Dr. Kimberley A. Payne, C. Psych.
CPO# 4464
Updated January 2012
502-359 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1B9
Fax: 613-230-7489
Languages: English, French
Dr. Payne is a member of the Ontario Psychological Association, the Ottawa Academy of Psychology, and is on the permanent registry with the College of Psychologists of Ontario with competency in the areas of clinical, health, rehabilitation, and neuropsychology. She provides bilingual services including psychological and neuropsychological assessments, evaluations and consultations for motor vehicle insurers, private disability insurers, Canada Pension Plan (CPP), members of the military, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), and psychological opinion for use in civil and criminal proceeding. She also provides assessment, treatment, consultation and supervision services to various clinical and healthcare professionals in a variety of legal and quasi-legal contexts. Her special interests include the evaluation and treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury, Pain Management, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Adjustment Difficulties following injury.
09/00 – 11/06Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, McGillUniversity
09/95 – 05/00B.A. Honours Psychology, University of Ottawa
Magna Cum Laude
Employment History
05/07 – PresentReesor Pigeon
I am presently working with Reesor-Pigeon, a group of psychologists providing assessment, therapy, and consultation services in Ottawa and Eastern Ontario since 1991. I provide specialized services to: injured workers; those injured in automobile accidents; people dealing with personal injury claims; and individuals and couples with physical, psychological, or relationship dysfunction. I also provide psychological and neuropsychological assessments, evaluationsand consultations for motor vehicle insurers, private disability insurers, Canada Pension Plan (CPP), members of the military, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), and psychological opinion for use in civil and criminal proceeding.
09/06 –04/07Supervised Practice
From September 2006 to April 2007 I was working within the private practice of Dr. Michèle Gagnon, C.Psych. ABDA (primary supervisor)in accordance with the regulations of the College of Psychologists of Ontario for supervised practice. I conducted numerous hospital and outpatient-based neuropsychological assessments, and had exposure to client presentations (including but not limited to);head trauma ranging from mild to severe TBI; vascular disorders (stroke, multi infact demensia, hypertension); cortical dementias (alzheimer’s demential, frontal lobe dementia); alcohol related disorders; psychosis, depression, mania; drugs; oxygen deprivation; pseudo epilepsy, verbal and non-verbal learning disorders; mental retardation, asperger’s disorder, autistis Disorder, ADHD, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, reactive attachment disorder; chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome. Under the supervision of my alternate supervisor, Dr. Peggy Kleinplatz, C.Psych., I provided psychotherapeutic services focussed on the assessment and treatment of individuals and couples.
Pre-DoctoralClinical Experience*
09/05-08/06Pre-Doctoral Internship
(Individual and Couple/ Psychotherapy, Assessment, and Evaluation)
University of Ottawa – Centre for Psychological Services
11 Marie-Curie Street, 6th Floor, room 621
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5
Royal Ottawa Health Care Group – Neuropsychology Unit
1145 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, OntarioK1Z 7K4
09/00-05/05Ad-hoc Clinical Training
(Individual and Couple Psychotherapy)
Department of Psychology, Allan Memorial Institute
Sex and Couple Therapy Service
McGillUniversityHealthCenter (RoyalVictoriaHospital)
1025 Pine Avenue West
Montreal, Quebec,H3A 1A1
09/00-05/02Graduate Student Clinical Training
(Individual and Couple Psychotherapy)
Department of Psychology, McGillUniversity
1205 Dr. Penfield Avenue
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1B1
09/00-09/01Graduate Student Clinical Training
(Cognitive and Personality Assessment)
Department of Psychology, Allan Memorial Institute
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Clinic
McGillUniversityHealthCenter (RoyalVictoriaHospital)
1025 Pine Avenue West
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1A1
09/00-04/01Graduate Student Clinical Training
(Cognitive Assessment)
Montreal Children’s Hospital
2300 Tupper Street,
Montreal, QuebecH3H 1P3
Research Experience
2004 – 2006Collaboration with Nicole Prause, Ph.D. candidate at the University of Indiana
Validation of the Labial Thermistor Clip - Comparingan alternative instrument for the measurement of female physiological sexual arousal (the labial thermistor clip) with the more commonly accepted method (vaginal photoplethysmography).
2004 – 2006Ad-Hoc Investigation to Doctoral Dissertation
Examination of the Influence of Sexual Arousal on Genital and Non-Genital Sensation in Circumcised and Uncircumcised Men
09/00 – 12/05Doctoral Dissertation
Dimensions of Pain and Sex in Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome - Investigating the interactive cognitive, affective, and physiological factors implicated in vulvar vestibulitis syndrome.
09/99-05/00Undergraduate Psychology Honours Thesis
University of Ottawa
Examining the effects of an all-female computer science course on the learning experiences and attitudes of high-school girls as compared with those enrolled in a mixed-gender class.
005/98-08/98 Research Assistant
University of Ottawa
Examining event-related potentials and information processing in sleep - Investigating the existence of the P300 event-related potential in REM sleep.
09/97-05/98Research Assistant
University of Ottawa
Longitudinal study examined multiple variables implicated in academic and social transitions through high school in both adolescent girls and boys.
Longitudinal study examining student academic and social transitions throughout high school
05/97-08/97Research Assistant
University of Ottawa
Investigating event-related potentials and information processing in sleep.
See description above
Teaching Experience
09/03 – 05/04Co-Supervised Undergraduate Thesis
along with Dr. Yitzchak M. Binik
Honours B.A. Student in Psychology: Lea Thaler
Thesis Title: An examination of pain, sexual arousal andsensory functioning in vulvar vestibulitis syndrome.
09/02-12/02Teaching Assistant
Human Sexuality and its Problems
Department of Psychology, McGillUniversity
Instructor: Yitzchak M. Binik, PhD
Led student conferences, scored essays and exams
09/01-12/01Teaching Assistant
Human Sexuality and its Problems
Department of Psychology, McGillUniversity
Instructor: Yitzchak M. Binik, PhD
Led student conferences, scored essays and exams
01/00-04/00Teaching Assistant
Department of Psychology, McGillUniversity
Instructor:Daniel Levitin, PhD
Led weekly conferences and scored examinations
09/00-12/00Teaching Assistant
Introduction to Psychology
Department of Psychology, McGillUniversity
Instructor: Dr. David Laplante
Led weekly conferences and scored examinations
09/05McGill Majors Fellowship in Medical and Health
Value:$10,000 - $15,000
07/05McGillUniversity Health Centre Studentship
Research Institute
Value: $7,500
~Accepted $1,250~
01/05Best Clinical Research Poster Presentation
9th Annual McGill Pain Day
Value: $500presented by Fonds de Recherches en Santé du Québec(FRSQ)
réseau en santé buccodentaire.
10/04Canadian Sex Research Forum
Best Student Presentation Award
Value: $200
05/03Canadian Institutes of Health Research –
Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral Award
Value: $30 000 per annum, $5 000 research allowance
Term: 2 years
07/03Alma Mater Student Travel Grant
McGillUniversity, Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Value: $250
07/03Kinsey Institute's Sexual Psychophysiology Conference –
Student Award
The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction
Bloomington, Indiana
Value: $1000
01/03Best Clinical Research Poster Presentation
7th Annual McGill Pain Day
Value: $500 presented by Fonds de Recherches en Santé du Québec(FRSQ)
réseau en santé buccodentaire.
09/02J. W. McConnell McGill Majors Fellowship in Medical and Health
McGillUniversity, Department of Psychology
Value: $10,000
07/02McGillUniversity Health Centre Studentship
Research Institute
Value: $2,500
07/01McGillUniversity Health Centre Studentship
Research Institute
Value: $7,500
05/01McGill Psychology Student Association (MPSA)
Teaching Assistant Award
For excellence as a teaching assistant in the Department of Psychology
Value: $75
05/98Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
Undergraduate Summer Research Award
University of Ottawa, School of Psychology
Value: $5,000
09/97University of Ottawa, Faculty of Social Sciences Merit Scholarship
Value: $1,000
05/98Dean’s Honour list
University of Ottawa, School of Psychology
05/97Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
Undergraduate Summer Research Award
University of Ottawa, School of Psychology
Value: $5,000
05/97Dean’s Honour list
Payne KA, Reissing ED, Lahaie MA, Binik YM, Amsel R, & Khalifé S. (2006). What is sexual pain? A critique of DSM’s classification of dyspareunia and vaginismus. In: Karasic D & Drescher J. (eds) Sexual and Gender Diagnoses of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM): A Reevaluation. Haworth Press.(Published simultaneously as the Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality, Vol. 17, Nos. 3/4)
Payne, K. A., Bergeron, S., & Binik, Y. M. (2005). Assessment, Treatment Strategies and Outcome Results: Perspective of Pain Specialist.In:Goldstein I, Meston C, Davis STraish A (eds) Women's Sexual Function and Dysfunction: Study, Diagnosis and Treatment. UK: Taylor and Francis.
Pukall, C. F., Payne, K. A., Kao, A., Khalifé, S., & Binik, Y. M. (2005). Dyspareunia. In: Balon R & Segraves RT (eds) Handbook of Sexual Dysfunction. (pp. 249-272). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Papers/ Letters/ Commentaries
Payne KA, Thaler L, Kukkonen TM, Carrier S, & Binik YM. Sensation and sexual arousal in circumcised and uncircumcised men.Journal of Sexual Behavior, 4(3), 667-674.
Payne KA, Binik YM, Pukall CF, Thaler L, Amsel R, & Khalifé S. (2007). Effects of sexual arousal on genital and non-genital sensation: A comparison of women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome and healthy controls.Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, 289-300.
Payne KA, Reissing ED, Lahaie MA, Binik YM, Amsel R, & Khalifé S. (2006). What is sexual pain? A critique of DSM’s classification of dyspareunia and vaginismus. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 17, 141-154. (Simultaneously published as Sexual and Gender Diagnoses of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM): A Reevaluation).
Payne KA, & BinikYM. (2006). The labial thermistor clip.Letter to the Editor, Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 35, 111-113.
Payne KA. (2005). Making the case for sexual pain: Let’s not throw out the baby with
the bath water.Peer commentary on Binik 2005, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 34, 23-61.
Payne KA, Binik YM, Amsel R, & Khalifé S. (2005). When sex hurts, anxiety and fear orient attention towards pain. European Journal of Pain, 9(4), 427-436.
Pukall CF, Payne KA, Binik YM, & Khalifé S. (2003). Pain measurement in vulvodynia. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 29(supp), 111-120.
Binik, YM, Reissing E, Pukall C, Flory N, Payne KA, Khalifé S. (2002). The female sexual pain disorders: Genital pain or sexual dysfunction? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31 (5), 425-429.
Invited Presentations
Payne KA, Binik YM, Amsel R, & Khalifé S. (April 2004). The Role of Attention in Painful Sex. Talk presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research (SSTAR), Alington, Virginia, USA.
Other Presentations (paper/poster)
Binik, Y.M., Payne, K.A., Pukall, C.F. (2006, March). "When I'm Touched It Feels So Good That It Hurts. Invited Presentation at the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health.Lisbon, Portugal.
Payne KA, Thaler L, Pukall CF, Amsel R, Khalifé S, & Binik YM. (July 2005). The influence of sexual arousal on genital and non-genital sensation in women. Paper presented at the thirty-first annual meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Payne KA & Binik YM. (July 2005).Measuring female sexual arousal using the labial thermistor clip. Poster presented at the thirty-first annual meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Payne KA, & Binik, YM (July 2005). The labial Thermistor Clip. Paperpresented as part of a Workshop; Payne, KA, Prause N, Kukkonen TM, Janssen E, Cerny J, & Binik YM. Alternative Methods for the Measurement of Human Sexual Arousal.Workshop presented at the 17th World Congress of Sexology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Payne KA, Thaler, L., Pukall, C. F., Amsel1, R., Khalifé, S., & Binik, Y. M. (July 2005). Sexual Arousal, Sensation, and Painful Intercourse. Paper presented as part of a Workshop; Byers, ES, Reissing, E, Archibald, S, Cohen, JN, Payne, K, Weaver, AD. Women’s Sexual Well-Being: Sources of Stress and Resilience. Workshop presented at the 17th World Congress of Sexology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Payne KA, Thaler L, Pukall CF, Amsel R, Khalifé S, & Binik YM. (April 2005). Sexual arousal and sensory functioning in vulvar vestibulitis syndrome. Poster presented at the Society for Sex Therapy and Research 30th annual meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Payne KA, Thaler L, Pukall CF, Amsel R, Khalifé S, & Binik YM. (January 2005). Coping with painful intercourse. Poster presented at the 9th annualMcGill Pain Day, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Payne KA, Thaler L, Pukall CF, Amsel R, Khalifé S, & Binik YM. (October 2004). Does sexual arousal influence genital and non-genital pain perception? Poster presented at the 2004 annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, Atlanta, Georgia.
Payne KA, Thaler L, Pukall CF,Amsel R, Khalifé S, & Binik YM. (October 2004). Coping with painful intercourse; Implications for sexual arousal and sensation. Poster presented at the Vulvodynia and Sexual Pain Disorders in Women: A State of the Art Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Payne KA, Thaler L, Amsel R, Khalifé S, & Binik YM. (October 2004). How cognition influences pain and sexual arousal in women suffering from vulvar vestibulitis syndrome. Paper presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Canadian Sex Research Forum, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Payne KA, Binik YM, Amsel R, & Khalifé S. (April 2004). Le Rôle Des Variables Cognitives et Affectives dans le Syndrome de la Vestibulite Vulvaire. Paper presented at 72nd Annual Meeting of La Société des Savoir, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Payne KA, Binik YM, Amsel R, & Khalifé S. (April 2004). An Information Processing Approach to the Study of Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Join Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society and the Canadian Pain Society, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Thaler L, Payne KA, Binik YM, Pukall CF, Amsel R, & Khalifé S. (April 2004).An examination of pain, sexual arousal and sensory functioning in vulvar vestibulitis syndrome. Poster presented at McGillUniversity's Annual Undergraduate Thesis Poster Session. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Payne KA, Binik YM, Amsel R, & Khalifé S. (July 2003). An Examination of Information Processing, Anxiety, and Fear in Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome. Poster presented at the 29th annual meeting of the International Association for Sex Research (IASR), Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
Payne KA, Binik YM, Amsel R, Khalifé S, & Lahaie MA. (January 2003). Hypervigilance, Anxiety and Fear; Implications for Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome. Poster presented at the 7th annualMcGill Pain Day, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Payne KA, Binik YM, Amsel R, Khalifé S, & Lahaie MA. (2002). An Investigation of Fear-Mediated Hypervigilance in Women Suffering from Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), Montreal, Qebec, Canada.
Pukall CF, Binik YM, Abbott FV, Khalife S, & Payne K. (May, 2001). Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome: Tactile and pain thresholds in affected and non-affected women. Paper presented at the Canadian Pain Society (CPS) Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Pukall CF, Binik YM, Khalife S, Abbott FV, & Payne K. (2001).Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome: Lower genital and non-genital thresholds in affected women. Paper presented at the 26th annual meeting of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research (SSTAR), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Mombourquette K, & Crombie G. (2000, April). Examining the effects of all-female computer science classrooms on the learning experiences of adolescent girls. Paper presented at the University of Ottawa’s Annual Undergraduate Thesis Conference Day, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Mombourquette K, Abarbanel T, & Crombie G. (2000, July). Positive Effects of All-Female Classes in High School Computer Science Education. Poster presented at the 61st annual CPA convention , Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Crombie G, Abarbanel T, & Mombourquette K. (2000, July). All-Female Computer Science Classes: Positive Learning Experiences for FemaleHigh School Students.Paper presented at the8th national conference of the Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology, St. John’s, NFL.
Journal Reviews
- Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology
Ad Hoc Reviews*
- Archives of Sexual Behavior
- Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Journal of Psychosomatic Research
- Journal of Sex and Marital therapy
- Pain
* Conducted in collaboration with Dr. Y. M. Binik
Professional Affiliations
- College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO# 4464)
- Ontario Psychological Association
- OttawaAcademy of Psychology
Continuing Education Activities
February 26, 2010
- Seminar for Ottawa area psychologists and post-secondary disability service providers.
- Current issues and concerns in the diagnosis of learning disabilities, a presentation given by Dr. Allyson Harrison (Queen’s University, Kingston, ON).
February 2, 2010
- Nelligan, O’ Brien Payne, New Rules for Civil Procedure as an Expert Witness
Ottawa General Hospital Neuroscience Rounds
- Presentations by various departments and outside speakers including; Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology, Neuropathology, and Neuropsychology.
September 11, 2009
- Dr. Donald Meichenbaum (Vista Centre), Treatment of Individuals with Acquired Brain Injury and Their Family Members: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach.
June 20, 2008
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workshop with John Forsyth, Associate Professor, State University of New York at the Rpyal Ottawa Mental Health Centre.
June 6, 2007
- Compulsive Internet Pornography Use and Assessment of Risk, a presentation given by Dr. Paul Federoff at the Annual Academies’ Meeting (Psychology and Medicine/Psychiatry)