Tender Notice No. HY/ TCEF/CAD/001

Ref. No. : HY/TCEF/CAD/001

Date : 26.02.2010

Sub: Tender notice no. HY/TCEF/CAD/001 for “Rate Contract for Off- Loading of Computerization jobs for all the Engineering Departments of BHEL RC Puram Unit” (Tender Due Date: 20.03.2010)-Reg.

  1. Sealed Tenders will be received by the AGM/ T&C Engineering-FES, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited,Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad-502032 at his office at Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad up to 13.30 hrs on 20.03.2010and will be opened on the same day at 14.00 hrs, for execution of Computerization jobs for all the Engineering Departments of BHEL,RamachandrapuramUnitas detailed in the subsequent pages of this tender notice.
  1. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 60000/- (Rupees Sixty thousands only) is to be paid by each tenderer as per BHEL Works Policy 2008 and is to be submitted along with technical offer.EMD can be paid by either cash in our Cash Office or a Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of “BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED, Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad” payable at Hyderabad shall be enclosed. No other means of payment shall be accepted. Technical offers without EMD will be rejected.
  1. EMD by the Tenderer will be forfeited as per the Tender Documents if:

i)After opening the tender, the tenderer revokes his tender within the validity period or increases his earlier quoted rates.

ii)The tenderer does not commence the work within period as per LOI / Contract. In case LOI / Contract is silent in this regard then within 15 days after award of contract.

  1. EMD shall be refunded to unsuccessful bidders after award of contract to successful vendors.

The tender will be operated through rate contract and the decision to restrict the number of vendors for this rate contract would be rest with BHEL. However, the number of vendors will be restricted to 5. All the categories of work have been divided into different groups (refer Format No.: HY/TCEF/CAD/004)and tender evaluation is based on total value of each group.Group wise L1,L2,L3 etc. would be decided based on the value quoted in each group. L1 price in each group shall be counter offered to the rest of the technically qualified vendors. Vendors are required to submit their quotations for all the groups and all the categories and quotations submitted in partial will be summarily rejected.

  1. The work load shall be distributed to the vendors with whom the rate contract is to be entered by BHEL on the basis of value of jobs, in the ratio of L1-50%, L2 &L3-15% each and L4&L5- 10% each.
  1. Vendors who were qualified in the earlier Rate Contract Ref. No.HY / GTET/0218/O/KRMRdated30.11.2005along with its extension period, but withdrawn beforethe completion of Contract period are not qualified to participate in the present tender.
  1. Security deposit is payable as follows:

-Upto Rs.10 lacs : 10%

-Above Rs.10 lacs upto Rs. 50 lacs : Rs.1 lakh + 7.5% of the amount exceeding Rs. 10 lacs

a)Security deposit is payable before start of the work.

b)The successful vendors have to pay security deposit (SD) as per the above percentage. EMD can be adjusted against SD before commencement of the contract. SD will be returned along with the final bill of Vendor at the end of the contract period. Both EMD and SD will not carry any interest.

c)Security deposit can also be recovered at the rate of 10% from the running bills. However in such cases at least 50% of the security deposit should be paid before start of the work and the balance 50% may be recovered from the running bills.

Various modes permissible for arranging security deposit are as follows:

i)Pay order /demand draft in favor of BHEL.

ii)Local cheques of scheduled banks, subject to realization.

iii)Bank guarantee from scheduled banks/ public financial institutions as defined in the companies act. The bank guarantee format should have approval of BHEL.

iv)Fixed deposit receipt issued by scheduled banks/ public financial institutions as defined in the companies act. The FDR should be in the name of the contractor A/c BHEL, duly discharged on the bank.

  1. The tenders will be opened inT&C Engineering-FES department, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad-502032 on the date and at the venuebelow mentioned. The tenderer or their representative is expected to be present at the time of the opening of the tender to witness. The tenders shall be submitted in prescribed form as detailed in the subsequent pages.
  1. This tender invites offers in two part bid. Hence the Vendor is requested to submit technical and commercial offers in the formats enclosed. The technical and commercial offers to be submitted in two separate sealed coverssuper scribing “Tender notice no. HY/TCEF/CAD/001 (Tender Due Date: 20.03.2010)”. Offers are to be addressed to:


02 ndFloor, New Engineering Building,

BHEL, Ramachandrapuram,


Ph. 040-23183423

  1. If an individual makes the tender, it should be signed with his full name and his address shall be given. If a firm makes it, it shall be signed with the co-partnership name, address of each member of the firm shall be given. If a corporation makes the tender, a duly authorized officer who shall produce with his tender satisfactory evidence of his authorization shall sign it. Such tendering Corporation may be required before the agreement is executed, to furnish evidence of its corporate existence.
  1. Vendors who are meeting the following criteria are only eligible to quote.

a)Should have the facilities to execute the jobs anywhere within the vicinity of twin cities (Hyderabad and Secunderabad).

b)Should have similar experience in the last three years and Customer reference list is to be provided along with the technical offer.

c)Should have minimum three numbers of Computers with minimum of Pentium IV CPU with latest versions of software.

d)Should have qualified man-power with at least two numbers of diploma holders.

e)BHEL has right to inspect the premises of Vendorfor the above facilities before qualification.

  1. The successful vendors are required to sign an agreement with BHEL before rate contract is awarded to them.
  1. BHEL reserves the right to reject / cancel any tender or part there of or all the tenders without assigning any reason.
  1. The following documents to be filled and submitted along with tender.

a)Terms and Conditions, Format No.: HY/TCEF/CAD/002.

b)Vendor Evaluation form,Format no. HY/TCEF/CAD/003.

c)Price Bid form, Format no.: HY/TCEF/CAD/004.

Tenderer shall submit the above forms filling all the required information. In case of incomplete information, the offer is liable for rejection.


Format No.: HY/TCEF/CAD/002

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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Rate Contract for Off-Loading of Computerisation Jobs

of all Engineering Departments of BHEL Ramachandrapuram Unit

  1. The rate contract would be for a period of two (2) years from the date of award of contract.
  2. No. of sheets indicated in the table (refer Format No. HY/TCEF/CAD/004) are approximate load of Computerization jobs expected for one year. For second year also approximately same quantity is expected. However during both years quantities are liable for variation.

3.Vendor is requested to submit technical and commercial offers in the formats enclosed.

4.The technical and commercial offers shall be submitted in two separate sealed covers by super scribing“Tender Notice no. HY/TCEF/CAD/001 (Tender Due Date: 20.03.2010)”- Technical / Commercial offer.

5.The successful vendor entering into rate contract is expected to visit all Engineering departments on daily basis for collection of jobs.

6.Job input collection and clarification from indenter along with transmittal note prescribed by BHEL is the responsibility of vendor.

  1. Indenter will define job category and software with version to be used.
  2. In case of modification jobs, raster editing jobs, the indenter will assess and specify the percentage of modification in relation to the job category based on which charges will be calculated.
  3. For job approval, the output should be submitted in CD/VCD and vendor should ensure the output is totally virus free.
  4. The delivery as agreed (mentioned in transmittal note) should be strictly adhered to.
  5. The vendor has to pay an EMD ofRs 60,000/- against Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of “BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED, Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad” payable at Hyderabad. No other means of payment shall be accepted. Technical offers without EMD will be rejected. EMD will be returned to unsuccessful vendors on acceptance of order by successful Vendors.
  6. Vendors are required to submit their invoices to their respective indenters within ten (10) days from the date of completion of jobs, but not later than thirty (30) days from award of job number.
  7. Payments will be released within ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of invoices from the vendors and it is 45 days in case of SSI (Small Scale Industry). And payments are made in the form of EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer).

Format No.: HY/TCEF/CAD/002

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  1. Penalty @ 0.5% per week to a maximum of 10% of the bill will be levied for the late delivery of the job.
  1. Penalties may be applied for inadequate quality of job (i.e. more than 10% rework) and detection of virus in output. Such penalties to a maximum 5% of bill value will be levied and deducted from the bill.
  1. Vendor shall implement in-house quality control and shall carry out 100% quality checks on full size hard copy. This corrected copy shall be submitted to indentor as a proof of correction.
  1. Repetition bad performance in terms of delivery, quality of job and detection of virus will lead to termination of the rate contract with that vendor without any notice.
  1. Vendor is responsible for adhering to the material movement and security procedure of BHEL.
  1. The inputs provided are proprietary to BHEL and confidentiality of the same is to be maintained by the vendor. Non discloser agreement has to be signed by the successful vendors for this purpose.
  1. Vendor shall not utilize services of BHEL employees for carrying out contract jobs. In case of violation of this condition, the rate contract will be terminated without any notice.


Signature with Date and seal:

Format No.: HY/TCEF/CAD/003

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Vendor Evaluation Form

Vendor Name:


S. no. / Vendor’s response / For BHEL’s use
1 / Name of the chief executive of the company ( enclose bio-data)
2 / Qualification of the chief executive of the company
3 / No.of Partners of the Company, if any (Enclose details of all)
4 / Registration number of the company ( Enclose Xerox copy )
5 / Income Tax PAN (Enclose proof )
6 / Total turnover of the last year for CAD jobs
7 / Manpower available for CAD jobs (attach bio-data) / No.of Engineering graduates
No.of diploma holders
No.of ITI draughtsman
Others ( specify )
8 / Other activities of the company
1 / Telephone no.
2 / Mobile no
3 / Fax Number
4 / Email address
5 / Conveyance facilities
6 / Office – own/rented / residence
7 / Additional information if any
C) AREA OF SPECIALISATION (Mention Company / Dept. served) Enclose details.
1 / Mechanical design drawing
2 / Civil drawings
3 / Electrical drawings
4 / C & I drawings
5 / Other specialization ( please specify )
1a / CAD 2D Drawings – AutoCAD all sizes
2a / Raster Drawings – Scanning all sizes
2b / Raster Drawings – Raster to vector fie conversion all sizes
2c / Raster Drawings – Raster Editing 10% and 25% and all sizes
3a / Plotting - CAD 2D drawings matte film and paper all sizes
3b / Plotting - Raster Drawingsmatte film and paper all sizes
4 / Programming in Auto LISP, VBA, Object ARX in AutoCAD
5a / DTP - MSword
5b / DTP – MSExcel
5c / Scanning - B&W A4 and A3 sizes
5d / Laser printing B&W A4 & A3 sizes
5e / Laser printing colour A4 & A3 sizes

Format No.: HY/TCEF/CAD/003

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Vendor Name:


S. no. / Vendor’s response / For BHEL’s use
1 / Number of computers with minimum Pentium IV CPU
2 / Number of computers with < 1GB RAM
3 / Number of computers with > 1GB RAM
4 / A0 Plotter
5 / A1 Plotter
6 / A3 Laser printer
7 / A4 Laser printer
8 / A4 Laser printer ( Colour )
9 / A4 Scanner
10 / A3 Scanner
11 / A0 Scanner
12 / CD / DVD writer
1 / Auto CAD
2 / MS Office
3 / AutoCAD Raster/ VP Hybrid / Rx spot light
4 / Others ( Specify if any )
I) QUALITY PROCEDURES (Enclose detailed write-up on the Inspection & Quality Control Procedures implemented )
K ) Photocopy of cash receipt no dt
Issued by BHEL’s cash office or original DD no.
dt. for EMD of Rs. 60000 /- (Rupees Sixtythousands only) to be enclosed.


Signature with date and seal:

Format No.: HY/TCEF/CAD/004

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Price Bid Form

Quantity requirement for One year of Off –Loading of Computerization jobs of all Engineering Departments of BHEL Ramachandrapuram Unit

Vendor Name:


Group No / Category / Software / Sub-Category / Rate Criteria / No.of Sheets ( Approx) / Rate per Sheet/unitRs
1 / CAD 2D
Drawings / Auto CAD / a) Drawings Creation / A4 / 5270
b) – do - / A3 / 3140
c) – do - / A2 / 2510
d) – do - / A1 / 1865
e) – do - / A0 / 1300
2 / Raster Drawings / Scanning / a) Raster Drawings Creation / A2 / 900
b) – do - / A1 / 800
c) – do - / A0 / 500
AutoCAD Raster, VP hybrid , Rx spot light or any other
(10% editing of existing drawing) / d) Raster editing (existing drg to new drg) / A4 / 48500
e) – do - / A3 / 1000
f) – do - / A2 / 100
g) – do - / A1 / 100
h) – do - / A0 / 100
AutoCAD Raster, VP hybrid , Rx spot light or any other
(25% editing of existing drawing) / i) – do - / A4 / 2400
j) – do - / A3 / 1500
k) – do - / A2 / 500
l) – do - / A1 / 500
m) – do - / A0 / 950

Format No.: HY/TCEF/CAD/ 004

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Group No. / Category / Software / Sub-Category / Rate Criteria / No.of Sheets ( Approx) / Rate per Sheet/unitRs
3 / Plotting / CAD 2D
& Raster Drawings / a) Media – Ink jet matte film, surface double matte, 75 µ thickness / A4 / 200
b) – do - / A3 / 100
c) – do - / A2 / 25
d) – do - / A1 / 20
e) – do - / A0 / 10
4 / Desk Top Publishing / MS word (with one check print) / a) Word processing sheet creation / A4
MS word (with one check print) / b)– do - / A3
MS Excel (with one check print) / c) Spread sheet creation / Per 100 cells
Scanning (B & W) / d) / A4 / 58200
Scanning (B & W) / e) / A3 / 3000
Scanning (Colour) / f) / A4 / 40
Scanning (Colour) / g) / A3 / 10
Printing (B & W laser) / h) / A4 / 120000
Printing (B & W laser) / i) / A3
Printing (Colour Laser) / j) / A4 / 1500
Printing (Colour Laser) / k) / A3 / 200

Note: Latest version of software must be used when asked for by the indenter.


Signature with Date and seal:

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