Date: 26thMarch 2009 / Venue:3rd Floor Conference Room, Lambpit Street / Time:1:00-4:00

Attendeesor 

Name / / / / / /
Angela Roberts(Chair) /  / Julie Wilkins /  / Vicky Jones / 
Alex Carson /  / Karen Allen / Apols / Viv Davies / 
Carol Gardner /  / Kathryn Uche / Awaiting new rep / Yvonne Harding / 
Dawn Cooper /  / Kathy Weigh / Apols
Donna Dickenson /  / Ken Danskin / 
Gillian Cowan /  / Margaret Southall / Apols
Graham Edwards /  / Patrick Howells /  / NPHS / TBA
Graham Minniss /  / Pauline Preston /  / Police / TBA
Jan Jones /  / Sarah Hughes / Apols / In Attendance:
Jeanette Shenton [JSh] /  / Sue Willis / Papers only / Lorna Burdge / 
Jon Sankey [JSa] /  / Vicky Barlow / 


Agenda Item and Details / Actions/Who
  1. Apologies, Introductions & Pre-Agenda Issues
AR welcomed attendees and apologies were noted.
  1. Minutes and matters arising not on the agenda

  • The minutes of meeting on 19 January 2009 were confirmed as anaccurate representation of the meeting, with the following amendment:
  • Page 6; Item LAPA; Action Bullet Point 4: “Joint Revenue Grant” should read “Joint Working Special Grant”.
  • The Joint Working Special Grant fund posts and projects around integrated projects and multi-agency working.
Matters Arising
  • Page 3; ASD TF Group:
  • ACTION: JSh to chase regarding what happened to, or is planned tor the funding.
  • PP reported that a survey regarding training has been circulated for the second time.
  • Page 4; Item 3.8;Youth Justice Service [YJS]: This item deferred until next meeting.
  • Page 5; Item 3.8; Economic Development:
  • AR, GC and JSa have not yet met.
  • ACTION: JSa to arrange this meeting.
  • The PAG have not met since the last meeting of this group.
  • ACTION: AR will complete this action, next time PAG meet.
  • Page 5; Item 3.8; LAPA:
  • KD reported that the LAPA group will next meet on 30 April 2009. They are trying to gain more representatives from CYP Service, specifically from Education.
  • ACTION: KD to contact Andy Hawkins.
  • 5x60 Scheme: The team are currently looking into piloting a scheme at St. Christopher’s School. Children with special needs have fallen outside the remit of the 5x60 Scheme, until now. A person has been identified to take on the twelve-month post, to oversee this pilot, however they will require specialist support. Funding should be ready in time for a September start.
  • AR felt that the group would benefit from a short presentation. This to be an agenda item for September 2009.
  • ACTION: Myra Redman/KD to give a 15-minute presentation to the group in the future regarding LAPA and the 5x60 Scheme and how it links into relevant areas such as ACTIV-8, schools, MEND etc.
  • CG suggested that KD may want to contact the Play Development Team (Mike Barclay) regarding funding for specialist children’s play.
  • GC encouraged the group to visit the Health Challenge Wales web page and informed that those in-putting their post-code in to England’s alternative Change for Life, will receive a letter of apology stating that information will not be sent as they live in Wales.
  • Page 6; Item 4.2; Multi-Agency Training:
  • AR took the report to the CYPFWP Board (25.02.09). AR reported that she thinks the report was agreed in principle but that no one had the capacity to lead on it.
  • AR reported that Tricia (TAC) is very accommodating with regards to arranging training for many different areas/topics but a great deal is carried out on “good will”.
  • DD stated that the CYPFWP Board should have an overview of ALL training. This mapping exercise was started but so many changes have occurred that this will now need to be completely re-done.
/ JSh
  1. Standing items: Group/Board updates

  • Colin Elliot has taken over the chair of this group. Graham Edwards to be vice chair.
  • ACTION: Colin Elliott to be invited to attend the next meeting of this group.
3.1.1Terms of reference
  • ACTION: Members asked to look at these and pass any comments to JS by the 3rd April 2009.
3.1.2E Mars:
  • AR informed that funding for the admin post may now have been sorted out.
3.1.3 Suicide Reduction Group
  • Overview document update
3.1.4 PMHWE
  • Overview document update
3.1.5School Counselling Project
  • Overview document update
3.1.6CAMHS Training Group
  • Overview document update
3.1.7Autism spectrum disorder Group
  • Overview document update
3.1.8Autism Spectrum Disorder Group – Terms of Reference (ToR)
  • ACTION: Members asked to look at these and pass any comments to JS by the 3rd April 2009
/ JS
3.2Integrated Strategic Speech and Language – Task and Finish Group / AR
  • This group have met, further update at the next meeting
  • ACTION: AR to feed into next meeting.
/ AR
3.3 Childrens Integrated Disability Service (CIDS) – Task and Finish Group / YH
  • Overview document update
3.3.1Terms of Reference
  • Not available for todays meeting. Will be provided for meeting in June.
  • ACTION: Task and finish group to review TOR and present at next meeting.
/ YH/JSh
3.4Young Carers
  • AR read through the update that MS sent in her absence
  • Work from the original ToR have now been complete, with the exception of Carers’ Assessments.
  • A joint approach is being taken to develop both children and adult Carers’ assessments.
  • AR reported that this is a very big achievement as these have always been separate.
3.4.1Terms of Reference
  • Members asked to look at these and pass any comments to JS by the 3rd April 2009
/ MS
3.5CYP Substance Misuse (linked via SMAT)
  • The last meeting was cancelled. VJ reported that this is not a TF group though; it is a linked group and brings the right people around the table at the right time.
  • There are two pilotproposals being worked on at the moment; Strengthening Families and Stronger Families. The details of which will be worked out following WAG’s approval for Wrexham to participate.
  • The group are to meet again next month.
  • AR asked about work around the “binge-drinking” problem. The main focus of In2Change Children and Young People Team is done around alcohol and cannabis use. YP have to engage with Substance Misuse workers and cannot be forced to do this, therefore engagement is a big part of the team’s work.
  • VJ informed that they are looking at a pilot (adult services) involving those taken into the custody suite and how to engage them in educating them regarding the adverse effects of alcohol but discussions are only in the very early stages.
  • Much of the work concerned with parents is currently limited to help-lines and ad-hoc advice. If the Police pick up YP that are drinking, they do carry out a home visit through the harm education scheme and referrals for the YP can be made to In2Change.
  • VJ stated that there is a project working with children (and whole family) where parental Substance Misuse is an issue. SMAT will be contributing funding to this project in 2009/10.
  • YH will be attending Wakestock in Abersoch, she invited the group to forward their top three questions that they would like YP to be asked. In return for completing the questionnaire, YP will be given free contraception and sexual health advice. YH stated that the answers obtained from this should give a very good “snap-shot”.
  • ACTION: JSh and VJ to meet and respond to the DEFS consultation (Ed Balls) The group to forward any questions for consideration to YH.
3.5.1 Terms of reference
  • ACTION: Members asked to look at these and pass any comments to JS by the 3rd April 2009
/ VJ
3.6Young People’s Sexual Health Planning and Co-ordination Group
  • This group has not met for some time due to a number of issues.
  • ACTION: DD and GC to meet next week to discuss re-convening the group.
  • Reports have been back and forth to the LHB. The last time this report went before the LHB to gain additional funding for the extended hours/Saturday opening of the Info Shop, the group were told to “get on and get started”.
  • DD reported that once a nurse who is willing to cover the Saturday morning is found, the Info Shop will start opening regularly on a Saturday morning.
  • Jonathon Miller is pulling together issues around campaigning and marketing issues.
  • ACTION: DD will bring the decision back to this group, once it is known.
  • YH informed of commissioned training on sexual health, arranged through BangorUniversity. This training is more relevant for nurses but it is open to all professionals.
  • ACTION: YH to circulate the information once received.
  • The training event taking place in September is the last one and if there is enough interest from professionals in this area, it will take place in Wrexham.
  • DD stated that it is important that all professionals within the Sexual Health Service, deliver the same, one message to Wrexham’s young people. Whatever Bangor deliver at these training sessions will be Wrexham’s message as well.
  • DD reported that there has been a drop in teenage pregnancies here in Wrexham. This is now at a critical point and these numbers need to be driven down further. Wrexham is now the eleventh authority in Wales.
  • The info outreach scheme scheme will be rolled out to outlying schools such as Maelor and Grango, as the YP that attend these find it difficult to get into Wrexham’sTown Centre.
  • DD thanked AR, YH, VB, JSh and Jerry O’Keefe for their commitment to getting this project underway.
  • AR reported that the North Wales Sexual Health Forum took place this morning. This meeting includes GUM (Genito-Urinary Medicine) consultants and others delivering a sexual health service. AR informed that this group has been suspended until September (at least) until the NHS re-structure has been completed.
  • A transition group has been set up to oversee the changes in the mean-time.
  • There has been an interesting development within the “Termination Service”. LlandudnoHospital will be undertaking first trimester terminations. Before now the nearest clinic for those requiring this service, was in Liverpool.
  • PP felt that this could be an ideal time to make connections between termination services and grief and loss counselling services. PP informed that information on these services is on the website.
  • ACTION: PP to forward information to group.
  • AR informed PP that this information needs to be put on this group’s agenda in order to bring it to the group’s focus.
/ DD
3.7Public Health Commissioning Group / GC
3.7.1 Terms of Reference
  • ACTION: Group to read and e-mail any additions/amendments to JSh by the 3rd April 2009.
3.7.2 Obesity Programme Group
  • GC reported that her team are in the process of a mapping exercise.
  • ACTION: Any information regarding physical/leisure activities and/or nutrition should be forwarded to GC as soon as possible.
  • GC to circulate information to this group when the information has been compiled.
  • The second meeting of this group’s members has taken place and they are concentrating on the development of the strategy (requiring the physical activity and nutrition information) and looking at gaps in provision. There is so much going on, a need to co-ordinate these services has been recognised. The group will also look at what is best in terms of commissioning these services.
  • SH will be happy to visit any teams to talk through any issues around this topic, or is equally happy to talk through any issues over the telephone.
  • ACTION: GC to ask SH to arrange another meeting with Mike Barclay, of the Play Development Team.
  • AGENDA ITEM: GC to arrange a half-day event, where interested parties can come to share their physical/leisure activities and nutrition information to assist in the development of the strategy and feedback at the next meeting of this group. AR stipulated that if those invited are unable to attend, they must either send a briefing, or a representative who can pass the relevant information on.
3.7.3 Breastfeeding
  • GC to meet up with Fiona Lee in May, to decide how to progress. There may be an issue regarding capacity.
  • ACTION: GC report back to this group.
  • AR questioned whether the Breastfeeding Group has been re-instated.
  • JSh stated that a reporting structure on Breastfeeding is required as it is one of the Key Aims in Wrexham’s CYPP.
/ GC
3.7.4 Tobacco Reduction
  • This is currently being updated and SH will be planning an event around this.
  • ACTION: SH to keep this group informed
/ SH
3.7.5 Immunisation[Lorna Burdge – Wrexham LHB]
  • Wrexham is well up to reaching WAG’s target of immunising 96% of children.
  • There are two new vaccines.
  • Some GP practices carry out their own vaccinations and others have aSLA with the Trust.
  • A two-day immunisation training course is being developed for community nurses, school nurses and practice nurses alike and a follow up course.
  • Immunisations are very complex injections and must be given with care and up to date guidance.
  • Travel immunisations have also been looked at with practice nurses.
  • Lorna informed that there have been issues around properly recording immunisations and reported that while adverse reactions are extremely rare they would require immediate treatment.
  • Lorna informed that part of her job is to check the weekly vaccination waiting lists. If these are getting longer, Lorna contacts the relevant surgery to find out the reasons for the wait. Lorna will do clinics for these surgeries if and when required.
  • Counselling for parents is required. Vaccinations are a very emotive subject since rumours of a link between the MMR jab and Autism were made – although now known to be unfounded.
  • Repercussions of this link have seen a drop in the number of children being vaccinated against Measles, Mumps and Rubella [MMR]. Now, childhood diseases that had been all but eliminated are making a return. There has been an outbreak of measles in Chirk and another (more recently) was confirmed in Ruabon. Despite this, parents are still choosing not to immunise their children.
  • An MMR “catch-up” plan has been developed and noted changes are that uptake of the second MMR vaccination has increased, while the first MMR vaccination uptake has dropped further.
  • The group looked at the October-December figures update (handout) Wrexham is still around the 90% mark.
  • The problem with the HepMenC immunisations is that if the first vaccination is missed the two vaccinations cannot be given together, so missing one has a knock on effect.
  • VB asked about numbers regarding migrant families but was informed that different cultures have different systems of vaccinations – very cultural, e.g. France does not vaccinate against meningitis and French immigrants will not have this vaccine, while the Portuguese have many separate vaccinations.
  • YH reported that Wrexham is achieving about a 95% uptake on the HPV vaccine.
  • As Immunisation is one of the Key Task Performance Indicators, AR asked the group how often Lorna should report back to this group. The group asked how often data is made available. Lorna informed that surgeries can take up to six-months to compile their data so data can be a good six-eight months behind.
  • ACTION: Lorna to request an “exception report” for this group and to inform this group of any problems as they arise.
  • YH reported that all information is also available on the NPHS’ website.
/ LB
3.7.6 Children’s Dental Health
  • Dr Sandra Sandham will be attending the next Public Health commissioning Group meeting in April 2009.
  • AR stated that problems are arising in this area as there is no fluoride in the water and only WAG can instruct the Water Board to add anything to the water.
  • AR reported that in the West Midlands, where Fluoride is added to the water supply, children’s dental health is very good.
/ GC
3.8Voluntary Sector Update / CG
  • CG stated that there is nothing to report at this time.
  • Groups may struggle to get voluntary sector representation as many are under pressure from a number of different issues. Many organisations are struggling in the current economic climate and are currently in discussion regarding how best to continue.
  • CG has spoken to Laura Williams (AVOW) who informed that CYPFWP and SCoGs etc. are down by large numbers, with no one coming forward at this time. This will undoubtedly affect the Statutory agencies who wish to continue working with the Voluntary Sector.
  • AVOW may have difficulty finding voluntary sector representatives for groups.
  • Action: Update to be brought to the next meeting
/ CG
3.9 Other Organisations Update
  • JW reported that the OT team are in flux. Glenys has retired and Lesley Cotter starts work with the team on 1 April 2009.
  • Physiotherapy team are leading the SMART project in main stream primary schools. In this project, one ordinary PE lesson is replaced with a physical activity session that enables trained individuals to diagnose whether a child has dyspraxia. Many children with dyspraxia have been picked up through the SMART project.
  • KD reported that when YP have finished their interventions (allowed to do two) they are rewarded with a “dash card” which entitles them to 50% reduction on all of Wrexham’s Health and Fitness centres.
  • Penny Cowleys Update: JW read through Penny’s updates for the benefit of the group. Penny had made additions on the circulated Overview report.
  • ACTION: AR asked JW to pass on the group’s thanks for the updated information but also that Penny be informed that she should feed in to the relevant TF groups, for them to pass to this group’s updates.
/ JW
  1. Other items tabled

4.1 H&A SCoG – Terms of Reference (ToR)
ACTION: The group was asked to read over the ToR for this group and pass any comments to JSh by Friday 3 April 2009, otherwise the document will be considered to be ratified by the group. / AR
4.2 MEND Update(verbal)
  • YH reported that the “Mind, Exercise, Nutrition and Do-it” (MEND) project is up and running in Wrexham and Flintshire.
  • St. Christopher’s will run a group.
  • The programme is for children who are obese and consists of two after school meetings for a period of ten weeks. No group has more than 15 children and those completing the programme are fed through ACTIV-8 as an exit strategy.
  • There has been a low uptake for MEND but this has improved for the second programme.
  • KD stated that positive results are reliant on families taking responsibility.
  • CG questioned whether this programme would run for children with disabilities have fewer opportunities for play and exercise. AR stated that this situation is better here in Wrexham than in other areas.


4.3 ‘Talk to the Hand’ Update(verbal)
  • AGENDA ITEM: This item deferred until the next meeting of this group – 22 June 2009.


4.4 Community Extravaganza(verbal)
  • This event will take place on Saturday 6 June 2009 in Queen’s Square and the green alongside the Guildhall.

  1. AOB

  • JW reported that she is to take part in the “Three Peaks Challenge” on Saturday 27 June 2009 in order to raise money for charity.
  • ACTION: Any one wishing to sponsor JW should contact her directly.
  • AR informed the group that she would revise the agenda for next month so that the meeting will follow a theme.
  • AR thanked the group and the meeting closed.
  1. Date and time of next meeting

DATE:Monday 22 June 2009
TIME:1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
VENUE:Conference Room 3, Erlas, Wrexham.
Future Meetings
  • Monday 21 September 2009, Committee Room 3, Guildhall
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • Monday 21 December 2009, Committee Room 3, Guildhall.
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.