Domestic Abuse of Disabled Women in Wales
Research Project
Disability Wales, Welsh Women's Aid and Glamorgan University have come together to investigate the experiences of disabled women living with domestic abuse in Wales.
The research aims to fill an almost total knowledge gap relating to a cohort of Welsh society who experience multiple discrimination and social exclusion: disabled women who have experienced, or are experiencing, domestic abuse (DA).
Disabled women can fall through the gaps of service provision, because mainstream domestic abuse services may not have the resources to deal with the specificities of abuse against disabled women, while few organisations of and for disabled people consider dealing with domestic abuse to be part of their remit. National and local policies and practices omit appropriate measures to ensure disabled women receive the right level of support at the right time. Disabled women are perceived to be less capable and an easy target by perpetrators of abuse and are therefore likely to be more vulnerable to domestic abuse, which kills two women every week in England and Wales and affects one in four women at some point during their lifetime.
Aims and objectives
A key purpose of the research is to inform, influence and make recommendations for policy and service development in Wales. We also hope to identify, examine and disseminate examples of good practice and policy across Wales, the UK and the EU.
- To examine the number of disabled women experiencing DA in Wales.
- To identify barriers that disabled women experience when seeking help and support.
- Produce short case studies allowing the voices of disabled women who have experienced DA to be heard.
- To ascertain the awareness of available DA support amongst disabled women, and to increase awareness.
If you would like to find out more about this research project and/or you are keen to contribute your own views/experiences please contact:
Miranda Evans / 029 20887325,
Hannah / 029 2039 0874 or
Marilia Angove (Researcher)
Thank you!
This is an eight month research project funded by the Welsh Assembly Government's 'New Ideas Social Research Fund'
Context and Definitions
The research will be based on the Social Model of Disability, in which disability is viewed as socially created. We are keen to hear the experiences of disabled women across all impairments - including physical or sensory impairments, learning difficulties, mental health conditions, chronic health condition and/or neurological impairment.
Social Model of Disability
The Social Model of Disability recognises that people are disabled more by poor design, inaccessible services and other people’s attitudes than by their impairment.
Welsh Women’s Aid definition of Domestic Abuse
“ the actual or threatened physical, psychological, sexual or financial abuse of a person by their partner, family member or someone with whom there is , or has been a close relationship.
Domestic abuse also relates to allowing or causing a child to witness or to be at risk of witnessing domestic abuse.”
Research Ethics Statement
The anonymity and privacy of those who participate in the research process will be guaranteed. Research participant’s data will be kept anonymous unless otherwise requested.
Research findings will be published or released in a form that would not permit the actual or potential identification of research participants without prior written consent of the participants.Other people, such as colleagues, research staff or others, given access to the data will be made aware of their obligations in this respect.
Support Services Link
If you have been affected by this research project and would like to speak with someone, a list of key Domestic Abuse Support Services can be found at the end of the questionnaire for your convenience.
Dear Research Participant,
Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this research. Your personal experience will inform policy and practices, as well as improve the effectiveness and quality of available support.
Domestic Abuse of Disabled Women in Wales – Survey
1 – In which area of Wales do you live?Please tick appropriate box
2 – Do you live in an urban or rural area? Please tick appropriate box
3 – In what accommodation do you live? Please tick appropriate box
Owner OccupierOwner Occupier with adaptations
CouncilCouncil with adaptations
Privately rentedPrivately rented with adaptations
Housing AssociationHousing Association with adaptations
Supported HousingSupported Housing with adaptations
ShelteredSheltered with adaptations
Refuge Refuge with adaptations
With RelativesWith relatives with adaptations
Other (please specify) ______
4 - Do you have children?
Yes No
5 - If Yes, How many?
1 2 3 4 56+
6 - What is theirage range? (please tick as many as apply)
0 – 23 – 56 – 11 12 – 17
7 – Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?
8 – Please state your impairment(s) - Please tick appropriate box(es)
Mental HealthLearning Difficulty
Physical or sensory impairmentChronic Health Condition
Neurological impairment
Other (please specify) ______
9 - Do you have any support or access requirements?
Yes No
10 - If Yes please specify which
BSL interpreter
Personal assistance (specify role) ______
Alternative formats for information (please specify) ______
Community Care (please specify) ______
Assisted Technology (please specify) ______
Other (please specify) ______
11 – Do you consider yourself to have ever experienced Domestic Abuse?
Yes No
12 – Have you seen or heard information about Domestic Abuse support
service(s)in any of the following? Please tick appropriate box(es)
National RadioNational PaperNational TV
Local RadioLocal PaperLocal TV
Victim SupportGP SurgeryA&E Services
Helpline WebsiteHousing ServicesMagazine
InternetOrganised events
Poster/Leaflet (please specify) ______
Local Groups (please specify)______
National Organisations (please specify) ______
Other (please specify) ______
13 – Have you ever experienced abusive behaviour as outlined below?Please
tick appropriate box(es)
About the abusive behaviour
Physical abuse (please specify) ______
examples: slapping,kicked, pushed, rough handling, forced feeding,
withholding medication
From whom have you experienced this behaviour?
Male Partner Female Partner Unpaid Carer Paid Carer
Relatives (please specify) ______
More than 1 person (please specify) ______
Other (please specify) ______
Did this person/s live with you?
Yes No
Sexual abuse (please specify) ______
examples: groping, sexual jokes, forced sex, sexual harassment
From whom have you experienced this behaviour?
Male PartnerFemale Partner Unpaid Carer Paid Carer
Relatives (please specify) ______
More than 1 person (please specify) ______
Other (please specify) ______
Did this person/s live with you?
Yes No
Verbal abuse (please specify) ______
examples: belittling, insults, accusing, interrogating, mocking impairment,
mimicking, humiliation
From whom have you experienced this behaviour?
Male Partner Female Partner Unpaid Carer Paid Carer
Relatives (please specify) ______
More than 1 person (please specify) ______
Other (please specify) ______
Did this person/s live with you?
Yes No
Financial abuse (please specify) ______
examples: withholding of access to funds, stealing, withholding/controlling of
benefits, only given an allowance
From whom have you experienced this behaviour?
Male PartnerFemale Partner Unpaid Carer Paid Carer
Relatives (please specify) ______
More than 1 person (please specify) ______
Other (please specify) ______
Did this person/s live with you?
Yes No
Psychological/Emotional abuse(please specify) ______
examples: intimidation, emotional blackmail, bullying, passive aggression,
isolation from friends and family, dependency
From whom have you experienced this behaviour?
Male Partner Female Partner Unpaid Carer Paid Carer
Relatives (please specify) ______
More than 1 person (please specify) ______
Other (please specify) ______
Did this person/s live with you?
Yes No
Other abusive behaviour(please specify) ______
From whom have you experienced this behaviour?
Male Partner Female Partner Unpaid Carer Paid Carer
Relatives (please specify) ______
More than 1 person (please specify) ______
Other (please specify) ______
Did this person/s live with you?
Yes No
14 – How long did/have you experienced this/theses behaviour/s?
Please tick appropriate box(es)
Last 1 monthLast 6 monthsLast 12 months
Last 2 yearsOver 2 yearsCan’t remember
Do not wish to say
Other (please specify) ______
15 - Are you currently experiencing this behaviour?
Yes No
16 – Who have you talked to about this: Please tick appropriate box(es)
No oneFriend
Family Member(please specify) ______
Work colleague
Doctor/Nurse (GP surgery)Doctor/Nurse (A&E services)
Legal representative/ Solicitor
Social Services (please specify) ______
Refuge organisations(please specify) ______
Disability organisations (please specify) ______
Housing Services (please specify) ______
Domestic Abuse Support Services (please specify) ______
(eg, Women’s Aid, Victim Support, Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline)
Other (please specify) ______
17 - Have you reported the incident(s) with a view to takinglegalaction:
18 – How was the abuse reported? Please tick appropriate box(es)
999 emergency numberNon-emergency number (101)
In person Through an Advocate
Phone call
SMS/text messagePrivate Counselling
Email Third party
Letter Other (please specify)______
19 – As a consequence of reporting your abuse have you:
Please tick appropriate box(es)
Separated from your partnerGot a Personal Assistant
Got an injunction against perpetratorGone into residential care
Gone into a refuge Secured an advocate
Addressed Child Protection IssuesGoneto mediation
Gone through criminal court procedure
Gone through civil court procedureMoved away from home
Made use of community transport
Had care package reassessed (please specify outcome)______
Accessed additional support (please specify) ______
Other (please specify)______
20 - What happened to the perpetrator?
NothingCharged with criminal offence
Moved out of family homeReceived an Injunction from Judge
Remained in family homeReceived a Community Order
Granted custody of childrenGranted child contact
Suspended sentenceGone onto perpetrators programme
Other (please specify) ______
Additional comments on service(s) received ______
21 – Are you likely to report any future similar abuse?
Yes, because (please specify) ______
No, because (please specify) ______
Don’t Know (please specify) ______
22 – Were there any barriers to reporting the abuse?
Please tick appropriate box(es)
Previously reported and did not get a supportive response
Didn’t think the incident(s) was Domestic Abuse
Didn’t think the incident(s) was serious enough to report
Didn’t think the matter would be taken seriously
Being dependent on abuser for vital care and support
Don’t want people to know about it
Felt ashamed
Felt alone and isolated
Felt no one would understand
Felt no one would believe me
Fear of financial hardship
Fear of losing direct payment
Fear of losing current benefits(eg DLA, ILF) (please specify)______
Lack of appropriate means of communication(please specify) ______
Lack of accessible/adapted independent transport
Fear of losing adapted home
Scared of further abuse
Scared of abuser being arrested
Scared of losing the children
Scared to have to leave my home with nowhere suitable to go
Impact on children
Need for joint care of children under 12years old
Need for joint care of children between 13 and 17 years old
Had reported incident(s)in the past and was not taken seriously
Risk of losing care and support needed
Risk of losing familiar paid/unpaid carer
Lack of accessible/adapted accommodation
Other (specify) ______
23 – Please specify which support services have you sought help from?
Please tick appropriate box(es)
Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline Victim Support
Refuge servicesWelsh Women’s Aid
Legal Representative/Solicitor
Housing Services (please specify) ______
Disability Organisation (please specify) ______
Social Services (please specify) ______
Other (please specify) ______
24 – What service(s) are you receiving?
I am being offered, ______
these service(s) will be available for a period of______
25 – What service(s)has the support organisation referred you to?
I have been referred to, ______
the service(s) are likely to be available for a period of ______
26-Service provider 1 (please state name)______
Please tick appropriate box(es)
Listen to what you had to say?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Appear to take you and the matter seriously?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Understand your impairment and the support you require?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Were your support requirements met?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Treat you respectfully?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Made the effort to understand the nature of your experience(s)?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
What is/was your level of satisfaction with the way you were treated?
(Please tick appropriate box)
Very Satisfied
Fairly Satisfied
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
Fairly Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Would you seek help from this support service(s) again?
Yes, because (please specify) ______
No, because (please specify) ______
Additional comments on the service received ______
27-Service provider 2 (please state name) ______
Listen to what you had to say?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Appear to take you and the matter seriously?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Understand your impairment and the support you require?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Were your support requirements met?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Treat you respectfully?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Made the effort to understand the nature of your experience(s)?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
What is/was your level of satisfaction with the way you were treated?
Very Satisfied
Fairly Satisfied
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
Fairly Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Would you seek help from this support service(s) again?
Yes, because (please specify) ______
No, because (please specify) ______
Additional comments on the service received ______
28-Service provider 3 (please state name) ______
Listen to what you had to say?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Appear to take you and the matter seriously?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Understand your impairment and the support you require?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Were your support requirements met?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Treat you respectfully?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Made the effort to understand the nature of your experience(s)?
Yes, fully Yes, partly No Can’t remember
Whatis/was your level of satisfaction with the way you were treated?
(Please tick appropriate box)
Very Satisfied
Fairly Satisfied
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
Fairly Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Would you seek help from this support service(s) again?
Yes, because (please specify) ______
No, because (please specify) ______
Additional comments on the service received ______
29 - Which agency(s) did you find most helpful and least helpful?
Most helpful (please specify) ______
Please state reason ______
Least helpful (please specify) ______
Please state reason ______
We look to increase awareness of support services available
30 - What information would be the most helpful to you? (Please rank by order of importance)
31 – Where would you like to access information?(Please tick appropriate
box(es) )
GP surgeryLocal group Local Library
Other (please specify) ______
32 - How would you like to access information?Please tick appropriate box(es)
Other (please specify) ______
33 – What can be done better to encourage you to report Domestic Abuse in
the future? Please rank answer by order of importance;
1= Extremely Important 2= Very Important 3= Important 4= Not Important
Greater publicity of the range of services available in case of Domestic
Abuse. (please specify order of importance)
Accessible information provided on the range of support services
available in case of Domestic Abuse (specify: braille, large print, easy read,
different languages, etc.,). (please specify order of importance)
Contact details for someone who can help
Better treatment and support after reporting the incident(s). (please specify)
Confirmation that care and support will be made available
Accessible refuge facilities. (please specify requirements)
Accessible housing facilities. (please specify requirements)
Accessible transport facilities. (please specify requirements)
Increased awareness and understanding of Disability Equality issues for
support services staff, such as police officers, doctors, nurses, housing
officers, local authority Domestic Abuse co-ordinator. (please specify which)
Increased awareness and understanding of Domestic Abuse issues amongst
disability organisations, police officers, doctors, nurses, housing officers, local
authority Domestic Abuse co-ordinator (specify which)
Other (please specify) ______
34 – Any other comments/experiences you would like to state?
About yourself
Although this information is of key importance to the research, the completion is optional
35 – What is your age group?
36 – Which best reflects your sexuality?
Prefer not to sayOther (please specify) ______
37 – Do you identify with the same gender you were assigned at birth?
38 – What is your ethnic background?Please tick appropriate box
White BritishWhite IrishWelsh
South AsianAfro-CaribbeanChinese