
The Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, designates this continuing medical education activity for a maximum of 18 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation with the activity. The Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences, MassachusettsDepartment of Public Health, is accredited by the Massachusetts Medical Society to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

This program is offered by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences. A maximum of 18 nursing contact hours for this program will be provided in accordance with the regulations governing continuing education requirements for the following board of registration:

Board of Registration in Nursing (CMR 244 5.00).


Call 617- 983-6945

Course Dates
Massachusetts General Hospital

February 12-13

March 12-13

May 14-15


November 5-6

STD Clinical

Intensive Course


Partners in Training

Massachusetts General Hospital

Massachusetts State Public Health


This training is intended for clinicians who are currently in practice, primarily those who perform physical exams and manage/treat sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in men and women.

The STD Clinical Intensive Course in Boston accepts a maximum of 10participants.

This interactive course takes place at the Massachusetts General Hospital Genital Infectious Disease (GID) Clinic and theMassachusetts State Public Health Laboratory.Course content may be slightly modified during the year. The STD Clinical Intensive Course consists of the following elements:

Day One:

Massachusetts General Hospital

Monday 8:30am- 12:30pm

Welcome, introductions, course overview. Discussion of sexual history taking and behavioral counseling for STD/HIV prevention. Hands-on review of male genital exam/female pelvic exam and STD specimen collection using male/gynecological teaching assistants.

Monday 1:30pm -4:00pm

Case discussions: urethritis, PID, HPV, HSV, pregnancy and STDs.

Day Two:

Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory

Tuesday 8:30am -12:00pm

Case discussions, management of syphilis.

Tuesday 12:30pm -5:00pm

STD/HIV reporting and partner services.Vaginitis discussion. Hands-on wet mount laboratory workshop: diagnosis and management of vaginal smears, troubleshooting with the microscope and procedure and interpretation of wet mounts.

Day Three:

Massachusetts General Hospital

Date and time to be scheduled within three weeks of completing Days One and Two.

Half day spent in the GIDclinic shadowing a preceptor. Participants will observe sexual history taking, male and female STD examination, specimen collection, diagnosis and treatment plan, counseling.

Completion of evaluation materials.