

October 2010

Unit Two – Ancient Egypt

Was it really a stable society?

Your tasks:

•Research a particular topic to discover if ancient Egypt really was a stable civilization

•Write a thesis statement which answers the research question

–Simple thesis statements:

•Yes, Egypt was stable OR No, Egypt was not stable.

–More complex thesis statements:

•Egypt was stable for the most part except for…

•Egypt’s was mostly unstable, but we believe it was stable only because …

•Provide evidence via a class presentation to prove your thesis March 7 and 8

–Pod Organization (see below)

•Write an in class paper at the end of all presentations explaining your final point of view March 10

What is a pod?

  • Your pod will be assigned a topic/area of ancient Egyptian civilization.
  • You can choose to work all together on a single project, or divide into smaller groups or work singly.
  • You are expected to present all together on your assigned day. You presentation may be no more than 10 minutes TOTAL – please time it.

You are going to develop a project or projects within your pod and your topic that answer the research question:

Is Egypt really a stable civilization?

This must be presented in some manner to the class.

Project options include, but are not limited to:

  • writing a song or poem
  • creating a poster or display
  • a power-point presentation or prezi
  • building a model with explanation
  • writing a story or essay,
  • a drawing and explanation
  • a storyboard or comic strip
  • a skit
  • a short video
  • a debate
  • a narrated tableau
  • another product of your choice …

All individuals, regardless of topic or project, must submit their research notes on NOODLE for evaluation.

Egyptian Pod Assignment

Pod / Names / Characteristic
A / Nadia, J.T., Kasey, Charlie C-C, Nathan C. / Centralized Government
B / Alyssa, Rebecca, Arielle,Sagal / Agricultural Intensification
C / Charle G.,Nathaniel L-T, Chloe, Taylor / Class structure and/orReligion
D / Nathan M.,Hanna G,Bahja,Adam,Nathan C / Art, architecture, and writing
E / Shihab, Elliot, Brandon, Emmet / Merchants and Trade
F / Lena, Chris W. Hannah Y, Chris H. / Development of science and technology

Timelines and Due Dates

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Feb. 28
Egypt introduction notes and assignment hand out / March 1
Pods work in class
Project proposal due / 2
Lab 214
Researching / 3
Lab 214
Research notes due (individual) / 4
Lab 214
Working on presentation
Pods A-C Present
Submit all research / 8
Pods D-F present
Submit all research / 9
Egypt Review and prepare for paper / 10
In Class Paper – Was Egypt really a stable society? / 11
Begin watching Troy the movie
March Break 14-18 Enjoy!

Egypt Project Proposal Due Tuesday, March 1st



October 2010

Criteria / Re-Do / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Clear understanding of a specific aspect of Egyptian society
K / No evidence of understanding of a specific aspect of Egyptian society f / Limited understanding of an issue in one of a specific aspect of Egyptian society. Few facts presented / Some understanding of a specific aspect of Egyptian society. May lack detail or relevance / Clear understanding of a specific aspect of Egyptian society / Thorough and detailed understanding of a specific aspect of Egyptian society
Locates and selects relevant information from at least 3 reliable sources. T / No research evident. Inappropriate sources. / Little relevant information located from only 1 source. Little detail or appropriateness. / Locates and selects some relevant information from 2 sources. May lack detail or appropriateness / Locates and selects relevant information from at least 3 appropriate sources. / Locates and selects detailed information from 4 or more appropriate sources.
Clear thesis supported by evidence
T / No thesis supported by insufficient evidence / Limited or unclear thesis supported by minimal evidence / Thesis may not be clear, supported by some evidence. May lack detail/ relevance. / Clear thesis supported by relevant evidence / Insightful thesis supported by relevant and detailed evidence
Presentation is clear, and visual aids used effectively
C / No presentation or use of visual aids. / Presentation is unclear. Minimal use of visual aids. / Presentation is somewhat clear, visual aids used but not effectively. / Presentation is clear, and visual aids used effectively / Presentation is engaging and effective. Visual aids integrated effectively.
Sources tracked and reported appropriately using citations & works cited
A / No attempt to track or report sources. / Little attempt to track and report sources appropriately. May be a list of websites only. / Some attempt to track and report sources tracked appropriately. May be missing some key elements. / Most sources tracked and reported appropriately using citations and works cited, minor formatting errors. / All sources tracked and reported in appropriately using citations and works cited. Considerable effort demonstrated.

Was EgyptStable? – Group PresentationName ______

TOTALS: K ______T______C ______A ______

Learning Skills:

Responsibility ____ Organization ___ Independent Work ____ Collaboration ____ Initiative ____ Self-Regulation ___