PPG minutes 23-09-2013

1.1Apologies from Jan Cushing , Val Hunt , Mike Olive, Kath Mears.

Dr. Nick Western is present for the meeting.

1.2 Sheila Figg has stepped down from the PPG. A copy ofher resignation is attached to the minutes.

1.4 A group welcome to Carina Croissant - a new member to the group.

2.0 Review of last meetings minutes. Apologies for the technical hitch which effected last months minutes. Any glaring omissions from last months minutes, please mention it and they can be added and sent out to members.

3.0 Jane Winship reported back from the North Hampshire Alliance meeting of 11th September 2013.

3.1Jane Hogg, Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust outlined planning for the future of hospital services. They will be looking at making sense of the needs of the community with a population of 600,000 and the changes necessary to deliver the best services. Some services will need to be delivered centrally and not at both Winchester and Basingstoke e.g. strokes, coronaries and road traffic accidents. Feed backwould be welcome from now until December regarding the elements of care people are, most concerned about.

3.2Sharon Martin, Senior Service Manager for North Hants CCG dealing with Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) and a budget of £214m is looking at pathways of care and would welcome feedback by end of November.

3.1Each PPG is asked to report 3 examples of ‘best practice’ and 3 of ‘not very good practice’ to the next Alliance meeting on 27th November 2013.


Thanks to Jane for attending the meeting and replaying this information.

4.0Terms of Reference –

4.1 Discussion of Itemsin the terms of reference where brought forward by Jane as they needed to be discussed further.

4.2The Chairperson does not have to come from "The Group" anyone attending the AGM can be proposed as Chairperson as long as they are in attendance.

4.4 Two years is the maximum term a member can sit for, however at the point of transition from one member to the other a teething period is accepted.

4.5 Discussion of a quorum/majority decision for motions to be passed that a percentage/number/figure mentioned in the terms of reference needed to be discussed. The conclusion was that a minimum of 5 people needed to be present in order to make the meeting valid & a minimum of 60% of the vote needs to be gained in order for a motion to be passed. Dr. Western believes practice staffs do not have a vote;they are there to refer to as a source of info/reference.

5.0 Claire still applying for the set questions for the questionnaire. Claire will email the standard questions for this year and last year’s additional questions out to all before the next meeting. As agreed in a previous meeting, we will have members of the group canvassing patients in the surgery waiting room w/c 30th September to find out the issues and priorities from other patients. The feedback can then be bought to next month’s meeting where the group will discuss and agree additional questions for the survey. The reason for canvassing patients is to gain views wider than the PRG and therefore be representative of the practice population when agreeing additional questions.


6.1 National association of Patient participation pack has come through to the practice. We shall move this to next months meeting to allow Philip and Claire to have a proper read through the pack.

7.1 Officers: Due to lack numbers we have decided to move the issue of officers to next month. Suggestion of officers vote to be taken to the annual general meeting.

7.2 Suggestion that the terms of reference will be edited after today’s discussion. It will be edited and voted for via email with a copy of terms of reference.


8.2 GP Representation - Claire said that GP representation will be here for all meetings. Partners will make an effort to always have someone here.

9.0 Website development – We get a new intranet and webpage for completely free as we have upgraded IT system in the practice.

10.0 Any other business – Next meetings; 23rdOctober, 12thNovember, 12th December. All meetings are at 6.30pm.

Resignation letter: Sheila Figg

I regret that I will be dropping out from the group, I feel that it is not for me and that I have nothing positive to bring. I wish the group success


Resignation Letter – Jan Cushing

Dear All,

I am, with regret, formally resigning from the group.

My work commitments are a barrier to my commitment to consistently attending meetingsandit seems that the current team are very empowered to lead the PRG group forward with success.

Thank you.....I apologise I have not been able to attend current meetings and fully appreciate the expectations which I am unable to forfill. Hence my resignation.

I would like to explain to new members and the new chair that myinvolvement from the start, (where I reallyDIDgave 100% commitment) was linked to the plans for the new surgery .There wasa high % of patients in the South Ham area who were not as highly represented with a "voice"as those in the satellite zone of the small surgery inHatch Warren . They neededa representative; they needed supportbecause I can assume you it was challenge to explain that the surgery wasPINKERTON ROADnot HW. The outcome is the new surgery is amazing; it is in the right place for the community. Thisis the outcome that is right for the majority of patients.

I am sorry but I have so many committees I have to attend in my current role that I have to decline now and fully appreciate that virtual members will not have a huge impact.

Thank you for the privilege of being part of the team,