Students will focus on Jesus, the New Testament—Students are expected to attend Mass weekly and receive the Sacraments. This year is also the first of a two year program in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Throughout the year, students will read, interpret, and analyze selected readings from the Gospels and how Jesus is portrayed from a different perspective by the four Evangelists. Students will also explore the Book of Revelation, the early Church, and review Sacraments, the Liturgical Year, and formal prayers.



Finding God, Following Jesus published by Loyola Press

Anointed in the Spirit; published by St. Mary’s Press

Family Life; published by RCL Benziger

The Holy Bible


Note book, folder, pens (blue, black, red), textbook, art supplies as needed

Classroom rules:

1. Raise your hand and wait to be called on

2. Do not speak while others are speaking

3. Be in your seat and working on the opening activity when the bell rings

4. Bring all books and materials to class

5. Follow directions the first time they are given

6. Respect your teacher and your classmates

Failure to follow the rules, will result in a verbal warning. If the inappropriate behavior does not cease, you will be disciplined according to the rules of the Student Hand-book. A classroom should be a safe environment where learning is the top priority.


1. Get to class on time. Tardiness will not be accepted. You are being inconsiderate towards your teacher and your classmates, not to mention that you are cheating yourself out of valuable learning time.

2. Enter the room in an orderly fashion. Once you have arrived, please sit in your seat, take out your supplies, if there is an activity begin immediately

3. Homework should be completed before class begins. You should not be scrambling to finish it when the bell rings. Assignments that are turned in a day late will be lowered one grade level. You are held accountable for all assignments.

4. If you are absent, you are still responsible for the work that you miss. (See Absentee Policy.) Assignments are to be completed upon returning to school, if you have difficulty completing any missed assignments or preparing for missed exams due to an absent…please see me.

National Junior HONOR Society:

An average grade of “A” is required to apply for membership. Also, personal growth section must be E or SA. Any student who receives an “M” in the personal growth section of your report card will not be eligible for the NJHS.

Parent Portal:

It is the responsibility of the parent and student to review “academic grades” through Power Grade.


Performance, skills, homework, class participation, preparedness

ANY CONCERNS OR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT ME THROUGH EMAIL or call the school office (516 541-1546) and leave a message for me. I will return your call within 24 hours.