Title / Other Titles / Definition/Scope / Metrics / Companies
GHG Inventory / Carbon Footprint Reduction / - Total carbon footprint for the operation, meaning natural gas, purchased electricity and global warming gases expressed in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (TMCO2e).
- MTCO2e/MW produced, for our production, our corporate travel, according to the WRI/WBCSD principles / Applied Materials, Constellation Energy*, Dow*, Dow Corning, DuPont, First Solar, MEMC/SunEdison, NextEra*, NRG*, Siemens*, Sunpower, Suntech*, Total*, Trina
Water Use & Reduction / - manufacturing/research owned facilities globally / - Total water consumption, including office and non-office expressed in hundred ft3 (HCF).
- Liter of water withdrawn per watt produced / Applied Materials, Constellation Energy*, Dow*, DuPont, First Solar, MEMC/SunEdison, NextEra*, NRG*, Siemens*, SunPower, Suntech*, Total*, Trina
Electricity Use & Purchases / - manufacturing/research owned facilities globally / - Kilowatt hour per Watt produced / Applied Materials, Dow*, Dow Corning*, DuPont, First Solar, MEMC/SunEdison, NRG*, Siemens*, SunPower, Suntech*, Total*, Trina
Other Air Emissions / DuPont, Constellation Energy*, First Solar, MEMC/SunEdison, NextEra*, NRG*, Siemens*, Total*
Recycling / - Number and Location of modules globally
- Response time from customer request to pick up of modules
- Modules scrap in inventory awaiting processing
- Mass processed and yield from recycling operation of all materials / Applied Materials, Dow*, DuPont, MEMC/SunEdison, NRG*, Siemens*, SunPower, Suntech*, Total
Workforce Training, Risk-Prevention, & Educations / Dow*, NextEra*, NRG*, Siemens*, Suntech*, Total*, Trina
Biodiversity/Land Impact / Dow*, NextEra*, NRG*, Siemens*
Operational/Material & Hazardous Waste / Hazardous Waste Reduction / - manufacturing/research owned facilities globally / - Amount of hazardous waste properly disposed of measured in metric tons.
- Grams of waste per watt produced
- Kilogram of waste recycled versus disposed, also as a % / Applied Materials, Dow*, Dow Corning, MEMC/SunEdison, NextEra*, NRG*, Siemens*, SunPower, Suntech*, Total*
Work-related Fatalities/Injuries / Total Case Incident Rate (TCIR) / - Scope, all associates and EPC contractors globally / - Total number is reportable injuries/100 employees/year. Calculation based on FY and not rolling 12-month rate.
- Lost time injury rate – OSHA definition / Applied Materials, Dow*, Dow Corning, DuPont, NextEra*, NRG*, Siemens*, SunPower, Suntech*, Total*, Trina
Total lost workday incidence Rate / Days away, restricted, or transferred (DART) / - Total number of lost time injuries / 100 employees / year. Calculation is based on FY and not a rolling 12 month rate.
- Lost time injury rate – OSHA definition / Applied Materials, Dow*, Dow Corning, DuPont, NextEra*, NRG*, Siemens*, SunPower, Total*, Trina
Notice of Violation (NOV) / Cumulative number of NOVs received from a Regulatory Agency during an inspection.
Occupational Safety Event Reporting (OSER) Average Closure Rate / Average number of days to close OSERs.

*GRI reporting members


- EPT v. LCA

- product content

- input in terms of energy to manufacture the product v. how long the product is used to gain back the energy

- Gender Issues

- women in management

- gender distinction in the workforce – may not be as relevant, depending on where the company is located

- Work Hours?