“The shelter in the middle of nowhere”
Adoption / Foster Application Form
Dog of interestWhere did you hear of us?
If the internet, which site?
Phone number
(land and mobile)
Email address
Date of Birth
Why do you want to adopt or foster this particular dog?
Are there any medical issues we need to consider during the matching process?
Have you previously owned a dog? If you have adopted a dog which organisation was the dog from?
Is your home: / An Apartment
House / Bungalow
Is your home: / Rented
If rented does your tenancy agreement allow you to have a dog?
How many adults live in your home?
How many children live in your home?
Please give ages
How many pets do you have?
Please give details including age
Do you work: / Full time
Part time
Not working
How many hours a day would you be away from home?
Is someone at home during the day? If so, who?
If nobody will be at home, where will the dog be kept? / In the house….specific room only, all of downstairs, all of house
In the garden
At friend/family’s houseDoggy day care
What is the name, address and telephone no. of your veterinary practice?
Where will the dog sleep at night?
When you go on holiday who will care for the dog?
Are you aware that over the course of its life a dog can get sick or have an accident? Are you prepared financially to cover the cost of vets’ bills? ______(This is for adopters only)
Do you understand that many of the dogs from Romania have no history of having lived in a home or with a family? ______
Many have been strays and have then lived in a kennel for a long period of time. It is likely that they are not house trained. They may have no obedience training. They will need patience, understanding and time to adjust to their new environment. Can you offer this? ______
Do you also understand that we often have no record of the history of the dogs or of any behavioural or medical issues they may or may not have or may develop? ______
Do you understand that the dogs we bring to the UK are ex-stray dogs and may have spent time living on the streets before they came into the shelter? ______
Many of our dogs have been the subject of abuse and harsh treatment in Romania and all adopters should be aware of this.
Thank you so much for your interest in our work.
Please e-mail this completed form f your dog is in the UK.
Please e-mail this completed form f your dog is in Romania.
Please return it to the person who emailed it to you and we will be in touch shortly.
Anyone living at the property must be present during the home check.
Registered Charity in England & Wales, Charity No 1169157