Prof Ben Bradley


Ben Bradley holds the Foundation Chair in Psychology at CharlesSturtUniversity. He was Head of Psychology at CSU from 1998 to 2006. After a period acting as Dean of Arts, Ben was elected Deputy Presiding Officer of Academic Senate and appointed Director of the CSU Degree Initiative and is currently Presiding Officer of Academic Senate. His early research interests were in the foundations of human communication, targeting the question: what do infants bring to their communication with others? He completed his PhD on infancy at the University of Edinburgh in 1980. His book Visions of Infancy (Polity Press, 1989) shows how infancy has served as a tabula rasa for psychological theorizing, the greatest psychologists using infancy as a screen upon which to project their own basic assumptions about the adult mind while paying only secondary attention to babies’ first-hand experiences. Visions of Infancy has been translated into Spanish, French and Italian. Ben’s most recent book Psychology and Experience (Cambridge University Press, 2005) redresses the tendency for psychology to ignore the experiences of the people they teach and study, arguing that psychologists have overlooked a crucial dimension of experience: the synchronic (which structures experience independently of time). Currently Ben is in the midst of three projects. One is on the historical origins of psychological discourse about ‘the mind’, with particular reference to the effects of Darwin ’s writings. He has recently been funded to produce a documentary for the Cambridge Darwin Festival (July 2009) on Darwin’s Babies, including a reconstruction of Charles Darwin’s seminal observations of early infant development (with Matt Olsen). The second is on the developmental origins of group mind, through the observation of babies in all-infant groups (with Jennifer Sumsion, Jane Selby, Cathy Urwin and others – funded through ARC Linkage and the BritishAcademy). Thirdly through the Curriculum Renewal embodied in the CSU Degree Initiative, Ben is promoting experience-based teaching in higher education, (including psychology), as argued for in Psychology and Experience. He has recently been awarded a RIPPLE Research Fellowship for the second half of 2009.

Current Funded Research Projects

1.Is Group-Membership Basic to Infant Mental Health? Establishing a Method

BritishAcademy Grant 2008-9 – £7469 (A$16,100)

(C. Urwin, J.M. Selby, B.S. Bradley)

2.What is life like for babies and toddlers in childcare? Understanding the'lived experience' of infants through innovative mosaic methodology.

ARC Linkage (LP0883913) 2008-2011 – A$161,368

(Prof J Sumsion; A/Prof LJ Harrison; Ms F Press; A/Prof S McLeod; Prof BS

Bradley; Dr J Goodfellow)

3.Documentary on Charles Darwin’s Infant Observations

CambridgeDarwin Festival 2008-2009 – £1,000

(B.S. Bradley)


CSU Faculty of Arts Industry-Linked Research Grant 2009 – A$9,542.57

(B.S. Bradley & M. Olsen)

Research Publications, Grants and Presentations

Books, Monographs

Bradley, B.S. (2005). Psychology and Experience. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Bradley, BS (1989). Visions of Infancy: A Critical Introduction to Child Psychology (Oxford, Polity Press/Basil Blackwell) pp 213. (Translated into French, Italian & Spanish).

Book Chapters

Bradley, B.S. (in press). Experiencing symbols. In B. Wagoner (ed.), Symbolic transformations: Toward an interdisciplinary science of symbols. London: Routledge.

Bradley, B.S. (in press). Jealousy in infant-peer triads. In M. Legerstee & S. Hart (eds.), Handbook of jealousy: Theories, principles, and multidisciplinary approaches. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Bradley, B.S. (2009). Rethinking ‘experience’ in professional practice: Lessons from clinical psychology. In W.C. Green (ed.), Understanding and researching professional practice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Bradley, B.S. (2009). Early trios: Patterns of sound and movement in the genesis of meaning between infants. In S. Malloch and C. Trevarthen (Eds.), Handbook of Communicative Musicality.Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley. (pp.263-280)

Bradley, B.S. (2005). The what of psychical change. In A. Gulerce et al. (eds.), Contemporary Theorizing in Psychology: Global Perspectives. New York: Captus Press (pp.66-76).

Selby, J.M. and Bradley, B.S. (2005). Psychologist as moral agent: Negotiating praxis-oriented knowledge in infancy. In A. Gulerce et al. (Eds.) Contemporary Theorizing in Psychology: Global Perspectives. New York: Captus Press (pp.242-250).

Bradley, B.S. (2002). Synchronicity as a feature of the synchronic. In V. Walkerdine (Ed.), Challenging Subjects: Critical Psychology for a New Millennium. London: Palgrave. (pp.161-176).

Refereed Journal Articles

Bradley, B.S. (2008). The Vygotskian family in the supreme court of practice. Culture & Psychology, 14, 37-44.

Du Chesne, L. & Bradley, B.S. (2007). The subjective experience of the lesbian (m)other: An exploration of the construction of lesbian maternal identity. Gay and Lesbian Issues in Psychology Review, 3 (1), 25-33.

Bradley, B.S., Deighton, J. and Selby, J.M. (2004). The ‘Voices’ Project: Capacity-building in Community Development for Youth at Risk. Journal of Health Psychology, 9, 197-212

Bradley, B.S. and Selby, J.M. (2004). Observing Infants in Groups: The Clan Revisited. The International Journal of Infant Observation.. (C. Urwin and K. Arnold, eds. Special Issue on “Developmental Psychology and Psycho-Analysis”)7, 107-122.

Selby, J.M. and Bradley, B.S. (2003a). Infants in Groups: A Paradigm for the Study of Early Social Experience. Human Development, 46, 197-221.

Selby, J.M. and Bradley, B.S. (2003b). Infants in Groups: Extending the Debate. Human Development, 46, 247-249.

Selby, J.M. and Bradley, B.S. (2003c). Action Research Intervention with Young People: A City Council’s Response. Australasian Psychiatry, 11, S121-S126

Bradley, B.S. and Morss, J.M. (2002). Social construction in a world at risk: Towards a psychology of experience. Theory and Psychology, 12, 531-558.

Bradley, B.S. (2001). An Approach to Synchronicity: From Synchrony to Synchronization. International Journal of Critical Psychology, 1, 121-147.

Bradley, B.S. and Selby, J.M. (2001). To criticise the critic: Songs of experience. Australian Psychologist, 36(1), 84-87.

Hayes B.A., Muller R., Bradley B.S. (2001). Perinatal depression: A randomized controlled trial of an antenatal education intervention for primparas. Birth, 28(1), 28-35.

Published Conference Proceedings

Bradley, B.S. (2005). The all-important mother: scientific fact or cultural fantasy? In M. Atherton (ed.), Proceedings of the University of Western Sydney’s College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences Conference: Scholarship and Community. Sydney: UWS.

Malloch, S., Crncec, R., Adam, B. & Bradley, B.S. (2005). Infants interacting with infants. In M. Atherton (ed.), Proceedings of the University of Western Sydney’s College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences Conference: Scholarship and Community. Sydney: UWS.

Conference Presentations

Bradley, B.S. (2008). The Group Psychology of Infants: Implications for Mental Health. Keynote Address to the Australian Association of Infant Mental Health, Adelaide, October.

Bradley, B.S. (2008). Group Relations in the First Year: New Understandings of Infant Psychopathology And Its Treatment. Queen Elizabeth Centre Conference, Melbourne, November.

Bradley, B.S. & J.M. Selby (2008). Group Relations in the First Year: New Understandings of Infant Psychopathology and its Treatment. Invited seminar to Tavistock Institute, London, June.

Malloch, S., Crncec, R., Bradley, B.S., Paul, C., Selby, J. & Salo-Thomson, F. (2006). The controlled observation of infants in groups: A tool for the assessment of socio-emotional functioning in the second six months of life. Presentation to the World Association of Infant Mental Health, Paris, July 14th 2006