Directorate E: Sectoral and regional statistics
Unit E-2: Environmental statistics and accounts; sustainable development
Doc. ENV/ACC/TF/MFA/1(2014)
Point 1 of the agenda
Draft Agenda
Version of 22 September 2014
Eurostat – Unit E2
Task Force on Material Flow Accounts
Meeting 6-7 November 2014
BECH Building – Room B2/464


6 November 2014
7 November 2014 / BECH building – Room BECH B2/464
Begin: 10:30
End: ca. 15:30
1 / Welcome address and adoption of the agenda / ENV/ACC/TF/MFA/1(2014)
2 / Progress report
Eurostat will inform about recent developments in the domain of economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA)
·  RME model results in EuroBase
·  Quality reports EW-MFA
·  New formula introduced to calculate DMC at aggregated EU level
Follow-up issues from last task force meeting:
·  Compare time series of RMC/DMC for various countries
·  Inventory of URLs
·  Schedule for switch to NACE Rev2 (RME model)
·  Net mass of ships, bunkered fuel (meeting with Eurostat trade colleagues)
·  Waste imported for final treatment (meeting with waste colleague)
·  When does ESA transmission programme switch to ESA2010 rules
·  Sven Kaumann's table: Which numerator fits to which de-nominator to build resource productivity ratios
·  Revision of 2001 MFA Guide (new manual)
For information / Presentation
3 / Estimation methods for RMC on country-level
Policy pressure is increasing to provide RMC on country level.
Eurostat's contractor will present various approaches to estimate RME accounts on country level.
Discussion with objective to:
1.  assess the robustness and suitability of various estimation methods (suitable for target setting);
2.  reflect on a draft ESS short-to-midterm strategy with regards to RMC estimates on country level (letter to be sent to NSIs); what is realistic/feasible?
3.  formulate a draft recommendation for methods to be used.
For discussion and conclusion to be forwarded to Working Group / ENV/ACC/TF/MFA/3a(2014) & Presentation
Paper describing various methods for estimating RME [Karl Schoer et al.]
& Presentation
Draft strategy paper
4 / Methodology session 1: Adding 'circular material flows' to the EW-MFA framework
There is a high policy interest in adding recycled material input ('secondary raw material' or 'circular material flows') to the existing economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA). This 'circular material flows' may be set into relation to the usual material inputs (domestic extractions, imports, DMI, DMC) in order to monitor progress in resource productivity due to increased recycling.
The Japanese material flow accounts have been extended by 'circular material flows' for more than a decade.
The objective is to start a conceptual discussion on how to add 'circular material flows' to the EW-MFA framework and to conclude on next steps.
Input by task force members is highly welcome (e.g. on the Japanese methodology, consistency with SEEA-CF, own ideas).
For discussion and concluding on a schedule / ENV/ACC/TF/MFA/4a(2014) & Presentation
Brief issue paper
ENV/ACC/TF/MFA/4b(2014) A package of background papers in particular on the Japanese method and definition of various recycling metrics
[compiled by Eurostat]
Task force members are kindly invited to provide further inputs in form of papers, short presentations etc.!
5 / Methodology session 2: Treatment of metal scrap and secondary metal in RME accounts ('considering 'circular material flows' in RME accounts)
Mandated by the last task force meeting in June 2013 a group of authors have developed a technical note on the treatment of metal scrap and secondary metal in RME accounts, more specifically in the Eurostat RME model.
One of the proposals to is to add 'circular material flows' to the RME model.
For discussion and conclusion / ENV/ACC/TF/MFA/5a(2014) & Presentation
Technical note
[Karl Schoer, Sven Kaumanns, Stephan Moll, Christoph Lauwigi]
Experiences from the German DeTeRess project where 'circular material flows' have been included in a RME model
[Karl Schoer]
6 / Early estimates (T+9m) for EW-MFA by main material categories
Eurostat's contractors have developed a method for early estimates (T+9m) which was presented at the last Working Group.
An EXCEL tool has been developed that produces the early estimates of domestic extraction by main material categories. The tool will be presented.
The task force members are invited to provide an evaluation of the estimations and the EXCEL tool.
For information and discussion / ENV/ACC/TF/MFA/6a(2014) & Presentation
EXCEL tool to produce early estimates of domestic extraction by main material categories
ENV/ACC/TF/MFA/6b(2014) User manual for tool
7 / Assigning material inputs (DE and IMP) to NACE industries
Gerry Brady informed by e-mail (27 March 2014) that trade statistics will match with NACE industries and that this offers the possibility to generate EW-MFA by industries (at least material inputs).
Our Italian colleagues will present results from their work on the Supply table for Industrial products, and on the relation of this tables' rows with the minerals' rows of the Use table for natural resources (whose row-totals make up the non-energy minerals items of the questionnaire Table A).
For information and discussion / Presentation
[Aldo Femia and/or Renato Marra Campanale]
Task force members are kindly invited to provide input!
8 / Research project on critical materials 'embodied' in trade
Roel Delahaye will give a short presentation on a research project in The Netherlands analysing critical raw materials 'embodied' in trade.
For information and discussion / Presentation
[Roel Delahaye]
9 / Quality of EW-MFA – improvement options
With the 2013 data collection countries submitted for the first time quality reports. Eurostat prepared an evaluation of the quality reports and identified a series of quality issues.
The task force is invited to give feedback on the identified quality issues and start a discussion on possible means to improve quality.
For information and discussion / ENV/ACC/TF/MFA/9(2014)
Eurostat's evaluation of EW-MFA quality reports
10 / Manual for EW-MFA
Eurostat decided to develop a Manual for EW-MFA. It will have a similar structure as the manuals for air emissions accounts and physical energy flow accounts. A first part will present the conceptual foundations of EW-MFA making reference to the SEEA-CF. A second part (certainly the biggest) will provide compilation guidelines widely taken from the 2013 EW-MFA compilation guide. A third part will show applications of EW-MFA such as e.g. the resource productivity indicators.
The task force is invited to comment the draft table of content.
For information and discussion / ENV/ACC/TF/MFA/10(2014)
annotated table of content (draft)
11 / Review of Annex 2 of the EW-MFA Questionnaire
Annex 2 of the EW-MFA Questionnaire is a correspondence table between PRODCOM codes and the material categories as requested for Table A on domestic extraction.
Based on their work on PRODCOM our Italian colleagues will present and discuss a more simplified correspondence table.
For information and discussion / ENV/ACC/TF/MFA/11(2014)
Presentation & document
[Aldo Femia and/or Renato Marra Campanale]
12 / Any other businesses (AOB)
For information and discussion