Lit Circle Group Project

Foundations 7

Short Story: ______

Group Member Names and emails:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

In your literature circle groups, you will create a short, visual presentation highlighting the key elements of the final short story read and discussed in class. You will choose some method of presentation (Google presentation, powerpoint, Prezi, or even a good old poster) that will include information about the author, theme, elements of plot, characters, conflict, setting, and anything else you feel is relevant to share. Each member will be responsible for one of the key categories and the author and title slide to be divided up between group members.

Each slide will have a suitable background and image that reflects the purpose and information of each slide. Do not include too much information on each slide, you can have notes to assist you during the presentation, but do not read off the slide.

? Title Slide-title, author’s name, and group members’ names with a background and appropriate image

? Author Slide-information about the author

? Characters Slide-information about each character. Use literary terms (protagonist, antagonist, dynamic, round)

? Setting- where and when does the story take place?

? Conflict- what kind of conflict(s) are present in the story.

? Summary of Plot- Plot diagram (initiating incident, rising action, climax, resolution)

?Theme-what is the theme of the story (author’s message about life or human nature).

? Symbolism, Imagery, figurative language, etc

These will be presented in class June 13th and 15th and you will be given class time on Tuesday, June 6th to work in the computer lab.

Summary of the Plot, characters, conflict
/ Poor
Student gave a brief summary of the the story's plot. / Fair
Student gave a brief summary of the plot and characters in the story. / Good
Student summarized the plot of the story but also provided analysis of the plot with conflict and characterization. / Excellent
Student analyzed how the conflicts experienced by the characters advanced the plot of the story.
/ Poor
Three or more members of the group did not in actively participate in the performance. / Fair
One or two members of the group did not actively participate in the performance. / Good
All students actively participated in the performance. / Excellent
All students actively participated and engaged audience and generated discussion
Vocal Delivery
/ Poor
Students mumble, incorrectly pronounce terms, and speak too quietly for students in the back of class to hear. Each character speaks in monotone fashion. / Fair
Students' voices are low. Students incorrectly pronounce terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation. / Good
Students' voices are clear. Students pronounce most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation. / Excellent
Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation. Vocal inflections vary appropriately.
/ Poor
Student did not present when assigned. Late assignment. / Fair
Student was late in presenting. Preparation was evident but more work would have enhanced the presentation. / Good
Student was ready to present and well prepared. / Excellent
Student was well-prepared academically and professionally. All equipment worked and student appeared to have practiced delivery.