What is this program?
Thank you for your time and participation for our brave harvest Wednesday. Brave harvest Wednesday is about helping our teachers environment at our school learn about what are healthy snacks to eat on our campus on a daily basis or once a month when we come to your class with a different nutritious treats.
- Rheemy Coleman
Where are mandarin oranges grown?
Mandarins are organically grown in islands in the pristine lake region of Zhejiang, China. Dwarf mandarin trees grow up to 5 or 6 feet tall. You can grow these trees indoors anywhere that has enough light and moderate temperatures.
Source: adopted from
- Jennifer Jaimes
How much is too much Vitamin C?
Although Vitamin C is a good nutrient to have in your body, it is also not good to have too much. It is important to have Vitamin C in your everyday balanced diet. Any excess Vitamin C will be flushed out of your body simply through urine. The suggesteddaily serving is about 1 cup of Vitamin C whether it is in mandarins, oranges, or broccoli. The upper daily limit is 2,000 milligrams (mg), which won’t be too harmful if you do intake. Mega doses may cause: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, headache, or heartburn.
- Cheyenne Marmolejo
Is the mandarins they gave me exactly one serving?
Mandarins come in different sizes varying the serving size. The sizes they come in are small, medium and large. The one you got was large which 52 calories was and the serving size for a large mandarin is one or 1/2 cup tangerine, sections. So the answer to your question is yes the mandarin we gave you is exactly 1 serving size.
Source: adopted from:
-Sonia Zamora
What is a serving?
Thank You for your response! According to the Nutrition Facts Chart, a serving size is about ½ cup mandarin, sections (approx. 98 grams).
- Victoria Malcom
What would be a good food to eat before biking?
Typically before bicycling, it is advised to eat foods that are good in protein, healthy fats, high fiber veggies, fruits, and grains which will most definitely keep you energized and full before you arrive at your destined location. As for those who ride after breakfast, eat hearty foods such as breakfast burritos, or eggs and bacon, and be sure to get an orange for that main energy source (Vitamin C), what will also benefit is drinking water after your morning orange juice so it can lubricate your bones to prevent injury, and also will keep your dehydration levels at equilibrium.
Source: Adopted from:
- Hamzah Chavira
How to tell if a fruit or any type of food is GM (Genetically Modified)? Or is a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)?
Let’s start with fruit. Typically when you are going to purchase fruit, it has a little sticker on it that sticker has a number on it that determines whether or not it is GM. If the number is 4-digits long, it contains pesticides, if it is 5-digits long and begins with an 8, it is indeed a GMO, if it is 5-digits long and begins with a 9, it is organic. For further information in regards to other foods that are Genetically Modified seek the url below.
Source: Adopted from:
- Hamzah Chavira
Why is vitamin C important?
Vitamin C is important for bodily functions because it helps boost up your immune system to prevent diseases. Vitamin C also helps your cardiovascular system by absorbing intoyour blood stream and can repress the buildup of your arteries plaque to prevent heart attack.
-Abigail Villa
What’s the difference between a mandarin and an orange?
Although a mandarin and an orange are both citrus fruits and belong to the same species, they have many different characteristics, such as their smell, taste, and shape. An orange is much sweeter, and a mandarin is less sour with an easier skin peel. A mandarin is also seedless and easier to eat. An orange is of course larger making a mandarin an easier pocket carrier delicious snack! An orange is also more rounds in shape, whereas a mandarin is flatter at ends. Not only are they different in shape and taste but, also in smell, an orange has a much stronger acidic smell, and a mandarin has a soft sweet smell.
- Leticia Becerra
While Mandarins and Oranges are both high in vitamin C and are good sources of Nutrition there are still small differences. For example, one is that oranges are more rounds whereas mandarins are flatter at the end. Mandarins are also flatter in taste and easier to peel. Besides these characteristics oranges and mandarins are grown in different places, mandarins are native to Southeast China and oranges are from all tropical and subtropical parts of the world. One fun fact about mandarins is that they are actually a symbol of abundance and are given to friends and family for good fortune.
Chavon Garrett
What regrows hair?
The growth, feel, and look of your hair depends upon how well yourhair is nourished by oxygen and nutrients such as niacin or B-3, folic acid or B-9, pyridoxine or B-6, and vitamins A, C and E. Niacin or vitamin B-3 plays an important role in production of cellular energy, blood flow, and healthy functioning of your skin, hair, and digestive tract Examples of niacin-rich foods are avocado, boysenberries, dates, guava, lychee, mango, nectarines, peaches and passion fruit.
- Cyenna Garrett
How many calories does a mandarin have?
Did you know that Mandarins have up to 31 to 70 calories? Mandarins also can reduce the chance for liver cancer and breast cancer, because it’s very high on vitamin A and high level of limonene. Having cholesterol problems or know someone who has high cholesterol? Mandarins have antioxidants and also produce synephrine which constraint the production of cholesterol in the body which helps lower cholesterol.
Source: Adopted from:
The skin of the Mandarin is dotted with large and prominent oil glands, which is lightly attached around the fruit, enabling it to be easily peeled. Its thick layer of skin also makes it very easy to peel. Why peel the skin when you could just eat it? The skin of the Mandarin is used to treat abdominal distension, to enhance digestion.
Works Cited:
- Emely Suarez