I.  Call to Order.

Mary Ann Fallon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

II.  Roll Call.

Present: Fallon, Petersen, Innamorato, and Carney

Also Present: Gail Gratzel, Assistant Health Officer; Gina McConeghy, REHS; Mayor Jon Dunleavy; Rebekah Leon, Associate Executive Director and Cindy Giardina, President, Board of Directors both from the Mental Health Association in Passaic County.


Upon agreement of the board members present, the reorganization will be tabled until the February meeting.

IV. Approval of Minutes December 5, 2016.

Motion was made by Ms. Carney to approve the December 5, 2016 minutes as presented.

This motion was seconded by Ms. Petersen and was unanimously approved.

V.  Acceptance of Reports

After discussion of the presented reports on motion by Ms. Petersen with a second by Ms. Innamorato the Health Department monthly reports were approved as submitted. On motion by Ms. Innamorato with a second from Ms. Carney the retail food summary report was approved as submitted.

VI. Unfinished Business

Mayor’s Wellness Campaign: Ms. Petersen reached out to the Methodist Church. If the church is used for programs they need to have an agreement with the town, show proof of insurance and leave $100 non-refundable deposit. It was agreed to use the Recreation Center or Senior Center for any programs to be planned. Ms. Gratzel will check with Sue DeGraw, PHN regarding dates that she may have available in February to teach a Yoga class.

The board reviewed the “Application for New Jersey Healthy Town Designation.” As the Mayors Wellness Campaign grows, the board may begin to work out completing this application.

Tobacco Ordinances: Mayor Dunleavy told Ms. Gratzel that the proposed ordinances are still under consideration with the Council. Ms. Carney has offered to speak on behalf of the BOH at a council meeting in order to educate and discuss these ordinances.

Adult Vision Screening: The PHNs have reached out again to the Commission for the Blind and are now on a waiting list.

VII.  New Business

Stigma Free Initiative: Cindy Giardina and Rebekah Leon form Mental Health Association in Passaic County spoke to the board and Mayor Dunleavy regarding the startup of the Stigma Free Initiative. The first step is for Bloomingdale to plan a date for the passing of a Stigma Free Resolution. The second step to take would be to create a task force which would include community members, police, EMT, fire, health department, library, school superintendent, director of school counseling and PHNs. It usually will take about 2 meetings (monthly) to get a good group together. Mental Health First Aid is recommended to be taken by each task force member. The third step is to reach out to your target groups (seniors, students, etc.…) with planned programs.

Mental Health First Aid for First Responders: Ms. Gratzel reported that she has met with the Chief of Police in Bloomingdale as well as several surrounding towns regarding this training. All Chiefs have an interest in sending some staff to this training. Ms. Gratzel has plans to meet with Michelle Borden of New Bridge Services to finalize this program sometime in January.

The Monday Campaigns: Ms. Gratzel spoke to the board regarding The Monday Campaigns which has just started January 2017. The science indicates that people are more apt to make changes in diet, exercise, or quit smoking as they look at Monday as a day to make a fresh start. The initial startup of this has been a post on Facebook every Monday. The first two Mondays in January included a ‘Quit Smoking” post and an Exercise challenge. The program is expected to be expanded into other areas. Ms. Carney expressed that she thought that this was a great campaign and gave positive feedback.

Silver Sneakers: Ms. Hudson had informed the board about the program Silver Sneakers. In response, Ms. Gratzel reached out to Spa 23 to see if there was an interest in participating in this program. At this time, Spa 23 does not wish to participate in this program. Spa 23 owner, Carey Adler, is in the process of putting together a package/programs for seniors in Bloomingdale, Riverdale, Pequannock and Kinnelon. Ms. Gratzel will meet with Mr. Adler, sometime in mid-January. Ms. Gratzel also filled out an application with Silver Sneakers for the Bloomingdale Senior Center to host the Silver Sneakers Flex Program. The application is still being processed. Ms. Carney suggested reaching out to NY Sports Club with regards to participating in Silver Sneakers. Ms. Gratzel will follow up on this.

2017 Winter/Spring Programs: Ms. Gratzel updated the board on upcoming programs.

VIII.  Public Discussion

Motion was made by Ms. Petersen to open the meeting to public discussion. This motion was seconded by Ms. Carney and all voted in favor. As there was no public wishing to address the Board, motion was made by Ms. Petersen to close the meeting to public discussion. This Motion was seconded by Ms. Innamorato and all voted in favor.

IX. Adjournment

Motion was made by Ms. Innamorato to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. This Motion was seconded by Ms. Petersen and all voted in favor.


Gail Gratzel, MPH

Assistant Health Officer

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