Dear Ms Anita, 26th March 2014
Your request for information has now been considered and the information requested is detailed below. Please note this constitutes the response for Children’s Services. Adult Social Services will respond under separate cover.
The response for Children’s Social Services is as follows:
IT Systems
Can you please provide the following information for Children’s social care and Children’s centres and/ or family support centres:
1. Who is the current supplier of this system:Liquidlogic Limited
2. System’s name:The Liquidlogic Children's Social Care System (LCS)
3. At what date did you start using the current system,April 2008 and what was the previous IT system?,N/A.
4. When did the contract with current supplier begin,02/01/2013 and when is it due for renewal? 01/01/2015.
5. Have you ever had other suppliers for this system? Which ones and with what systems? No.
6. Please list the modules that you have purchase Are you able to nullify the contract for specific modules (e.g. eMarket/estart)?Main application, Fostering and Adoption, No.
7. How much is the total cost of the contract p.a. (including support and maintenance)? £54,386.55
8. Do you use any other IT systems (such as Agresso) to discharge Social Care responsibility/ If so please list the software application/ applications being used.
Licences – re: Liquidlogic
How many licenses are you currently paying for? One licence for the LCS application
How much is the total cost of the contract p.a. (including support and maintenance)?
Computer Hardware
IF you have changed the social care IT system, what changes were needed to hardware, please explain what was the existing hardware and what was the changes needed. If you did not make any changes to the hardware then please list what hardware you have in place.
What was the overall cost of hardware? N/A
Mobile Working N/A
What system/ technology do you use for mobile working? None.
Data Migration N/A
If you have changed your Social Care IT system recently, can you please comment on any difficulty encountered with Data Migration? N/A
Question 8 – other systems used:
Annual Maintenance for the Tribal modules will change from April:
The Cost for Support and Maintenance (for April 2014 – March 2015) on the different modules is:- The Central Pupil Database (CPDB):
£8,221 PSS (Education Welfare)
£2,260 LLPG (Address and Mapping)
£2,646 Reporting Models
£18,778 Systalk (inc. IDEAR, Synergy Administrator and System Manager)
£11,597 SEN (Special Educational Needs)
£26,192 A&T (Admissions and Transfers inc. EDEM and SAM)
£2,060 FIS Finance (Family Information Service)
£1,695 FSMB (Free School Meals and Benefits)
Sub Total - £73,449
Connect (Children Centre Software hosted by Tribal):
£14,532 Connect
Total - £87,981
This response has been approved by Peter Shephard, Chief Learning and School Improvement Officer and John O’Keefe, Chief Education Planning and Resources Officer. Please contact us if you have any queries or concerns.
If you are unhappy with theoutcomeof your request, you may ask for an internal review within 20 working days of the date of this response. Please contact the Information Officer at or Town Hall, PO Box 2, High Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1DD who will arrange an internal review of your case.
If you have a complaint about thehandling of your enquirythen please contact the Information Officer within 20 working days of the date of this response at London Borough of Redbridge, Town Hall, PO Box 2, High Road, Ilford, Essex, telephone 0208 708 2331, e-mail . If you consider the outcome of the London Borough of Redbridge’s complaints procedure is not satisfactory you also have a right of appeal to the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone:01625 545 700
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Freedom of Information Coordinator, Children’s Trust
London Borough of Redbridge