WLHS / Biology / Monson

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READING GUIDE: 4.1 – Climate (p. 96-98)

1) What is the difference between WEATHER & CLIMATE?

2) What 3 factors affect climate?

3) Explain the GREENHOUSE EFFECT. (what is it? causes? results?)

READING GUIDE: 4.2 – Niches and Community Interactions (p. 99-104)

1) Define the following terms


2) Explain how the following 3 factors influence an organism’s niche: Give an example of each.







3) What does the competitive exclusion principle state?

4) Examine FIGURE 4.6 (p. 101). Compare the population size of the 2 paramecia species when they lived alone versus when they lived together.

5) a) Examine FIGURE 4.7 (page 101). How can 3 different warbler species live in the same tree?

b) What would happen if 2 of the warbler species tried to occupy the same niche in the tree?

6) Define PREDATION:

7) How does HERBIVORY affect plant populations?

8) Match the following descriptions with the correct relationship type. Answers may be used more than once.

A tick living on the body of a deer / A) Mutualism
A bee eating a flower’s nectar and picking up the flower’s pollen / B) Commensalism
A barnacle living on a whale’s skin / C) Parasitism
A tapeworm living in a person’s intestines
An aphid providing food to an ant in exchange for protection
Bacteria that live in a cow’s stomach help the cow break down the cellulose in grass, and gain nutrients in the process.

9) Predator-Prey Dynamics: Study the “Analyzing Data” section on p. 102. The graph shown portrays an idealized computer model of changes in predator and pretty populations over time.

● PREDICT: Suppose a bacterial infection kills off most of the pretty at point B on the graph. How would this affect the predator and pretyp growth curves at:

-point C?

-point D?

● PREDICT: Suppose a sudden extended cold spell destroys almost the entire predator population at point F on the graph. How would the next cycle of the prey population appear on the graph?

RELATE CAUSE & EFFECT: Suppose a viral infection kills all the prey at point D on the graph.

-What effect would this have on the predator and prey growth curves at point E?

-What would happen in future years to the predator population?

-How could ecologists ensure the continued survival of the predators in this ecosystem?