Precepts That Preach

Dr. David Smith


I Timothy 4:1-6

Many of you in this service this morning will recall the Blizzard of March 93. The Weathermen forecasted clearly, concisely, and correctly that our area was going to get pounded with several inches of snowfall. I wonder how many people woke up that Saturday Morning and looked out with the snow drifts up to the window seals…SURPRISED? Not only surprise but unprepared.

I believe that there have been times in all of our lives this morning that we were given words of warning that something was going to happen…and then when it happened…we were surprised and unprepared.

When Paul writes this epistle to Pastor Timothy, especially in the text in this 4th chapter, it seems that Paul is saying to him…DON’T BE SURPRISED…BE SETTLED! These things are going to happen.


·  This enemy is as sly as a serpent

·  This enemy is as silent as a mouse

·  This enemy is as deadly as poison

…Though it is a serpent, you cannot feel its bite.

…Though it is as a mouse, you can hear it if you listen.

…Though it is poison, its taste is sweet to the lips.

Paul identifies the enemy in verse one of our text. Notice the phrase…some shall depart from the faith. That phrase literally reads…some shall apostacize. The word ‘apostasy’ means a turning from the truth to error. Paul warns Pastor Timothy do not be surprised when you see…

1.  Apostasy Published

2.  Apostasy Promoted

3.  Apostasy Popular


The Spirit speaketh expressly or clearly that this departure from the faith or this apostasy is going to be…

A. Demonic in its Origin…v. 1

·  Giving heed to seducing spirits

·  Giving heed to doctrines of devils

…Misleading spirits of evil origin who will seek to influence teachers to teach men that which will cause them to depart from the faith. Their mission is to…

1.  Influence the Country

2.  Impregnate the Culture

3.  Infiltrate the Church

B. Deceptive in its Operation…v. 2

C. Distorted in their Outcome…v. 3


In verse 1, Paul uses the phrase ‘in the latter times’. When you turn over to II Timothy 3, Paul uses the phrase ‘last days’. These phrases do not mean the same thing.

A. Latter times

The latter times begin when Paul was writing and they will continue until Jesus comes for His church at the end of the age. Since the days of Paul and throughout Church history apostasy has been a present enemy of the faith.

B. Last days

The last days are the last days of the latter times. I am convinced that we are there this morning. The things that Paul wrote to Pastor Timothy about in I Timothy chapter 3 are only being multiplied and intensified in our day.

*ILL…In our day Jesus Christ is being reinvented, redefined, and blasphemed as He is being made into a NEW AGE CHRIST through a book written by a Columbia University Professor of Medical Psychology, Helen Schucman. Mrs. Schucman says Jesus Christ begin delivering channeled teachings to her in 1965. One day she heard an ‘inner voice’ stating, “This is a course in miracles. Please take notes.” For seven years she diligently took spiritual dictation from this voice that described himself as Jesus. Here are some documented quotes…

·  There is no sin…

·  A slain Christ has no meaning

·  The journey to the cross should be the last useless journey

·  Do not make the pathetic error of clinging to the old rugged cross

·  The name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol…it is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which we pray.

·  The recognition of god is the recognition of yourself.

·  Lesson 61 teaches a person to repeat and affirm…I am the light of the world.

·  Lesson 70 teaches a person to say and believe…My salvation comes from me.

*Those who finish the course will have wholly redefined spiritual mindset…a new age world view that includes the belief that there is no sin, evil, devil. May I say that this is being promoted by POPULAR AND POWERFUL PUBLIC FIGURES IN OUR COUNTRY.

*1 Tim. 4:1

But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,

***We have seen this morning…

·  A Word of Caution

·  A Word of Concern

…Now, let me close and give you a WORD OF COUNCIL!


In these last days of the latter times there are three areas that we must have settled in our hearts. We cannot let anything or anyone move us from these three things.


·  Infallible…incontestable, indisputable, irrefutable, unquestionable, undeniable, unchanging

·  Inerrant…without error

·  Inspired…God-breathed


·  He was God in His pre-existence

·  He became the virgin born God-man in His incarnation

·  He was sinless

·  He was the sacrificial offering for humanity sins

·  His precious blood was shed for sins atonement

·  He arose from the grave the third day

·  He ascended back to Heaven 40 days after His resurrection

·  He is seated at the right hand of the Father saving those to the uttermost that come to god by Him

·  He is the advocate of the saved

·  He is going to appear in the clouds to rapture His church

·  Seven years after that He is going to come to this earth to rule and reign


·  Acknowledging the fact that we are sinners

·  Believing that the fact that Lord Jesus died for sins and arose for our justification…believing He is the only Savior and repenting of our sins and receiving Him in our heart by faith

·  Calling upon Him and confessing with our mouth that He the only Savior has saved us from our sins!

…Friend, I’m still going to sing

·  I’ll cherish and cling to the old rugged cross

·  What can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus

·  Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me

·  Oh! What a Savior, Oh hallelujah, He shed his life’s blood for even me

·  What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought, since Jesus came into my heart

·  It’s still the blood that saves from sin


I have preached to some here this morning that has not got it settled, because your not saved! God has graciously given you another opportunity this side of eternity to get your heart right with God…DO IT THIS MORNING!

I have preached to some this morning that are saved but have drifted in your relationship with the Lord. Should you face death or Jesus come you will meet Him uncommitted and unconcerned in your walk with Him…Come this morning and commit your life to Christ afresh and live for the Lord until He calls or comes!