DRAFT DECISIONS ON AGENDA ITEM 8(c): work programmes
UNDP’s work programme
1.The Executive Committee decided:
(a)To approve funding at the level of US$200,000, plus agency support costs of US$18,000 for UNDP, for the preparation of four pilot demonstration projects in the refrigeration and air-conditioning manufacturing sector that examined technical intervention to improve energy efficiency, national policy and regulatory measures to sustain such intervention in order to maximize the climate impact of HCFC phase-out as resource mobilization activities on the following conditions:
(i)That UNDP informs the Executive Committee of the four proposals specified above no later than the 67thmeeting and notes that this is for information only and would not be funded under the Multilateral Fund;
(ii)That an interim report is provided to the 66thmeeting, which would include an update on the activities so far undertaken and address the following elements:
a.Additionality of the projects proposed;
b.Transparency and good governance, as well as that covering cash flow;
c.Assurance that these projects would not create perverse incentives for countries;
d.Exploring possibilities of project sharing including return of funds to the Multilateral Fund;
e.Ensuring sustainability of the projects proposed;
f.Avoidance of duplication of similar projects;
g.Information on transaction costs;
(b)To note that the funds approved would be taken from the budget reserved for unspecified projects that had been set aside from the funds returned from the Thai chiller project; and
(c)To request UNDP to provide a final report for consideration of the Executive Committee at its 69th meeting.
UNEP’s work programme
2.The Executive Committee decided:
(a)To approve funding at the level of US$100,000, plus agency support costs of US$13,000 for UNEP, for a study on financing options, regional workshops on cofinancing, and/or one or more pilot applications of co-financing for one or more lowvolumeconsuming countries with an approved HCFC phase-out management plan, to be funded as resource mobilization on the condition that an interim report is provided to the 66th meeting, which would include an update on the activities so far undertaken and address the following elements:
(i)Additionality of the projects proposed;
(ii)Transparency and good governance, as well as that covering cash flow;
(iii)Assurance that these projects would not create perverse incentives for countries;
(iv)Exploring possibilities of project sharing including return of funds to the Multilateral Fund;
(v)Ensuring sustainability of the projects proposed;
(vi)Avoidance of duplication of similar projects;
(vii)Information on transaction costs;
(b)To request UNEP to ensure that the regional workshops were held in the context of the network meetings under UNEP’s Compliance Assistance Programme so as to ensure costeffectiveness, and the timing of the workshops will be such that these incorporate the experiences gained by other agencies in their resource mobilization activities;
(c)To note that the funds approved would be taken from the budget reserved for unspecified projects that had been set aside from the funds returned from the Thai chiller project; and
(d)To request UNEP to provide a final report for consideration of the Executive Committee at its 69th meeting.
UNIDO’s work programme
3.The Executive Committee decided:
(a)To approve funding at the level of US$200,000, plus agency support costs of US$18,000 for UNIDO, for the preparation of two project proposals for possible cofinancing for HCFC activities as resource mobilization activities on the following conditions:
(i)That UNIDO informs the Executive Committee of the four proposals specified no later than the 67thmeeting and notes that this is for information only and would not be funded under the Multilateral Fund;
(ii)That an interim report is provided to the 66thmeeting, which would include an update on the activities so far undertaken and address the following elements:
a.Additionality of projects that are being proposed;
b.Transparency and good governance, as well as that covering cash flow;
c.Assurance that these projects would not create perverse incentives for countries;
d.Exploring possibilities of project sharing including return of funds to the Multilateral Fund;
e.Ensuring sustainability of the projects proposed;
f.Avoidance of duplication of similar projects;
g.Information on transaction costs;
(b)To note that the funds approved would be taken from the budget reserved for unspecified projects that had been set aside from the funds returned from the Thai chiller project; and
(c)To request UNIDO to provide a final report for consideration of the Executive Committee at its 69th meeting.
World Bank’s work programme
4.The Executive Committee decided:
(a)To approve funding at the level of US$180,000, plus agency support costs of US$16,200 for the World Bank,for a study that would focus solely on monetizing carbon credits as resource mobilization activities on the condition that an interim report is provided to the 66thmeeting, which would include an update on the activities so far undertaken and address the following elements:
(i)Additionality of projects that are being proposed;
(ii)Transparency and good governance, as well as that covering cash flow;
(iii)Assurance that these projects would not create perverse incentives for countries;
(iv)Exploring possibilities of project sharing including return of funds to the Multilateral Fund;
(v)Ensuring sustainability of the projects proposed;
(vi)Avoidance of duplication of similar projects;
(vii)Information on transaction costs;
(b)That a final report on the study should be submitted to the Executive Committee no later than the 69th meeting; and
(c)To note that the funds approved would be taken from the budget reserved for unspecified projects that had been set aside from the funds returned from the Thai chiller project.