Complete this form & return it with the building permit application
The following is the minimum information that is required to be submitted for a building permit application.
Whilst the information required might seem excessive, please note that it is the Relevant Building Surveyors (RBS) responsibility to ensure that the application contains sufficient information to determine compliance with the Building Act and Regulations. It is not appropriate for the RBS to “mark-up” plans or accept notes on plans that are too general.
Where the RBS is not satisfied that the appropriate information has been provided they must not issue the building permit and should request further information.
Have you checked with the relevant officers if you require a Planning approval? (Note; where required, a building permit cannot be issued until a Planning Permit has have been approved).
- Completed application form (Form1) signed & dated
- Copy of Certificate of Title
- (Owner Builders) a Certificate of consent from the Building Practitioners Board to act as an owner builder if the value of work exceeds $12,000
(Original document to be provided)
- (Registered Builders only) A Certificate of Insurance under the Domestic Building Contracts Act for domestic building work exceeding $12,000 in value, constructed by Registered Building Practitioners
(Original document to be provided)
3 copies of the following:
- An outline and a description of the building or part of the building to be demolished.
- The volume of the existing building and the volume of the part/s to be demolished.
- Asite plan to a scale of not less than 1:500, showing the location of;
a)the building in relation to the boundaries of the allotment and adjoining buildings; and
b)other buildings on the allotment; and
c)streets, footpaths or crossings adjoining the allotment
- If only a part of the building is to be demolished or removed, computations or other information to show that the remainder of the building will comply with the Act and Regulations either as it remains after the proposed demolition or after other works are undertaken.
- Information showing the position and description of hoardings, allotment boundaries, barricades, temporary crossings, protective awnings and outriggers.
- A written description of the demolition or removal procedure.
- Evidence that the demolisher has the necessary knowledge, experience, equipment and storage facilities to properly conduct the demolition operations. (Complete attached information)
Reg 607 of the Building Regulations 2006
To: MunicipalBuilding Surveyor- Alpine Shire Council
Insurance details
Name of insurance company ______
Policy number expiry date ______
Demolition supervision;
I or my experienced foreman (name) ______
Protection of the public
The following precautions shall be taken to ensure the safety of the public using the street.
I consider the following is satisfactory evidence that I have the necessary knowledge of the demolition operations.
(a)Experience (type of;)______
(b)Experience (number of years experience):______
(c)Equipment and Protection: ______
(d)Storage: ______