
Dr N Burbidge 7 Wellesley Road

Dr E Morris Chiswick

Dr M Caballero London W4 4BJ

Dr C Ramos Tel 020 8630 1666

Dr C Cassar Fax 020 8630 1663

Patients Participation Group (PPG) Meeting

Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday, 25thMay2016 6.30pm – 7.30 pm Wellesley Road Practice

Present: Dr Burbidge, Susanne Bauer,Dr Morris, Amy Stephenson, Zulfiquar Ahmed, Margaret Constable, Mo Bowyer, Pat Salt, Graham Davies, Margaret Rowe
Apologies :Robert Flemming


Welcome and Apologies
Review of last meeting minutes:Minutes agreed.
Complaints, comments and Friends and Family Testing (FFT)Results –There were nocomplaints on NHS Choicesor compliments.
FFT: In February we had196returns;March242returns and April243 returns. 73% were ‘Recommend extremely likely’ and 16% were ‘recommend likely’. Only 4% would ‘extremely unlikely’ recommend us and 1% would ‘unlikely’ recommend us.
Patient Newsletter Mo Bowyer, Pat Salt and Amy Stephenson finished the newsletter and it is now displayed in the surgery and on the practice website / Patient Group
Patient Survey
We had a good response to the survey. 602 patients responded. The survey has been published on the practice website. Unfortunately it did not have demographics, so we can’t analyse age group and gender of the patients who have responded.
Chiswick Federation
From the 1st April 2016 the Chiswick Federation is responsible for the Out of Hospital (OOH) contracts for Hounslow. Not all services are running yet, e.g. ECG. If one practice doesn’t do one or more of the OOH service, another local practice will take those patients. This has been developed, so that patients don’t have to travel to far and they are treated within the community.
Hounslow is currently performing much better on Diabetes care. Our surgery is not initiating insulin, but another practice is and we are referring patients to those local surgeries.
Locality Patient Group
Pat Salt tried to attend to the Locality Patient Group on the 20th May 2016 which was originally meant to be at the Health Centre. Unfortunately the venue was changed without informing everyone.
AOBWe want to talk and demonstrate our ‘Kiosk’ in the next meeting
NEXT MEETING is on Wednesday, 24thAugust2016 from 6.30 pm – 7.30pm


Dr N Burbidge 7 Wellesley Road

Dr E Morris Chiswick

Dr M Caballero London W4 4BJ

Dr C Ramos Tel 020 8630 1666

Dr C CassarFax 020 8630 1663

Dr M Singh

Wellesley Road Practice Patient Group Meeting

Wednesday, 24th August 2016, 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm


  1. Welcome and apologies All5 minutes
  1. Review of last meeting minutes All5 minutes
  1. Complaints, comments and Friends and FamilyTesting results All5 minutes
  1. GP Patient Survey All10 minutes
  1. Patient Kiosk in the waiting roomNB15 minutes
  1. Suggestions for the next newsletterEM5 minutes
  1. Locality Patient GroupPat Salt5 minutes

(next Locality Patient group is on the 13/9/16 12.30pm)

  1. Suggestions for next agenda All5 minutes
  1. A O B All5 minutes

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 23rd November 2016 from 6.30 pm – 7.30pm