American College of Veterinary Dermatology

Multiple Choice Question Submission Form (2 pages)

Please use this form, and type or print clearly.

Please refer to attached guidelines.


CHOICE: (correct answer first; need 3 distractors for each question)






REFERENCES: Please provide 2 sources to prove the correct answer is in fact correct.

1. Author(s):

Title of article or chapter:

Title of journal or book:

Year of publication:

Page numbers:

2. Author(s):

Title of article or chapter:

Title of journal or book:

Year of publication:

Page numbers:

American College of Veterinary Dermatology

Multiple Choice Question Submission Form (2 pages)

Please use this form, and type or print clearly.



Email address or alternate contact information:

Year of submission:

Recommended category for question:

Structure and function

Internal medicine

Immunology and inflammation








If you are mentoring residents please note which program should receive credit for your questions: ______

American College of Veterinary Dermatology

Multiple Choice Question Submission


1. The questions should have 1 answer and 3 distractors.

2. Each question must have 2 complete references: (a) one of the references must be on

the ACVD Reference Guide list (b) one of the references should be published within

the past 10 years (c) all references should contain: authors, title of article or chapter,

title of book or journal, year of publication, page numbers.

3. Do not use trivia or minutia questions.

4. Try not to use negative questions:

“Which of the following do not….”

All of the following EXCEPT….”

5.Do not use: multiple true false questions

“the most common” … questions

“all of the above”… questions

“a and c but not e”… questions

“all” “none” “never” “always” questions

6. Make all of the responses/choices a similar length.

7. Provide which species is being considered in the question, if relevant.

8. Be careful not to give clues to the answereither in the question or through grammar


9. For some very nice additional information on how to write multiple choice questions,

go to then

choose A.B.I.M. guidelines on multiple choice questions.

10. Please keep in mind that as we move towards a larger percentage of our questions formatted as application of knowledge questions, that we would appreciate questions written in this manner if possible. These are questions that require deeper knowledge of the subject, as opposed to regurgitation of facts.

11. Please do not reuse questions that you have submitted in the past; a question bank is maintained of all previously submitted questions.