Approved minutes of June 1, 2013 presbytery meeting




JUNE 1, 2013

The 123rd Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Arkansas was called to order at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary at Second Presbyterian Church, Little Rock on Saturday, June 1, 2013 following the annual training of cluster records review teams.


Ruling Elder Sheree Niece, presbytery moderator, called the presbytery to order, lit the Christ candle and gave the opening prayer.


Teaching Elders of Second Church, Steve Hancock, Karen K. Akin, and Camille LeBron Powell, led the presbytery in worship. Candidate for ministry Frank Marion (Mike) McCracken preached as part of his exam for ordination. Bevan Keating, director of music and arts, and organist Adam Savacool led the music and the choir, Ruling Elder Cyril Hollingsworth was liturgist and presbytery staff for youth Britton Varn gave the call for the offering. Summer camp counselors at Ferncliff and the presbytery’s and Second Church’s delegation to Presbyterian Youth Triennium were commissioned.


The commissioners and guests moved to the Great Hall for the remainder of the meeting.


Moderator moved adoption of the docket as printed with three items of new business (Committees on Ministry, Nominations and Administration and rearrangement of the McCracken motions from COM). Docket was approved as amended.


Stated Clerk TE Cathy Ulrich declared a quorum present with 58 Teaching Elders and 64 Ruling Elders present at the time of the gavel.

TEACHING ELDERS: Karen Kokles Akin, Catherine L. Allsbury, Phillip Blackburn, Robert Brian Brock, Janet B. Butin, Phil W. Butin, D. Breckinridge Castleman, Kris Crawford, Fern M. Davis, Ruskin Falls, Alan Ford, Elizabeth Gabbard, Bill Galbraith, Gordon F. Garlington III, David E. Gill, Jesus Juan Gonzalez, Steve Hancock, Terry Hart, Chris Jones, Clare Martin Kelley, Young Doo Kim, Frank LeBlanc, Liz Lindsey, Robert Lowry, Carl McCormack, Larry Mitchell, Marie Mainard O’Connell, Camille LeBron Powell, Emmett Powers, Jeff Price, Timothy C. Reeves, Dennis Ritchie, Leslie Bethell Roper, Susan Rose, Dari Rowen, Anne Russ, David Schaller, Kenneth Shaw, Rebecca Spooner, Drew Travis, Catherine Ulrich, Thomas A. Ulrich, Michael Vinson, Lindy Smith Vogado, Marci Ward, Susan Carter Wiggins, Robert Williamson, Rita Wilson, Daniel Wooley.

Honorably Retired Active Teaching Elders: Ben H. Bateman, William W. Branch, Donald K. Campbell II, Guy Delaney, David H. Dyer. Heinrich B. Eiler, Richard Frothingham, William F. Henning, Sally Johnson, David S. King, James B. Miller, Richard H. Miller, C. Michael D. Seitz, Joe Tropansky, W. Kennedy Upham, Don Wardlaw.

RULING ELDER COMMISSIONERS FROM CONGREGATIONS: Alpine, Amity, Thomas A. Robertson, Jr.; Memorial, Atkins, Gary Murdoch; First, Batesville, Ellen Case; Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista, Bill Dieleman and Harry Reif; First, Benton, Jon Snyder; First, Bentonville, Jeanne Boehmler and Bob Boehmler; First, Clarksville, Lynn Castleman; First, Conway, Renee Hunter; First, Dardanelle, Gloria Nail; First United, Fayetteville, Fred Shefte; Graham Memorial, Forrest City, Charles White; Central, Fort Smith, Suzanne Bethell; First, Fort Smith, Emily Evans and Nancy Peters; First, Heber Springs, John P. Hanna; Holiday Island, Carol Ann Schneider; Faith, Horseshoe Bend, George F. Jackson; First, Hot Springs, Carol Mattson; Westminster, Hot Springs, Fran Lancaster; Kirk in the Pines, Hot Springs Village, Sally Fink and Jerral Johnson; First, Jacksonville, Mary Lee Schultz; First, Little Rock, Libby Ingram; Grace, Little Rock, Robert Moore; Pulaski Heights, Little Rock, Jana Barfield; Second, Little Rock, Ben Downs, Tom Hicks, Vernon Markham, Laura Cook; Trinity, Little Rock, John Dickins; Westover Hills, Little Rock, M. E. Guise; First, McGehee, Jo Wilson; First, Morrilton, Michelle Cheek; Barr Memorial, Norman, Mary Beth Lysobey; Park Hill, North Little Rock, Sue Rennie; Central, Pine Bluff, Tommy Dunlap; First, Pine Bluff, Kitty Rubenstein and Grace Robinson; First, Rogers, Jim Gooding; Central, Russellville, Lissa Teal and Jackie Gardner; First, Springdale, Mary Shaw; First, Van Buren, Jan Enke; Wynne Presbyterian, Keeli Smith; First, Yellville, Claudia Brigham.

AT-LARGE COMMISSIONERS: Exofficio member of General Committee: Wes Shaver; Ruling Elder members of General Committee: Frances Bateman, Linda Castleman, Janis McClure, Patty Minga; Ruling Elder Moderators of Presbytery Committees: James Anderson, Disaster Preparedness and Response; Kim Danehower, Mission; Ledridge Davis, Representation; Julie Agee Gillaspy, Nominations; Al Glover, Clusters; Ruling Elder Commissioners to General Assembly 220, Richard Freer; Moderator, Presbytery, Sheree Niece.

COMMISSIONED RULING ELDERS: Elizabeth Hardin, First, Gurdon; Jim Hays, Memorial, Atkins; G. Hartley Jones, Barr Memorial, Norman; Kelly Pearson, First, Dardanelle.

CERTIFIED CHRISTIAN EDUCATORS: Jeannie Ford, Second, Little Rock; Linda LeBron, retired; NiAnn Thompson, First, Malvern.


VISITORS TO THIS MEETING: 67 registered including Ferncliff summer counselors and delegations to Triennium for worship service.

CORRESPONDING MEMBERS: Dick Powell, Mission Presbytery, Mo-Ranch; Kevin Keaton, New Covenant Presbytery, Board of Pensions PC(USA); Melinda Hunt, Grace Presbytery, Texas Presbyterian Foundation; Mike Kuner, Northern Kansas Presbytery, Westover Hills, Little Rock; “Chip” Hardwick, Great Rivers Presbytery, PC(USA)/Presbyterian Mission Agency.

TEACHING ELDERS WITH EXCUSED ABSENCES: Leslie F. Belden, Nancy Benson-Nicol, Joy Carrington, Lewis R. Donelson IV, Dan Festa, Debra Carl Freeman, Susan Gray, Robert Hadley, Al Henager, Lance Jones, Mark Lenneville, Jennifer Lord, Patricia Schaller, Lacy Sellars, Georgia Senor, Shauna Silmon, Debbie Spangler, Nancy Taylor.

HONORABLY RETIRED TEACHING ELDERS WITH EXCUSED ABSENCES: Jim Chaffin, James P. Fleming, Orin M. Frank, Howard H. Gordon, Robert Hyatt, Lee Power, Richard Shinkle, Maetta Snyder, Frederick A. Taylor, Darwin Wolfe.

TEACHING ELDERS ABSENT WITHOUT EXCUSE: Bill Bailey, Tasha Blackburn, Lance Clemmons, Jeff Cranton, Kade Curry, James J. Farley III, Clifton P. Ford, John Gibson, Marion A. Humphrey, Andrew King, Kendal Land, Libby Lizarraga, Harry Young.

HONORABLY RETIRED TEACHING ELDERS ABSENT WITHOUT EXCUSE: John Barklind, Thomas S. Carter, Milton B. Davis, David Laverty, Burle D. Mattingly, Jerry Rice, Walter Swetnam, Donald Trent.

SESSIONS WITH EXCUSED ABSENCES: West End, Arkadelphia; Vaughn, Bentonville; First, Brinkley; First, Eureka Springs; Kirk of the Hills, Fairfield Bay; second elder commissioner, Central, Fort Smith; First, Gurdon; First, Harrison; Holly Grove Presbyterian; Westminster, Little Rock; First, Marianna; Hopewell, Morrilton; Mountainburg; First, Prairie Grove; First, Stuttgart.

SESSIONS ABSENT WITHOUT EXCUSE: First, Alma; First, Arkadelphia; First, Beebe; Presbyterian Church of Bull Shoals; Cane Hill; Harmony, Clarksville; Elkins; Walnut Grove, Farmington; second elder commissioner, First United, Fayetteville; Mt. Comfort, Fayetteville; One-O-One, Gamaliel; First, Gravette; Good Shepherd, Greenwood; Spring River, Hardy; First, Helena; Woodlands, Hot Springs Village; First, Huntsville; First, Jonesboro; First, Lincoln; Allison, Little Rock; second elder commissioner, Trinity, Little Rock; second elder commissioner, Westover Hills, Little Rock; First, Lonoke; First, Mena; First, Mountain Home; First, Newport; First, North Little Rock; First, Ozark; First, Paragould; Mount Vernon, Pea Ridge; Faith, Pine Bluff; First, Pocahontas; second elder commissioner, First, Rogers; First, Searcy; First, Walnut Ridge; Cleburne Avenue, West Helena.

AT-LARGE RULING ELDER COMMISSIONERS WITH EXCUSED ABSENCES: Ruling Elder Member of General Committee, Jim Keyes; Ruling Elder Moderators of Presbytery Committees, Susie Wright, Committee on Preparation for Ministry; Moderator, Presbyterian Women, Betty Glenn.

AT-LARGE RULING ELDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT WITHOUT EXCUSE: Ruling Elder Members of General Committee, Chuck Blanton and Ron David; Ruling Elder Members of the Committee on Clusters, Carol Klarr, Russ Mathis, Wally Thacker; Ruling Elder Moderators of Presbytery Committees, Marty Shepherd, Care and Nurture of Church Professionals.

COMMISSIONED RULING ELDERS ABSENT WITHOUT EXCUSE: Gary Adler, First, Mountain Home; Bill Bush, First, Gravette; K. C. Chanthorn, Laotian-First, Fort Smith; Bruce Schlegel, Walnut Grove, Farmington and Cane Hill Presbyterian; Harlis Wright, Faith, Pine Bluff.

CERTIFIED CHRISTIAN EDUCATORS WITH EXCUSED ABSENCES: Kristi Button, First United, Fayetteville; Lynn King, retired; Nancy Irving Smith, retired.


Teaching Elder Steve Hancock, head of staff at Second, Little Rock, thanked the body for their attendance in worship, pointed out restrooms, and expressed gladness for everyone’s attendance.


Stated Clerk Ulrich asked the first-time elder commissioners to hold onto their chairs, pointed out the elders bench in the chancel, and mentioned that commissioners are connected by their grip. The PC(USA) connectionalism system can be observed as we partake of the General Committee’s offering of a wide variety of issues at this meeting. Every presenter feels his or her information is vital. Stated Clerk welcomed all to doing God’s work.


Moderator Niece introduced General Presbyter TE Bill Galbraith, Stated Clerk TE Cathy Ulrich, Assistant Stated Clerk/Resourcing Director RE NiAnn Thompson, Youth Staff Resource Britton Varn, Director of Mission Support RE Kenneth Rich, Congregational Care and Development Staff Resource TE Michael Vinson, and Presbytery Evangelist TE Jesse Gonzalez.


Stated Clerk read the list of corresponding members who were seated: Dick Powell, Mission Presbytery; Kevin Keaton, New Covenant; Melinda Hunt, Grace; Mike Kuner, Northern Kansas; Chip Hardwick, Great Rivers. All were granted privilege of the floor.


Stated Clerk asked if any item should be removed and discussed. None was removed. Consent Agenda was approved as printed.

1.  Teaching Elders, Honorably Retired, who wish to be considered Active or Non-Active for the year 2013. Assistant Stated Clerk, on behalf of the Committee on Care and Nurture of Church Professionals, has contacted all honorably retired members of the Presbytery of Arkansas so that the Stated Clerk could inform and the body vote on the following 2013 list of Honorably Retired Ministers, showing each minister's self-elected status as "active" (voting at Presbytery meetings and requesting excuse when unable to attend) or "non-active" (relieved of the need to attend Presbytery meetings or vote):
Wishing to be considered ACTIVE in 2013: Ben Bateman, William W. Branch, Donald K. Campbell II, Milton B. Davis, W. Guy Delaney, David H. Dyer, Heinrich B. Eiler, Orin M. Frank, Richard Frothingham, Howard H. Gordon, William F. Henning, Robert Hyatt, Sally Stockley Johnson, David S. King, Carlos Lopez, James B. Miller, Richard H. Miller, Jerry Rice, C. Michael D. Seitz, Richard Shinkle, Maetta Snyder, Frederick Taylor, Joe Tropansky,W. Kennedy Upham, Don Wardlaw, Darwin Wolfe.
Wishing to be considered NON-ACTIVE in 2013: John Barklind, Jerry L. Bedford, Dennis R. Bennett, Joseph R. Boatwright, William D. Carr, Thomas S. Carter, Jim Chaffin, J. Donald Corley, Bob Cox, Lloyd O. DeLong, Elva M. Douthat, Harold Duerksen, Eugene Edwards, Stanley D. Farmer, Duane Farris, Laura Lee Fleetwood, Jim Fleming, John Foss, Edsel Granger, Raymond E. Hearn, Ed Holt, Gary M. Jones, Ron Jones, Richard Knott, David Laverty, Burle Mattingly, Park H. Moore Jr., Lee Power, William A. Rail, Jack Rorex, Reinhold Schmidt, Ernest B. Smith, Walter Swetnam, Jimmie D. Thames, Donald Trent, William Tucker, Thomas L. West, James Westbrook, Charles T. White, J. Q. Williams, Ann Williamson, Frank M. Young.

2.  To approve the minutes of the 122nd stated meeting of the Presbytery of Arkansas

3.  The administrative commission elected by the General Council (now General Committee) on July 23, 2011 and reported to the presbytery on October 15, 2011 to “inquire of and work with the session to develop a plan for addressing the church’s financial indebtedness” for First, Harrison has completed its work, filed its final report (see appendix), and asks to be dissolved.

4.  The administrative commission elected by the Presbytery of Arkansas on June 4, 2011 to “inquire into and settle the difficulties” of the Vaughn Presbyterian Church, Bentonville has completed its work, filed its final report (see appendix), and asks to be dissolved.


5.  The minutes of the 2012 meetings of the Presbytery of Arkansas have been read and approved without exception under a process led by the Stated Clerk of the Synod of the Sun.


Five items on the report of the Stated Clerk were moved to the Consent Agenda and approved. TE Bill Branch, honorably retired, read a letter as an item of correspondence. It was voted to include the letter as follows in the presbytery minutes.

The Rev. Cathy Ulrich, Stated Clerk

Elder Sherée Niece, Moderator

Presbytery of Arkansas

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Greetings in the name of the Lord from the Presbyterian Church of Colombia, your companion in the search for peace and justice for all of Gods people. It has been ten years that we have had the blessing of U. S. Presbyterians coming to Colombia to walk with us in the midst of violence and injustice.

It is good to say that the Presbyterian Church of Colombia is having the opportunity to develop its Christian mission among all the difficulties that it means to be witnesses for peace in a country that needs it a great deal. Maybe the best news of these days is the signature of the first point for peace between the guerrilla and the government in La Habana, Cuba. This good news is producing great joy in all of the Colombian population, and your church and ours are affected by this development.

We want to thank the presence of Bill and Liz Branch for the second time in Colombia, because it means the commitment the Presbytery of Arkansas has with the Presbyterian Church of Colombia. We appreciate very much their presence and your concern about our difficulties that are challenges we need to turn into opportunities for the glory of God. Amen.

Yours sincerely,

Germán Zárate-Durier, R.E.


Oficina de Diaconía

Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia


Stated Clerk announced there was a recent constitutional musing from the Office of the General Assembly, which answers some of the misrepresentations being circulated in printed materials about the PC(USA). This resource may be found on the PC(USA) website and in the June Banner.


Moderator appointed the following as:

Tellers: TE Rebecca Spooner, TE David Schaller, RE Patty Minga and CRE Hartley Jones.

Leaves of Absence Committee: Ruling Elder Carol Mattson, First, Hot Springs, and Teaching Elder Joe Tropansky, HR.


Teaching Elder Kevin Keaton, regional representative of the Board of Pensions, gave the report, using an AV presentation on the future and present realities of the financial underpinnings of the medical dues collection. He assured the council that the pension plan is fully funded because there is enough in investments to cover all commitments, wisely invested for future members. Retirees have not been able to receive experience apportionments, and these will now be spread out over time. A 1% EA will begin on July 1. Medical dues related to the traditional plan (not affiliated plan or those receiving benefits in retirement now) are being examined. The forecast for 2014 had been dire. Healthcare committee came out with dues plus option which was not well received. In March three models were suggested and response was gathered at regional conferences. The committee will recommend at the end of June a two-step model: in 2014 raise medical dues to 23% and in 2015 raise to 24.5% for full family coverage and offer a lower rate for individual only. Keaton suggested that churches start planning now as to whether to share part of the cost with plan members. Feedback is available through the website. Keaton was available over lunch for questions.