Faculty Senate Minutes

Thursday, October 1, 2009

3:15 PM to 5:00 PM, Accokeek 221 (Gwynn Room)

1.  Attendance: Please check-in on the attendance roster.

In attendance, Senate officers and delegates—Mark Hubley (FO President), Len Sekelick (Liberal Arts), Kathi Linville (Nursing), Michelle Klein (Science and Engineering), Eldon Baldwin (at large), Rosanne Benn (Educational Development), Laura Ellsworth (Public Safety & Law), Daniel Jones (at large), Janet Carlson (Educational Development), Nicole Ives (BSBS), Vince Cipriani (WDCE), and Greg Weiss (Accounting and Business Management). Others in attendance—Scott Huxel and Jean McEvoy

2.  Review the Agenda for the 10/1/09 meeting.

There was no quorum, so no official business was conducted.

3.  Review the Minutes of the 9/17/09 meeting.

There was no quorum, so no official business was conducted.

4. Calendar

Fall 2009 important dates

A. College closed or no classes

i) Labor Day, college closed, Sat. 9/5—Mon. 9/7

ii) College Enrichment Day, no classes, Tue. 10/27

iii) Thanksgiving, no classes, Wed. 11/25; college closed, Thu. 11/26—Sun. 11/29

B. Other important dates

i) Last day to withdraw from 15-week classes, Fri. 11/20

ii) Final exam week, Fri. 12/11—Thu. 12/17

iii) Grades due, 4:00 PM Fri. 12/18

October/November important dates

E. Senate meetings

i) Thu. 10/1, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221

ii) Thu. 10/15, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221

iii) Thu. 11/5, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221

iv) Thu. 11/19, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221

F. Board of Trustees meetings

i) Thu. 10/8, 7:00 PM, Kent 262

ii) Thu. 11/12, 7:00 PM, Kent 262

G. College-wide Forum

i) Tue. 10/6, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B

ii) Tue. 10/20, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B

ii) Tue. 11/3, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B

ii) Tue. 11/17, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B

H. Academic Council

i) Thu. 10/8, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133

ii) Thu. 10/22, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133

iii) Thu. 11/12, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133

5. Attachments

A.  Minutes from the 9/17 meeting

B.  Draft Faculty Organization Bylaws revisions (sent electronically)

6. Reports

A.  Senate President

Mark Hubley reported on a recent general discussion of HR issues with Lark Dobson:

·  At least one company is considering a proposal to offer short term disability insurance for college employees.

·  HR needs to clarify the relationship between the sick leave bank and the proposed disability insurance.

·  Dobson is reviewing a student proposal for a dress code. Tom Knapp has reportedly already approved a “no jeans” policy for employees who work in Kent Hall.

B. Senate Vice President

C. Academic Council

·  Last year the AC discussed creating guidelines for how soon faculty should respond to e-mails and voice mails from students. Sandy Dunnington has raised the issue again with Hubley.

·  General recommendations from individual members of the Senate:

o  Not an issue for rules

o  Suggestions and guidelines more appropriate

o  Different standards appropriate depending upon nature and urgency of the email, whether the student is attending a face-to-face class, etc.

o  Individual e-mail practices should be described in the FDHO (first day handout).

D. Representative from President’s Leadership Team

E. College-wide Forum

i) Representative from Faculty Organization

ii) Facilities Committee

iii) Human Resources Committee

·  Is there a faculty representative on the HR Subcommittee of CWF? (At CWF on 10/6, HR Dean Lark Dobson reported no faculty rep.)

iv) Budget Advisory Committee

v) Campus Culture Committee

vi) Learning Committee

vii) Technology Steering Committee

viii) Strategic Planning Committee

ix) Assessment Committee

F. Chairs’ Council

G. Adjunct Faculty

H. Representative from the Student Governance Board

7. Old Business

A. Elections

B. Faculty Grievance Committee

C. Other old business?


8. New Business

A.  Revisions to Faculty Organization Bylaws

·  Hubley led the Senate through an annotated copy of draft Bylaws revisions.

·  The digital document is color coded

o  Red – proposed deletions

o  Green – questions for consideration

o  Blue – proposed additions

·  Hubley will lead an ad hoc committee to review proposed changes and finalize a draft for consideration by the Senate. (Ultimately, Bylaws changes must be approved by faculty referendum.

B. Tenure and promotion revisions

C. Other new business?


9. Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings

A. Professional Development with Heidi Elam

B. Suggestions?


10. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM.