nature Play installation and spaghetti hot lunch. It will take place in the gym to allow for extra space for the students to do their artwork.
The Terrific Kids field trip to Science World is on Fri June 3. We’ve received $500 from Kiwanis to use towards this field trip.
There will be a Family Photo Night on Tues June 7. The photographer will be from Life Touch, the company that does the regular school photos every year.
The Grades 4-7 track meet will be on Fri June 10. Parent volunteers will be needed to help hand out ribbons at the finish line.
The Jump Rope for Heart campaign has raised $3,800 so far. The goal was for $5,000 but there’s still some money coming in.
Three Art Start performances have been booked for next year.
The new sports pinnies have been ordered. They will hopefully arrive in time for the track meet.
Treasurer’s Report:
Kim presented the Annual Financial Report. Kim motioned to approve the report, seconded by Heidi.
Kim presented the Treasurer’s Report. Stephanie motioned to approve the report, seconded by Heidi.
Mr. Laird noted that the total cost of the sports pinnies will be more than the $1,000 previously voted on and approved by the PAC. He ordered more so that all the students at the track meet will be wearing the same pinnies and will have a consistent look. He will bring the exact amount that he is over to the next PAC meeting and we’ll know by then if we have extra room in the Spending Plan to cover it, perhaps from the money budgeted for the Fun Fair.
Fundraising Report:
We’ve raised approximately $1,100 so far. Unfortunately we are out of raffle booklets and have started a wait list for students wanting more. Susanna will ask Mrs. Deol to send an email out to parents asking for them to be returned if they’re not selling them. Mr. Laird will make announcements to also remindthe students.
Fun Fair:
Mr. Laird will email teachers to get them to ask their students to bring in any unwanted stuffies. We have not received any yet despite a note in the newsletter. Lorea will ask Mrs. Deol to send an email blast to all the parents. She will also include a request for help making cupcakes for the cupcake walk.
The volunteer sign up is looking good so far. Melissa will see if the Leadership students can fill any of the vacant spots eg. the climbing wall, taking tickets at face painting.
Susanna will organize the presold tickets again this year. None of the presold tickets will be sent home, they must all be picked up on the night of the Fun Fair. Heidi said she would help her count the money.
Mr. Laird will make sure we have at least 3 or 4 extension cords, at least 50 feet long.
DPAC Report:
Lara Rempel attended April’s meeting. The next meeting is on Thurs May 26 at 7pm. Lynn asked for a volunteer to attend that meeting and report back. No one volunteered.
Sherri and Tracey from DPAC shared some information from the last DPAC meeting regarding the changes in bussing for next year. Our school district subsidizes bussing more than most others and the district is losing close to $3 million per year on bussing. So for next year, fees have gone up significantly and there will no longer be bussing for out of catchment students, except for those attending choice schools. Elementary schools are the least impacted, although their routes may be changing. Middle and secondary schools are more impacted. City bussing may be a cheaper option for older kids, especially as it can be written off on tax returns.
Nominations and voting of Executive Positions:
No names were put forward. Rhonda VandeBurgt had stated that she would allow her name to stand if no other names were put forward. A secret yes/no ballot was taken by the members present. Mr. Laird and Steve Jokuthy counted the ballots. Rhonda VandeBurgt was elected Chair.
Vice Chair:
Lorea Horner put her name forward. No other names were put forward. A secret yes/no ballot was taken by the members present. Mr. Laird and Steve Jokuthy counted the ballots. Lorea Horner was elected Vice Chair.
Meghan Domonkos put her name forward. No other names were put forward. A secret yes/no ballot was taken by the members present. Mr. Laird and Steve Jokuthy counted the ballots. Meghan Domonkos was elected Secretary.
Stephanie Dewing put her name forward. No other names were put forward. A secret yes/no ballot was taken by the members present. Mr. Laird and Steve Jokuthy counted the ballots. Stephanie Dewing was elected Treasurer.
Member at Large:
Kim Anderson put her name forward. No other names were put forward. A secret yes/no ballot was taken by the members present. Mr. Laird and Steve Jokuthy counted the ballots. Kim Anderson was elected Member at Large.
No names were put forward for the positions of Fundraising Coordinator, Food Coordinator, Communications Coordinator or DPAC representative so they will remain vacant for now.
Kim motioned to destroy the ballots, seconded by Meghan. Mr. Laird destroyed all the ballots.
It was decided that nominations and voting for the SPC positions will wait until September.
We will use up the bottles of water and granola bars from the earthquake kits. It was decided we will also provide watermelon and chips.
Grade 7 Farewell:
Kim motioned to spend up to $300 for the Grade 7 Farewell, seconded by Lorea. Motion carried.
Kim noted that there is also a Grade 5 & 6 farewell being organized (as many of them will also be moving on to middle school next year) for June 30 at Cultus Lake. All grade 5s and 6s are invited, along with their families.
Susanna read out an email sent to the PAC by Mrs. JK stating her thanks for the staff lunch. She said it was very lovely and that they all felt greatly appreciated and taken care of.
Lynn motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Kim.
Meeting adjourned at 10:40am.