1. This agreement is applicable to all employees of the University of Glamorgan and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Ltd. unless expressly excluded (see Appendix 10) and constitutes its locally negotiated and agreed interpretation of the National Framework Agreement. This agreement was forged at national level between JNCHES and all the recognised Trades Unions representing staff (other than clinical staff) in Higher Education.

2. This agreement supersedes all pay and grading structures and systems previously operated at the University of Glamorgan and at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Ltd.

3. This collective agreement is deemed to form part of the contracts of employment of those employees to whom it relates.

3. Local collective agreements which will continue unchanged after implementation of this agreement are listed at Appendix 9.

4. Employees who are not represented by the Trades Unions recognised for the purposes of collective bargaining by the University of Glamorgan and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Ltd. are covered by this agreement. Any such staff will be represented through existing joint negotiation and consultative arrangements.

5. This agreement will come into force on 1 August 2007.

Signed by University of Glamorgan:

Signed by Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Ltd:

Signed by Unison:

Signed by GMB:

Signed by UCU:

1.1 This agreement is the culmination of negotiations with the recognised Trades Unions and is designed to reinforce and underpin the strategic plans of the University of Glamorgan and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Ltd.

1.2 It has been jointly developed with the following objectives:

·  To develop a modern pay and grading structure and supporting systems to meet the demands of the university and college now and in the future;

·  To ensure transparency in grading and equal pay for work of equal value through job evaluation;

·  To harmonise working hours and terms and conditions of employment for staff within each grade on the new pay and grading structure;

·  To link career development and pay progression;


2.1 The following principles underpin all aspects of this Agreement including the development and adoption of the new pay and grading structure:

·  It is appropriate to the culture and objectives of the institution;

·  It will apply to all staff covered by the remit of JNCHES;

·  It has been developed in partnership with recognised Trades Unions;

·  It is linked with the nationally determined pay spine in a clearly defined, rational and orderly manner;

·  It supports the achievement of equal pay for work of equal value, with the application of pay points to staff being transparent, consistent and fair;

·  It bases the allocation of posts to grades on the outcomes of job evaluation arrangements;

·  It applies common grading across all staff groups;

·  It provides for salary and career progression to attract, retain and motivate staff, rewarding appropriately their responsibilities and duties;

·  It has taken account of the resources available to the institution;

·  It is sustainable over a reasonable period of time;


3.1 The university and college will use the nationally agreed single pay spine extended to include senior post holders within a locally agreed pay and grading structure.

3.2 The values of the single pay spine with agreed local amendments will be adopted for all staff, including senior post holders and hourly paid staff.

3.3 The values of the single pay spine will be reviewed through existing national machinery, namely JNCHES, subject to approval by the university’s Board of Governors and the college’s Board of Directors in line with current practice. Senior post holders and those employees on the extended pay spine will be reviewed through agreed local machinery with effect from 1 August annually.

3.4 Contribution points over and above the maximum point of each grade will not be used.

3.5 Supplements to pay to attract and retain staff may be used when their necessity is determined against objective and transparent criteria as agreed with the recognised Trade Unions. Supplements will be paid in addition to, and be separate from, pay for the grade.

3.6 The payment of any supplement will be equitable and transparent, a business need will be demonstrable and it will be subject to periodic review. Full detail of this scheme can be found in Appendix 6 to this agreement.

The locally agreed pay and grading structure forms Appendix 1 of this agreement.


4.1 Allocation of staff to grades on implementation of this agreement will be based on the outcomes of HERA role analysis in line with local agreement between the university and its recognised Trades Unions:

4.2 Roles were placed on the new pay and grading structure using regression analysis (or best fit) or alternatively by negotiation and agreement with the Trades Unions of role clusters and role analysis points.

4.3 After placement of roles on the new pay and grading structure all posts and post holders were matched to the roles. Academic roles were matched to grades using the library of national role profiles with locally agreed amendments, attached at Appendix 8. Support roles were matched to grades using the locally developed and agreed role profiles, attached at Appendix 8a.

4.4 Detail of the implementation of job evaluation at the University of Glamorgan and at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Ltd. is available in Appendix 2 of this agreement.


5.1 The institution recognises the contribution hourly paid staff make to academic and University and college life. It does however acknowledge that such employment is atypical and confirms its commitment to the employment of staff on fractional or full time contracts when appropriate in line with legal requirements.

5.2 The University and College are committed to ensuring fair and proper management of all hourly paid staff, including recruitment and selection practices, allocation of work, pay and other terms and conditions of employment.

5.3 The hourly rate for hourly paid staff will be calculated using the appropriate point (as determined by job evaluation) on the pay and grading structure to ensure comparability with full time and part time staff.

5.4  Hourly paid lecturers will be paid a factored rate per hour of teaching undertaken which will take account of preparation and assessment and other associated duties. The factor is currently 2.5 times the basic hourly rate, including rolled up holiday pay. This is made up as follows:

Formal scheduled teaching hour / 1.00 hour
Preparation and keeping up to date with knowledge of the subject / 1.00 hour
Administration (including meetings) / 0.10 hour
Assessment / 0.20 hour
Pastoral guidance / 0.05 hour
Annual Leave / 0.15 hour
Total / 2.50 hours

5.5 Hourly paid lecturing staff teaching under-graduate or post-graduate courses will be assimilated into the grade linked to the locally amended national role profile, level 2 or above.

5.6 Hourly paid lecturers will not generally undertake more than six hours teaching per week.[1] In the event that the employee exceeds this amount consideration will be given to offering the employee a fractional academic contract. Such an engagement would require the employee to undertake the full range of academic duties described in the national contract of employment.

5.7 Hourly paid staff will be subject to the assimilation arrangements applicable to full time and fractional employees as detailed in Appendix 4 to this Agreement.

5.8 Hourly paid staff will be subject to the arrangements for appointment to, and progression within grades as detailed in Appendix 5 to this Agreement.

5.9 It is agreed that a “side agreement” will be established following further negotiations with the recognised Trade Unions, as appropriate, which will cover technical demonstrators. A further agreement will be developed with UCU regarding visiting roles involved in formal programmed educational activities at the College or University. Such a negotiated agreement will include a definition of what constitutes a visiting role and will be compliant with equal pay legislation.


6.1 An employee who, at the point of implementation of this agreement, is dissatisfied with the grade of his or her post on the new pay spine may lodge an appeal.

6.2 The purpose of this process is to provide the basis for the resolution of appeals by individual employees or groups of like employees against the grading of roles on the new single pay spine. The grading of roles will be determined by the outcomes of the HERA role analysis process.

6.3 Any such appeal will necessitate full role analysis of the employee’s post. The outcome of the role analysis of the post will determine whether the grade of the post remains unchanged; is increased or decreased;

6.4 Detail of the appeal mechanism is to be found in Appendix 3 to this agreement.


7.1 Assimilation to a new pay and grading structure will occur in line with Appendix F of the National Framework Agreement. The purpose of this element of the agreement is to provide the basis for the assimilation of individual employees to a new pay and grading structure from the pay and grading systems currently in operation at both institutions.

7.2 Assimilation will be determined by the relationship between an individual’s substantive salary exclusive of allowances (including those built into normal pay) immediately prior to implementation ( i.e. 31 July 2007) and the pay range for the grade of his/her post as determined by job evaluation.

7.3 Where substantive pay at date of implementation matches pay for grade:

·  An employee will be paid at the point on the new pay spine equal to or immediately above his/her substantive pay;

7.4 Where substantive pay at date of implementation is lower than pay for the grade:

·  The employee is promoted to the appropriate higher grade and is paid at the bottom of the pay range for that grade. Except that, where the resulting increase in pay exceeds 10%, that increase will be phased in line with the agreement reached between the University of Glamorgan, the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Ltd. and its recognised Trade Unions; or

·  By agreement between the employee and management, the responsibilities of the post will be reduced such that (following re-evaluation of the post) the grading of the post is reduced; or

·  By agreement between the employee and management, the individual moves to a post at the lower grade.

7.5 Where substantive pay at date of implementation is higher than pay for the grade:

·  By agreement between the individual and management, the responsibilities of the post will be increased such that (following re-evaluation of the post) the grading of the post is increased in line with the university’s and college’s agreed procedure; or

·  The employee continues at his/her assimilated pay level, on a protected basis, for the agreed pay protection period after which his/her pay will be reduced to the highest point on the pay range appropriate for the post as graded after job evaluation.

·  This agreement allows for pay protection in such circumstances for a maximum of four years from the date of implementation.

7.6 By agreement between the Trade Union, UCU and the University the date of incremental progression for eligible academic staff in 2007 will be brought forward from 1 September 2007 to 31 July 2007. The incremented salary will be the basis for assimilation to the new pay and grading structure.

7.7 The University and College acknowledge that under current terms and conditions some staff have an expectation of an increment to salary on 1 April 2008. Equally, some new employees may have an expectation of an increment on the six month anniversary of their appointment at a date between 1 April and 31 July 2008. This Agreement changes the date of annual incremental progression to 1 August annually for all eligible staff. In 2008 the University and College will make a compensatory payment to those employees whose increment has been deferred from a date between 1 April and 31 July 2008 to 1 August 2008 equivalent to the value of the increment for that period, on terms and conditions applicable prior to this Agreement,

7.8 Detail of this scheme is to be found in Appendix 4 to this agreement.


8.1 Progression within grades will offer equal opportunity for all staff within each particular grade and will be operated with demonstrable fairness, transparency and objectivity.

8.2 The University and College acknowledge and are committed to perpetuating the natural expectation of employees to career and salary progress during their employment.

8.3 All appointments will be to the minimum point of the relevant grade for a post;

8.4 Progression within grades will be by normal annual incremental progression until the maximum of a grade is attained;

8.5 The date for incremental progression for all eligible staff will be 1 August each year unless an employee has been on his/her incremental point for less than six complete months on 1 August when progression will commence on the following 1 August;