Floors, Makerstoun, Nenthorn & Smailholm Community Council

Meeting held in Smailholm Village Hall on 17th January 2017 at 7 pm

Draft Minutes

1. Present: Mr D Stark (Convenor), Mr A Carter (Vice Convenor), Mr K Bone (Treasurer), Lady

Biddulph, Lord Biddulph, Mr P Cooper, Mrs H Kerr, Mrs L Stark, Mrs M Topping, Mr I Topping,

SBC T Weatherston, Mrs J Duncan (Minute Secretary) and 4 members of the public.

Apologies: Mrs K Baird (Secretary), Mrs F Cooper.

2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 20th September 2016: With no amendments required, these

were approved by M Topping and seconded by A Carter.

3. Matters Arising:

i) Publicity Leaflets: These had now been distributed to all household in the CC area. Thanks

went to I Topping for producing such a professional leaflet.

ii) Makerstoun Guide Centre: K Bone reported that the residents who had been complaining about

noise at the Guide Centre were planning to leave the area in March.

4. Finance: K Bone gave the Treasurer’s report. Accounts for poppy wreaths for 2015 and 2016 had

all been paid and were therefore now up to date. Bank account balance was currently £1,188.31 with

Cash in hand £41.57. Leaflet printing was still outstanding. Mr Bone was advised to be in touch with

Fiona Henderson regarding this. Discussion took place regarding payment of £130 to A Fairley for

his work on the Smailholm flower beds in 2016. The meeting approved the same grant be paid to Mr

Fairley in 2017. Other villages may apply for a similar grant.

5. Reports:

i) SBC Councillor: T Weatherston reported on progress of the 2 new schools in Kelso. The High

School was expected to be completed by the end of the year; Broomlands Primary some time before

then. Use of the old High School was going to consultation. I Topping raised the topic of the new

LED street lighting, stating that security was in question because it was so much dimmer.

ii) Police report: There had been an accident at Charterhouse crossroads and an altercation between a

horse rider and a motorist near Smailholm. Nenthorn had prowlers reported and a man charged with

anti-social behaviour. However there were no major incidents to report.

6. Roads: There had been a great improvement in the condition of the local roads except for the

Charterhouse/Courthill road which was just as bad. D Stark to write to SBC regarding this. Lady

Biddulph asked how often resurfacing was undertaken. Councillor Weatherston replied that it

depended on the financial situation and how many complains were received. As there were a few

potholes reappearing, A Carter would update SBC on pothole positions. A member of the public

asked for better road signs at the bad bends on the outskirts of Smailholm going towards Melrose

as there were lots of accidents occurring there. A Carter to be in touch with Brian Young from SBC.

7. High Speed Broadband: A discussion took place on the hoped for better coverage for the area. It

seemed that a cable was being laid from Kelso to Gordon but had no plans to connect the villages in

between. It was thought that the Smailholm Exchange would be connected later this year. Nenthorn

members were meeting with the local MP regarding this.

8. Correspondence: D Stark had again received The Bridge leaflet which contained good advice for

local communities. This could be accessed online at

9. Elections: Elections are due to be held for CCs before the AGM on 18th April 2017.

F Henderson had given a draft time table for these as follows;

Advertise for Nominations from 20th February.

Papers to be filled in and returned by 20th March

7 days to allow for change of mind.

If there are 12 Nominations these form the CC, if more than 12 there has to be an Election. This has

either to be done at Polling Station(s) or by Postal Vote.

It was agreed to do a mail drop to advertise for nominations. D Stark to arrange this to go out.

Rules on Nominations: The person being nominated and those nominating need to be on the

electoral roll for the area. Each person can only propose or act as seconder for 1 person.

10. AOCB Open Session: A MofP brought up the problem of dog fouling on the Smailholm walk.

They asked if they could help to put up dog poo bins to solve the problem. It was agreed

that D Stark would contact Alistair Finnie regarding a grant from the Small Area Grant Scheme for


A discussion took place about who was responsible for putting up signs warning of cattle in fields.

H Kerr said she would look into this and report back to the meeting.

There being no other business D Stark thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 8 pm.

Next Meeting, which is the AGM will be held at Floors on Tuesday 18th April at 7 pm.