Assistant Professor in Computer Science
University College Mangalore,
Mobile: 9986282509 /

Dr. BharathiPilaris currently working as Asst. Professor in University College Mangalore. She has 4years of UG and 10Years of PG teaching experience. She earned her MSc in computer science from Mangalore University, MPhil from Alagappa University and Ph.D. in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition from Mangalore University.

She has been awarded “ACPR-2015 BEST DOCTORAL CONSORTIUMAWARD” for the research work in Computer Science at Asian Level in “Third Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR-2015), Doctoral Consortium held in KaulaLampur,Malaysia. She visited Russia,to attend and present the research paper in an International Conference “Photogrammetric and computer vision techniques for video Surveillance, Biometrics and Biomedicine” at Moscow, Russia.

She received a Best Paper Award for her paper “Hough and Binary Pattern based descriptor for 2D shapes”. She has served as reviewer and Session chair for sessions on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition in Third international Symposium on Computer Vision and the Internet –VisionNet’16 and delivered a lighting talk in the International conference ICACCI-2016 held at Jaipur, Rajasthan. She has also served asreviewer and Session chairfor sessions on Pattern Recognition, Signal and Image Processing in Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-15) held at Kochi, Kerala. She served as reviewer for Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics (WCI-2014) held at Greater Noida, New Delhi, India.

She served as resource person and delivered technical talks in various conferences and workshops held in Engineering and Science colleges. She had organized various technical and non technical training programs, workshops and other awareness programs and Roadshows to create awareness in public on AIDS, Cashless digital transaction, Cancer, Swachchthaabhiyan and Water conservation. She is member of BOE and BOS of various autonomous colleges and Universities.

She has attended various technical and non technical training programs. She is also life Membervarious professional bodies. She has worked in various administrative committees and played roles like Deputy Chief Superintendent of degree exams, Observer in UGC NET exams. Currently playing the role of NSS program officer and vice president of Red Ribbon Club of University College Mangalore. She has published 15 research papers in Journals and indexed conference proceeding