TCCWB Resource Committee

The resource development committee works to provide resources relevant to child welfare board members, including but not limited to fundraising, awareness projects and information about upcoming events.

Committee Chair: Email Address:Cell:

Members of Committee:Email Address: Cell:

2016 ResourceCommittee Recap

Committee Meetings held in 2016:Date / Time

Sept ______2015 @ / Oct ______2015 @ / Nov ______2015 @ / Dec ______2015 @
Jan ______2016 @ / Feb ______2016 @ / Mar ______2016 @ / April ______2016 @
May ______2016 @ / June ______2016 @ / July ______2016 @ / Aug ______2016 @

2016 Committee Activity Recap: List committee accomplishments for 2016:

2017Resource Committee Goals

Committee Meetings Scheduled for 2017:Date / Time

Conduct a minimum of one (1) teleconference call for each committee every other month excluding the months of June, July and August.

Nov ______2016 @ / Jan ______2017 @ / Mar ______2017 @ / May______2017 @
Summer Planning / Aug ______2017 @

Resource Committee 2017 Projects:

Resource / Promote the sale of license plates to provide an ongoing revenue source for TCCWB and county boards.
Assigned To:
2017 1ST Quarter Update
2017 2nd Quarter Update
2017 3rd Quarter Update
2017 4th Quarter Update
Resource / Work to increase funds to ensure adequate staff and operation expenses.
  1. Develop and submit a minimum of 3 grant proposals.
  1. Develop resources to sustain TCCWB beyond the current contract year.

Assigned To:
2017 1ST Quarter Update
2017 2nd Quarter Update
2017 3rd Quarter Update
2017 4th Quarter Update
Resource / Identify potential projects for which to seek funding.
Assigned To:
2017 1ST Quarter Update
2017 2nd Quarter Update
2017 3rd Quarter Update
2017 4th Quarter Update
Resource and ED / Maintain the TCCWB website to provide information to regional and local boards, community service providers, DFPS, foster parents and current and former foster children, including links to other online resources, research studies, and service contacts.
Information to include on the website
Resources for young adults who have aged out of foster care
County child abuse prevention activities.
deas and strategies for board fundraising.
Media resources.
Assigned To:
2017 1ST Quarter Update
2017 2nd Quarter Update
2017 3rd Quarter Update
2017 4th Quarter Update
Resource / Identify potential funding sources and make grant applications.
  1. Develop a minimum of three specific tools / resources that local boards can use to leverage funds (i.e. kids cards)
  2. Research new fundraising strategies.
  3. Develop a fundraising toolkit online with strategies to leverage resources.
  4. Develop a minimum of three specific tools/resources that local boards can use to leverage funds (i.e. kids cards).

Assigned To:
2017 1ST Quarter Update
2017 2nd Quarter Update
2017 3rd Quarter Update
2017 4th Quarter Update
Resource, Treasurer, ED / Compile county-level information for statewide overview and needs analysis
Local Assistance Survey – update?
Assigned To:
2017 1ST Quarter Update
2017 2nd Quarter Update
2017 3rd Quarter Update
2017 4th Quarter Update

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