Draft: Communication

Component Skill / Emerging / Developing / Proficient / SuggestedAssessments
Genre awareness, application, and versatility
Students identify and communicate in various oral (or signed) nd written genres in ways that are appropriate to the rhetorical situations (attaending to audience, purpose, context) / Identify and communicate in various oral (or signed) and written genres / Identify and communicate effectively in various oral (or signed) and written genres and describe their choices / Identify and communicate effectively in various oral (or signed) and written genres and evaluate their choices and effectiveness in terms of their appropriateness to the rhetorical situation / Portfolio, presentation, writing assignment, and/or digital assignment.
Note: to assess developing and proficient levels, students’ work should include reflections in which students self-evaluate their choices and overall performance
Medium awareness, application, and versatility
Students develop communications in a variety of mediums (written, oral, signed, visual, electronic) / Communicate in more than one medium / Communicate in several mediums and demonstrate awareness that different mediums have different limitations and strengths / Communicate effectively in several mediums, demonstrate awareness of limitations/ strengths, and evaluate effectiveness in terms of their appropriateness to the rhetorical situation
Reception Strategies
Students apply flexible reading, listening (or signing) strategies to understand and evaluate a message in terms of the rhetorical situation / Use more than one reception strategy and describe the central idea of a message / Use several reception strategies and demonstrate awareness that different rhetorical situations may require different strategies / Use a wide range of reception strategies and self-evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies for interpreting messages in different rhetorical situations
Evaluation and production of arguments
In their own and others’ arguments, students evaluate the authority of sources, distinguish among supported and unsupported claims and among facts, inferences, and opinions; in their arguments, they and integrate sources to support their claims / Evaluate a source’s authority and distinguish among facts, opinions, and inferences or among
supported and unsupported claims / Identify and develop valid claims that are supported by evidence and reasoning; integrate the arguments of others / Identify and develop claims that are supported by evidence and reasoning; integrate and evaluate the arguments of others / Portfolio, presentation, writing assignment, and/or digital assignment

NOTE: AAC&U VALUE Rubric Framing Language. “This writing rubric is designed for use in a wide variety of educational institutions. The most clear finding to emerge from decades of research on writing assessment is that the best writing assessments are locally determined and sensitive to local context and mission. Users of this rubric should, in the end, consider making adaptations and additions that clearly link the language of the rubric to individual campus contexts.” (
