The regular meeting of the Boyle County Fiscal Court was held on the 12th day of May, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Members present at the meeting were:
Patty Burke
John Caywood
Donnie Coffman
Jack Hendricks
Dickie Mayes
Phil Sammons
Judge Harold McKinney
Others present at the meeting were: County Attorney Richard Campbell, County Clerk Trille Bottom, County Treasurer Mary Conley, EMS Director Brad Ellis, Assistant EMS Director Malcolm Miller, EMA Director Mike Wilder, Solid Waste Coordinator Donna Fechter, Public Works Director Duane Campbell, Jailer Barry Harmon, Deputy Derek Robbins,Shannon Greene, Jacob Pankey, Shelley Hampton, Jane Brantley, Chris Bowling, Amy Meaux, Georgia de Araujo, Mark Franklin, and Todd Kleffman.
Judge McKinney called the meeting to order. Magistrate Caywood gave the invocation.
Shelley Hampton, with KACO, led the Court in the Pledge of Allegiance. Following the pledge, Judge McKinney made the motion to bestow the title of Honorary Magistrate upon Ms. Hampton. Magistrate Coffman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Magistrate Sammons made the motion to approve the minutes from the regular meetings held on April 14th and April 28th and the minutes from the special meetings held on April 30thand May 5th. Magistrate Coffman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Shellie Hampton, with KACO, discussed the legislative update with the Court. She thanked all the elected officials for their aggressive efforts in helping to pass the road fund stabilization program. Ms. Hampton will continue to send out the legislative updates as they become available.
Judge McKinney presented the Series 2015 bond ordinance for first reading to the Court. Bond funds will be payable through collected tax revenues of the County. The bond term will begin on December 31, 2015 and end on December 31, 2029. The bonds will be used to fund the Courthouse energy efficiency project. Mark Franklin, acting bond counselor, explained that the ordinance outlines the following: who can authorize the bonds, how they are to be paid, pledging taxing power to the County, exemption of bonds from income taxes, sets the maturity date, and specify sale at public auction. Chris Bowling, with Civic Finance Advisors, LLC, informed the Court that bond interest rate bids will be taken on June 9th at 11:00 a.m. The projected interested rate is 2.60%. Judge McKinney stated further there is no planned tax increase. Mr. Bowling explained that the bonds will be sold at competitive bids and the Court will be under full continuing disclosures to their bond holders. Magistrate Hendricks inquired if there would be a conflict of interest should a court member want to purchase any bonds. Mr. Bowling responded that there would be no conflict because the bonds were available for anyone to purchase. Magistrate Sammons made the motion to approve the first reading of the ordinance. Magistrate Caywood seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Judge McKinney informed the Court of a vacancy on the Library Board of Trustees. He recommended Amy Meaux to replace Jeff Thornton beginning with a new four year term. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the appointment of Amy Meaux to the Library Board of Trustees. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The term expires on June 30, 2019.
Solid Waste Coordinator Donna Fechter presented the 2015/2016 Waste Tire Grant Agreement for approval. The grant is in the amount of $4,000.00. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the Waste Tire Grant. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Public Works Director Duane Campbell presented the Resolution and County Road Aid Agreement to the Court for approval. The County will be participating in a 3% reduction for emergency apportionment. Magistrate Mayes made the motion to approve the Resolution and Agreement and authorize the County Judge to sign and execute any and all documents pertaining to such. Magistrate Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The Resolution and Agreement will be recorded in Resolution Book 2, pages 521-525.
EMS Director Brad Ellis discussed the purchase of an ambulance with the Court. There has been a new manufacturing change which secures the stretcher in the truck. If the truck can be purchased in the current fiscal year by June 30th, the County stands to save $20,000.00. County Treasurer Mary Conley added that the Court would need to approve authorizing her to transfer budget reserve. General fund cash would be transferred to the EMS cash account to have revenue available to cover the encumbrance. The budget would show an increase in the EMS carryover fund and a decrease in the General Fund carryover in the amount of $135,000.00. Magistrate Caywood made the motion to approve the ambulance purchase and transfers within the budget. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Magistrate Mayes made the motion to advertise for bids for a new ambulance. Magistrate Coffman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Assistant EMS Director Malcolm Miller discussed the TRICARE amendment. TRICARE is an affiliate of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. By adding TRICARE to the plan, the bills and claims for TRICARE runs can now be processed. Magistrate Caywood made the motion to approve the TRICARE amendment. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The Agreement will be on file in the County Judge Executive’s Office.
Public Works Director Duane Campbell informed the Court concerning the purchasing policy. He explained that from time to time, vendors will send gifts based upon the size of the order. Road sign companies will normally send Class 3 safety coats. These coats provide the highest level of reflectivity. The coats are worn by the employees when they are working but they are allowed to wear them home. Mr. Campbell wanted the Court to be aware that while the coats are a gift as a result of placing an order, they are not for personal use. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the use of the coats after being sufficiently apprised of the situation and in agreement with Mr. Campbell. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. County Attorney Richard Campbell advised Mr. Campbell that when a coat is received, he should notify Judge McKinney in writing. The coats will be used by the public works department but remain the property of the department.
County Treasurer Mary Conley informed the Court concerning the workers compensation and KALF policies loss analysis report. She advised that the KALF premiums have decreased by 1% and the workers compensation premiums have increased by .029%. Magistrate Sammons made the motion to approve the liability and workers compensation renewals with KACO. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Judge McKinney presented the Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems Ordinance number 950.19 for second reading to the Court. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the second reading of the Meggitt ordinance. Magistrate Coffman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. County Attorney Campbell added that a typo has been corrected from the “City of Boyle” to the “County of Boyle”. Also, the paragraph regarding monitoring of the job creation performance has been added. Ordinance number 950.19 will be recorded in the Boyle County Clerk’s Office.
Judge McKinney presented the Red Cross building lease to the Court for approval. County Attorney Campbell explained that the lease was between The American National Red Cross (Landlord) and the County of Boyle, by and through the Boyle County Fiscal Court, (Tenant). The Court will sublease the building to Westcare Kentucky, Inc. for a long term substance abuse treatment facility. Mr. Campbell has minimized the lease agreement by removing the terms that do not apply to the Court. The lease agreement is scheduled to begin on June 1, 2015 and will continue for two years.Rent will be paid at a rate of $1.00 per year. Magistrate Sammons made the motion to approve the lease and authorize Judge McKinney to make any necessary changes to the lease agreement. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The lease agreement will be on file in the County Judge Executive’s Office.
The County’s third quarter report was submitted to the Court for review. The Court acknowledged receipt of the report.
Public Work Director Duane Campbell informed the Court concerning the automatic door opener quote. DORMA USA, Inc., submitted a quote in the amount of $5,311.00. The Courthouse accessible entrance will be moved to the Fourth Street entrance. The entrance is not currently disabled accessible. Reimbursement for the cost will be submitted to AOC. Magistrate Sammons made the motion to approve the purchase from DORMA USA, Inc. Magistrate Caywood seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Judge McKinney informed the Court that he was amending the call of the May 21st meeting. The purpose of the meeting was originally a budget workshop. The amendment will be to include the second reading of the 2015 bond ordinance. Magistrate Mayes made the motion to approve amending the call of the May 21st meeting. Magistrate Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Magistrate Burke reminded the Court members of the LGEA meeting scheduled for 9:30 on same day as the budget workshop. Treasurer Conley concurred that the LGEA/CRA hearing will be held at 9:30 a.m. prior to the special called meeting.
County Clerk Trille Bottom submitted the County Clerk’s first quarter report to the Court. The Court acknowledged receipt of the report.
Treasurer Conley informed the Court regarding the EMS budget workshop. Highlights from the workshop include the application of a grant for an ambulance purchase and the dissolution of the paramedic training program. The budget includes a 3% salary increase effective January 1, 2015. The ambulance replacement schedule is one ambulance budgeted for 2 years each and no budgeted ambulance in the third year. The budget preparation notes will be included as an attachment to the fiscal court minutes.
Treasurer Conley informed the Court regarding the General Fund budget workshop. New revenue requests include: courthouse carpet reimbursement from AOC, debt service contribution, embezzlement expense reimbursement, FEMA reimbursements and additional courthouse security expense reimbursement. New expense items include: Sheriff’s transport van, coroners training, IT personnel,courthouse carpet and the energy project debt service. Treasurer Conley elaborated on the new budget item of IT department. There are collaborative efforts being made with the City of Danville to share the expense of an information technology director. The Courthouse offices, as a whole, could benefit from having someone with technological experience to help fix problems. The expense item has been added to the budget in case the agreement with the City does not work out. The budget preparation notes will be included as an attachment to the fiscal court minutes. Magistrate Caywood made the motion to approve the bold typed additional budget items that are represented as Attachment A to the minutes. Magistrate Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
In other business, Magistrate Caywood informed Judge McKinney that he did not receive a “hard copy” of the memorandum of agreement that was sent out on email.Judge McKinney will make that copy available. Magistrate Caywood encouraged Judge McKinney to be heavily involved and participate in all functions involving the EDP and Industrial Foundation. His involvement reflects representation to the public.
Magistrate Hendricks announced to the Court there would be an Honor Flight Awareness ceremony on May 16th at 2:00 p.m. The ceremony will take place at the Presbyterian Church. The honor flight is offered to WW2 and Korean War Veterans for travel to Washington D.C. free of charge.
County Treasurer Conley requested a transfer to the jail fund in the amount of $81,250.00.
Magistrate Coffman made the motion to pay the bills, make the transfers and adjourn in the memory of Bill Pollom. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Harold W. McKinney
County Judge Executive