TSP SJP REV. 2-3/2014

Catholic Retirement Facilities, Inc. /St. Joseph Place (CRF/SJP) Tenant Selection Plan

1- Project Eligibility Requirements:

  1. CRF is a PRAC 202 - Income limits are based on the median income for metropolitan statistical area (MSA). Income limits for very low income 50% of median income.
  2. Applicant must be 62 years of age at the time of move in.
  3. Applicants must disclose social security numbers and provide proof of the numbers reported.
  4. Applicants must sign an Authorization for Release of Information, Consent forms, Criminal history and Verification formsand the HUD Enterprise Income Verification System (EIV), prior to receiving assistance and annually thereafter.
  5. The unit for which the family is applying must be the family’s only residence.
  6. Only U.S. citizens or Nationals or eligible noncitizens (eligible immigration status) may receive assistance for Section 202.
  7. All information reported by the applicant is subject to verification.

Only verified information that is less than 90 days old may be used for certification or re-certification.

2-Applicant Screening Criteria

  1. A background check by a certified company will be conducted on each applicant prior to move in for, Rental history, Credit history and Criminal background check.
  2. Previous landlords will be contacted for rental history.
  3. An application may be rejected for any of the following reasons:
  4. The application may be rejected for poor credit but not for lack of credit.

Applicant will be given a chance to correct their credit, or submit verifiable explanations regarding poor/derogatory credit items, due to spousal death, major illness, or other unforeseeable events which caused financial hardship.

  1. Negative reference from current or previous landlord, including but not limited to late rent, NSF checks, lease violations, failure to cooperate with recertification procedures, history of disruptive behavior, poor housekeeping practices, previous evictions, termination of assistance for fraud.
  2. Failure to provide Social Security number, proof of elderly status or verification of a disability which requires the design features of an accessible apartment, citizenship or evidence of eligible immigration, or income and asset information.
  3. Applicant demonstrates unreasonable hostile or abusive behavior toward management during interview and eligibility process.
  4. Evicted from a Federally Assisted Housing.
  5. Current illegal use of drugs. Past illegal use of drugs without receiving treatment; or applicant or member of applicant’s household is known to have engaged in the illegal use, distribution or manufacture of drugs.
  6. Reasonable evidence to believe that a household member’s abuse of alcohol may interfere with the health, safety or right of peaceful enjoyment by other residents.
  7. Applicant or household member is subject to lifetime registration under a State Sex Offender Registration program.
  8. Applicant is not capable of fulfilling the terms of the Lease Agreement, an meet all their needs, or obtain the assistance necessary for the following activities:
  9. Dressing, toileting, bathing, feeding, taking medication, transferring, mobility and associated tasks, following safety precautions, housekeeping and laundry, meal preparation and cleanup, communicating, obtaining transportation, money management, planning and decision making.
  1. Criminal Screening Policy: CRF/SJP may deny admission to applicants who have a history of criminal activity that could reasonably indicate a present threat to the health, safety or welfare of others.
  2. Any conviction or adjudication, other than acquittal, of the following crimes is cause for rejection of an application for housing or termination of a resident’s lease:
  3. First-degree murder
  4. Sex offenses, including but not limited to forcible rape and aggravated sexual battery
  5. Child molestation or child sexual exploitation
  6. Assault and Battery
  7. Arson
  8. Possessing, transporting or receiving explosives or destructive devices with the intent to kill, injure, intimidate or destroy
  9. Fugitive felony or parole violation
  10. Kidnapping, False imprisonment
  11. Drug-related criminal activity for the manufacture or production of methamphetamine, or use of an illegal substance
  12. Terroristic Threats
  13. Any other violent crime that could reasonably be expected to indicate a threat to the health, safety or welfare of others.
  1. Other Criminal Activity (not violent or drug related)
  2. Gross Child Neglect
  3. Disorderly Conduct
  4. Abuse or pattern of abuse of Alcohol (such abuse poses a threat to the health, safety or personal enjoyment of the premises buy other residents).
  5. Motor Vehicle Theft
  6. Burglary
  7. Prostitution
  8. Larceny
  9. Vandalism

CRF/SJP may deny admission to applicants; a) whose criminal activity or other habits and practices reasonably may be expected to have a detrimental effect on the community environment and/or b) whose past criminal activity if repeated could reasonably be expected to adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the community environment.


Based on adverse criminal history information gathered during the screening process CRF/SJP is entitled to rely upon when denying admission to applicants who fall within the scope of the Article. Applicants will be afforded the opportunity to prove, with the burden of proof resting with the applicant that the provisions under Section 2 do not apply to the applicant.

3-Application Process

  1. Management will accept applications from qualified applicants 62 years and older, during normal business hours.
  2. Written application must be made to be considered for residency and in person by the person who will be residing in the residence.
  3. The application must be complete and signed by the head of household; proof of identity will be required, credit references and rental history have been provided.
  4. Screening interview with the property Manager will be conducted.
  5. Assistance will be provided for those who may have difficulty completing the application.
  6. If application is rejected, applicant will be notified in writing.
  7. If the applicant rejects the offer of housing without good cause, he/she shall be taken off the waiting list and asked to reapply, therefor being placed at the end of the waiting list.


It is the policy of this company to fully comply with all Federal, State, or Local Fair Housing and Civil Rights laws and with all the equal opportunity requirements in HUD administrative procedures.

CRF/SJP will not discriminate because of race, color, sex, religion, age, handicap, familial status, disability or national origin:

  1. Deny a person the opportunity to apply for housing
  2. Restrict a person’s access to any benefit enjoyed by others in connection with the facility
  3. Provide housing which is different than that provided to others
  4. Deny a person access to the same level of service

5-Privacy policy

It is the policy of the property to guard the privacy of individuals and to ensure the protection of such individual’s record’s maintained by the property. Therefore, either the Property or its agents shall not disclose any personal information contained in its records to any person or agency unless the individual about whom the information requested has given written consent to management. The policy, however, in no way limits the Property’s ability to collect such information as it may need to determine eligibility, compute rent, or determine an applicant’s suitability for tenancy.

6-Waiting List

  1. CRF/SJP will place any eligible applicant on the waiting list provided the waiting time is less than (1) year.
  2. Applicant will be notified of being placed on waiting list.
  3. Waiting list will be closed and clearly published when the wait is too excessive (over a year) for potential residents.
  4. When the waiting list is re-opened it will also be clearly published and applicants will be taken from the list by order of receipt.