JANUARY 20-22, 2012

The Calgary Esso Golden Ring Committee is seeking Officials for the tournament in January 2012.The tournament includes all age divisions and categories from U7 to U19 A and U14 AA to U19 AA.

This year we are planning a pre-event social. Please plan to come to this event to pick up your schedule on Thursday January 19th, 2012 from 7:00-10:00 pm, location TBA. This is where the individual schedules will be handed out and where you'll get a chance to meet the rest of the referees officiating at our tournament.

Those travelling from out of town will be given an additional mileage fee and will be provided with accommodation. Note that if you are travelling with a team and are playing/coaching in the tournament, you are not eligible for a hotel room, but provided you officiate a minimum of 7 games, you will be reimbursed mileage. Transportation for in town officials will not be provided. You are responsible to get yourself to your games! Transportation will be provided for those officials that fly to Calgary only.

If you are interested in being a part of the Officiating Team for the EGRT 2012, please complete the form and e-mail to Sherry Nadeau as soon as possible:


Requested Information / YOUR Answers
Referee Carding level:
Mailing Address (Where you want your cheque sent):
Postal code:
Phone # (preferably Cell#):
Home Ringette Association:
# of games Officiated this year:
Regularly Ref at what level:
Would you like an evaluation? (Y/N)
Are you an evaluator?
If so, are you willing to evaluate and to what level?
Do you have any team conflicts?
(i.e.: coaching, playing, or ANY family members involved with a team)
Age division/level AND team name (s):
Availability - (Please state what times you are available ) / Friday- from when until when:
Saturday- from when until when:
Sunday- from when until when:
Do you require a hotel room? (Y/N)
What nights do you need accommodation?
Do you have a preferred roommate?
Flight arrival and departure times.

If you are a student under18 you must have your parents’ or guardian’s permission to take Friday off school (please sign) ______


Return by email to

Email: Phone:403-862-3898 (note long distance phone calls cannot be made from this #, can be received though)

Please note: If you are an under aged student intending on missing school on the Friday, you MUST scan and e-mail a signed form. If you cannot scan the form, please contact Lori for further instruction.