Spanish Literature AP Instructional Framework

High Schools 6 WEEKS: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

What influenced the decline OF THE Spanish Empire?
What are the characteristics of a Novel Genre?
What facts can you gather about the Modernism Era?
What can you point out about drama Genre?
What is the relationship of the author’s work and the social life at that time? / 3A Student gain knowledge and understanding of the Hispanic Culture
5 A, B Students develop insight into the nature of language and culture by comparing the student’s own language and culture to another.
2B Use the language at the intermediate level to demonstrate an understanding of the products and how they are related to the perspectives of the culture studied. / Abriendo Puertas I – McDougall Littell
Abriendo Puertas II- McDougall Littell
Spanish Literature Teacher’s Guide College Book
Azulejo – Wayside
Momentos Cumbres de Las Literaturas Hispanicas- Pearson Prentice Hall
Aproximaciones – McGraw Hill
Literatura y Arte – Harcourt Publishers
Civilización y Cultura – Harcourt Publishers
Larousse Diccionario Enciclopédico
Advanced Placement Literatura Preparation Book – Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Cracking the AP Spanish 2006-2007 –
Random House / SWL:
17. - Understand and analyze the Novel Genre with Miguel de Unamuno: San Manuel, Bueno mártir.
18. - Interpret the poetry of the romantic Antonio Machado; XX Century: “Caminante, son tus huellas”; “He andado muchos caminos”; “La primavera besaba”.
19. - Understand the concept f the Modernism Era: renovation of all the genres.
20. - Evaluate the poems of Ruben Dario; modernist of XX Century, “Canción de otoño en primavera”;” Lo fatal”, “A Roosevelt”.
21. - Examine the drama of Federico García Lorca: “La casa de Bernarda Alba”.
22. - Analyze the Macro and Micro Cosmos and compare this drama with the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.
23.- Analyze and interpret the poems of Federico García Lorca: Romancero Gitano:
“Romance de la luna, luna”, “Romance de la Perra Negra”, “La monja gitana”, “Prendimiento de Antonito el camborio”, “Muerte de Antonito el camborio”, “Romance Sonámbulo”.
24. - Analyze and apply the knowledge about feminism in the Works of Alfonsina Storni: “Tu me quieres blanca”, and “Peso ancestral”.
25. - Analyze Spain’s Post – War with the story of Carmen Martín Gaite: “Las ataduras”.
/ Literary Terms & Genres
Oral & Aural Exercises
Thematic Analysis
Text Analysis Essay
Poetry Analysis Essay / Historic Links
Dictatorship in the New World.
Generation of 1998 in Spain.
Artistic and Spiritual Renovation at Spain.
The dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz in México.
The Mexican Revolution.
World War I
Spanish Civil War
World War II
Cuban Revolution.
Cultural Links
Spain “Romerías” Religious Festivities & Saints.


Spanish Literature AP Instructional Framework

High Schools 6 WEEKS: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th


TAKS Objectives / Time Frame (D, W, Unit)
Social Studies
3.A: WG18 11th & 12th
5.B: (4)
Obj.1. - demonstrate a basic understanding of culturally diverse written texts.
Obj.2. - knowledge of literary elements to understand culturally diverse written texts.
Obj.3. - use a variety of strategies to analyze culturally diverse written texts.
Obj.1. - within a given context, produce an effective composition for a specific purpose.
Obj.3. - recognize appropriate organization of ideas in written text. / 3rd SIXWEEKS
Objectives: 17 - 25