(Subject to change for September 2015)

Display Advertising

Prices include HST / Dimensions
(height x width) / Per Issue
(one issue) / Per Issue
(3 issues)**
Full page / 10”H x 7-5/8”W / $695 / $575
Half page* / 4-5/8”H x 7-5/8”W / $400 / $350
Quarter page / 4-5/8”H x 3-5/8”W / $250 / $200
Business Card* / 2-3/16”H x 3-5/8”W / N/A / $125

Notes:*Horizontal format only **Ads must appear in consecutive months in newsletter and website

Copy requirements:

Ads (colour or B/W) must be high-res print quality PDFs with all fonts embedded

  • MicroSoft Word created PDFs, must be made for hi-res print specs to avoid font and quality problems
  • Ads must have borders
  • Ads do not bleed
  • Advertisers shouldn't pull logos and photos off their web sites, print is 300dpi
  • Ads must follow sizes indicated in Mooredale purchase specs

Full screen background not accepted

Classifieds Ads (up to 40 words - text ads with bold heading)

** Member rates are only for current members living in the same household address as provided in the


Members **



Personal Ads / $22 / $50
Business Ads / $52 / $79
Community Service / $26 / $26

Distribution: Mooredale News is distributed to approximately 7,500 members 5 times through out the year, including Fall (Aug.) Winter (Nov.) Early Spring (Jan.) Late Spring (March) and Summer (June). There is a special Mayfair Edition (April) that includes ads from Mayfair sponsors. Please contact our office if you would like to sponsor Mayfair.

Payment: Advertisements are payable in advance. Mooredale offers a 5% discount for contract display ads paid in advance (not offered for post-dated cheques). Please make cheques payable to Mooredale House.

For More Information please contact Joanna Ingram at the Mooredale Office at 416-922-3714 ext. 103 or

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The following policies apply for all advertising included in Mooredale News:

  1. Ads will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis, with preference given to 5 issue advertising contracts.
  2. Mooredale reserves the right to refuse any ad which is felt to be inappropriate for the newsletter.
  3. Mooredale cannot accept advertising that promotes activity similar to Mooredale’s own programs.
  4. Mooredale places display ads based on our copy requirements and is unable to guarantee location requests.
  5. Mooredale strives to achieve good quality reproductions of display advertisements provided, but cannot guarantee reproduction quality.
  6. Ad payment(s) must be received at time of placement.
  7. Display ad copy must be sized according to specifications provided.
  8. For contract ads (three or five more consecutive issues), changes in ad copy are the responsibility of the advertiser and must be provided to Mooredale News by the copy deadline. Otherwise, the previous month's copy will be inserted.
  9. Advertisers not fulfilling their contracts are responsible for the most applicable shorter term rate.
  10. Display ad contracts are available for the current production year only Mooredale reserves the right to adjust the production schedule.

Payment – Display ads

Single ad: Payment must accompany ad when placed.

3-month contract: Full payment or payment for first ad with placement and post-dated cheques* required for second and third ads. (Please note that only Mayfair sponsors’ ads will appear in the Mayfair edition.)

*Post-dated cheques to be dated 1st day of month prior to publication month (e.g. post-dated cheque for ad in winter issue should be dated October 1st).

Advertiser's Check-List

For all ads

Provide payment and ad copy to Mooredale by ad deadline date prior to publishing. No ads will be placed without receipt of payment by deadline.

Display ads - If you are providing copy electronically:

Obtain special instructions from Mooredale Office

If advertising for 3 or 5consecutive months, provide signed contract to Mooredale Office, with payment(s).

Send digital-file to layout

Classified Ads

Provide payment and ad copy to Mooredale Office by ad deadline dateof month prior to publication.



Fall Newsletter- (Mailed August 20)-Ad deadline –July 17

Winter – (Mailed October 30) – Ad deadline –October 2

Early Spring Newsletter- (Mailed January) -Ad deadline-December 11th

Late Spring Newsletter- (Mailed March)- Ad deadline-February 9th

Special Mayfair Edition- (Mailed April) -Ad deadline-March 16th

Summer Newsletter- (Mailed June) -Ad deadline-May 2nd

mdocs/nlmisc/RatesSpecsdisplayads 2015/