Graduate School Conference Attendance Fund
The City Graduate School is pleased to be able to offer research students the opportunity to access funds to assist with the costs of conference attendance at which they are presenting their research, either as a research paper or as a research poster.[i] The aim of the Fund is to promote the visibility of research student activity outside the University and to support the acquisition of relevant research skills in accordance with Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework,as well as supporting the University’sStrategic Plan to enhance the impact of our research.
Criteria for Application
- Applicants have sought access to conference attendance funds at which they are presenting their research throughavenues within their School/Department or Centre within the University.
- Applications should normally be received at least two months ahead of the intended date of travel.
- First and second yearCity fee-paying research[ii] students are invited to apply for attendance at a national conference at which they are presenting their work either as a poster or as a paper for a value of up to £500.
- Third and fourth year City fee-paying research students[iii] are invited to apply for attendance at an international conference at which they are presenting their work either as a poster or as a paper for a value of up to £1000.
- Funds are awarded on a competitive basis at the discretion of the Graduate School Conference Attendance Fund Panel. The Panel comprises the Dean of the Graduate School, two Senior Tutors for Research located in Departments outside the Department within which the student is registered, anda representative from the Graduate School Office. The Panel may operate by e-mail distribution or in person, as required.
- Applicants must provide details of the conference at which they wish to present their paper/poster and provide a statement of support from their supervisor outlining the value in receiving funds. The application must have the support of the Associate Dean for Research Students (or equivalent) within the School.
- Applicants must describe their experience in presenting their research to internal and external audiencesand seek advice from colleagues in the Learning Development Centre on preparing a poster and/or presenting at conferences before attending the conference.
- Applicants may only receive one National and one International award once and are expected to report back to the Graduate School on their attendance.
- Successful applicants will provide acknowledgement to the Graduate School Conference Attendance Fund in their paper or poster presentation and agree to allow the Graduate School to publicise their attendance through appropriate University media, including the Graduate School website and the Graduate School newsletter. A copy of the accepted paper should be deposited in City Research Online.
- Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to publish their paper/posterin the most appropriate external media with a preference for Journal publication in line with the University’s Strategic focus on enhancing our research.
City Graduate School
January 2013
[i]Access to the Fund is in addition to the Travel Bursaries currently offered by the Development and Alumni Relations Office at
[ii]Fee-paying students include research students on fee waivers and on writing up but preference will be given to full and part-time internally registered students. The Fund is not open to research students registered on a validated research degree programme.
[iii] See above note.